Today we speak with Nicholas Amorebella, a freshman accounting major from Woolwich Twp., Gloucester County. Nick shares his #PROFspective with us on how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof and a co-leader of the Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity interest group, which plans to re-colonize on campus fall 2017.
Name: Nicholas Amorebella
Major: Accounting within the Rohrer College of Business
Minor: Don’t know yet!
Year: Freshman
Hometown and County: Woolwich Township, NJ (Gloucester County)
Commuter: Yes
Social clubs: Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, reactivation chapter co-leader (scheduled to re-colonize fall 2017)
Do you have an off-campus job? I’m a lifeguard during the summer at Peachwood Recreational Club.
Why did you choose your major? I thought that accounting is practical, offers good pay and a variety of career paths.
One reason why you chose Rowan? Close and affordable and a great university to go to!
My Typical Day as a Rowan Student
Mondays are the longest and busiest days for me. My day starts with my alarm clock going off at around 9:00 am … well, really it starts anywhere between 9:00 a.m and 10:00 a.m and goes to whenever I stop hitting the snooze button. This semester I made sure I did not pick any 8:00 a.m. classes. Last semester I had one every Monday and Wednesday. It’s not that I don’t mind waking up early, it’s just after awhile you really do start hating it. The only benefit of actually having an 8:00 a.m. class is that you get the class out of your way and have the rest of your day to yourself and you can almost park anywhere on campus that you want.
I am a commuter so when I wake up I do the basic morning things: eat breakfast, brush my teeth, etc., and I hop in my car and drive 20 minutes down 322 and then all I have to do is find parking. You might have heard that Rowan has a parking problem. I am not going to tell you my secrets on the matter, but trust me there are always open parking spots on campus. Just go to a different parking lot each day and you’ll find a routine that works for you.
My first class of the day is a general education College Composition class from 11 to 12:15, but my professor normally lets us out a little early. The class is naturally dry and the content is a little boring to me, since I’m an accounting major, but the professor tries his best to keep our attention and incorporates a common interest of movies that he shares with most of the class. About 5 hours later, at 5:00 p.m., I start my Western Civilization class. It’s a fun class if you like to learn about history.
I enjoy having five hours of free time in between my day class and my first night class. It forces me to do my schoolwork while still on campus. I also spend time with my friends, hanging out in their dorms or meeting up at the Student Center. This time also gives me a chance to catch up on emails and to work on the fraternity that my friends and I are reactivating on campus, Alpha Phi Delta.
My last class of the night is Italian from 8:00 to 9:15 p.m. I took three years of Italian in high school, so the content of the course comes pretty naturally to me. I enjoy learning the language and learning more about the culture.

Now the story with Alpha Phi Delta is this: my (real-life) brother is part of the fraternity at another New Jersey chapter and wanted me to start it here. He wanted me to have the same opportunities that he has with the fraternity and the same kind of brotherhood that the fraternity helped him create with some of his now closest friends. I told a few of my friends and, after awhile, we realized we could really do this. I contacted a national officer from the fraternity, talked on the phone with a past president of Alpha Phi Delta who is now a CEO of a company, and met with Rowan’s Coordinator Greek Affairs. Since Alpha Phi Delta had a chapter here from 1978 until the late 1990s, there’s already a strong history and a sense of brotherhood here that we are reactivating.
One semester later my friends and I, some who are local to the area that I have known almost my whole life and some who I met throughout my time here at Rowan, were sitting in a room filled with alumni, two national officers, and current undergraduate brothers from countless colleges and universities — some even traveling from 3 hours away. The reason: to give us the same opportunities and sense brotherhood that they have. We were part of something that was bigger than ourselves, something that so many people have wanted to see happen for a very long time.
So far Rowan has given me amazing opportunities to build my career. Even though I am only a freshman, I have already started to talk to employers. Last semester, I attended the Accounting and Finance Expo where there were more than 60 companies. It gave me a good idea of what I wanted to do with my future accounting degree after talking to countless representatives from each company. The Accounting and Finance Expo is just the start. Rowan University really wants to see you succeed in your career and they give you numerous opportunities to do so. For example, I have attended some of the workshops hosted by the Rohrer College of Business to help build my resume and make me more marketable to employers.
We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here.
Story organized and photography by:
Jen Green, senior public relations major