Rowan University Social Media Seeks Student Workers

Student stands holding a DSLR camera, taking a photo.

Award-Winning Social Team Seeks Students For Experiential Learning Opportunities On Rowan’s Glassboro Campus Be creative. Be dynamic. Be a part of Rowan University’s social media team. With paid student worker positions available within both content creation and social media community monitoring, gain the experience you need to propel your post-graduation career forward with a well-rounded […]

Neurodiversity Student Government Representative Advocates for Autism Awareness and Education

A close up of Heather as she sits smiling at Robinson Circle on Rowan University's campus.

One Rowan University Student Breaks Down Barriers All Year Round, Not Just During Awareness Months In 1997, sociologist Judy Singer introduced a new terminology to the world of science/medical world called neurodiversity, which is a concept that helps those to understand that there are varied ways that each person’s brain processes information, functions, and presents […]

Behind the Lens: Our Favorite Summer Shots

Dramatic sunset photo over the athletic field with the marching band on the field at Rowan University.

We’re lonely in the summer without you, Profs. Welcome home! Here are our photographers’ and videographers’ favorite shots, stories and moments from this summer:

Four Rowan University alumni stand holding a Rowan flag on a rock in Delta Lake in the Grand Tetons.
#RowanEverywhere, a few Rowan alumni shared this pic with us from Delta Lake in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Go Profs!
Rowan University marching band with a dramatic sunset behind the drum.
Introducing Pride of the Profs, Rowan’s new marching band. This no-filter sunset was from just last night.
Three Rowan University students work in the community garden.
Fighting food insecurity with homegrown produce, the Community Garden is for all! They donated 75 pounds of produce to the on campus food pantry, The Shop, this summer. Story here.
A Rowan University student engrossed in work, with a line of toy dinosaurs in front of him.
Dinosaurs aren’t just for kids. In this story and video on the class Breathing Life Into Fossils, Thomas talks about paleoart.
A Rowan University faculty and student work in a blueberry field for research.
Blueberry fields forever … using math to predict crop yields for farmers, this video highlights hands-on student research.
A full half-circle rainbow over Engineering Hall at Rowan University.
Rainbows for dayssssss after summer storms behind Engineering Hall and Rowan Hall. (Notice the reflection creating a full-circle rainbow.)
A Rowan student wraps each of his arms around one parent and pulls them in for a hug.
How adorable is this family? We’re launching a parent portal with helpful info for new college parents, and a Rowan blog series just for parents and families.
A Rowan University student intern at NASA standing with his arms folded across his chest with the NASA building behind him.
It isn’t rocket science … until it is. Benjamin landed an internship with NASA and our team traveled to Washington, DC to put together this video on his experience. How cool is that?
Bunce Hall at Rowan University with the 100 banner in between each column to celebrate the university's centennial.
Celebrating Rowan’s centennial. Happy 100th birthday to us!

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PRIDE: One Man Finds His Sense of Identity Through the Rowan Community

Kayden crouches next to a large tree.

Today, we feature Kayden Heinz (he/his), a rising junior Writing Arts major. We strive to amplify all student voices, all year-round. To be featured, please contact rowanblog [at] 

Kayden discusses how Rowan has helped him to find his new sense of identity and community amongst those on campus. He also goes into how we as a campus community could break the current stigmas as well as improve class dynamics here at Rowan University for the LGBTQ+ community to make sure all students who identify as any pronoun, gender or orientation feel welcome and inclusive. 

Tell me how does Pride represent you and your story?

I’m transgender who identifies as a man. So I’ve related and connected with a lot of trans masculine men, especially because I know a lot of the people who I know personally have kind of questioned themselves as far as their sexual orientation as well, to which I relate back to the most in the reflection of my own journey. So that intersected with my question on which gender I preferred to date as well. There’s the transgender and bisexual experience that a lot of people with the same way of identifying all have in common. There are some differences, but at the end of the day Pride and what it stands for and the history behind that word of Pride that all makes us all as a community stand together and relate to each other.

Within some households, some of their children grow up in certain environments to which they are molded to not accept an another way of lifestyle that is out of the norm from what certain parents teaches us. Could you explain to me how the emotional process you experienced within yourself and your environment during the time of when you were still trying to identify who you truly were?  

For me it was very hard to come to terms with my sexuality because on both sides of my family I was the first granddaughter, so my femininity and birth was celebrated. For example whenever I showed up to family gatherings, my family would be like “Oh finally, the girl is here!” So on my end, I was going against what I knew my family was expecting and wanting out of me and just figuring it out. I kind of felt placed into a box, where even when I was still identifying as she/her I personally felt like I did not fit into that box. I was always kind of tomboyish, so I always felt like no matter what I was never what they were expecting.

A portrait of Kayden as he stands in front of a brick wall.

Do you personally feel like the best acceptance is self acceptance and the acceptance within your community? Or having the the acceptance of those around you in your community but also close loved ones? 

I feel like because that box [of gender] was established, stepping out of it almost made me feel like I would be a disappointment to those people closest to me. I felt like I was almost leaving behind who they thought I was due to the fact that was the number one characteristic that they knew about me was my sex and almost stepping out of that was just kind of where I questioned to myself: where do I go from there? As someone who has just recently come out, I’ve learnt to basically take everything one step at a time and I’m not trying to push myself to do everything all at once, and carry out my journey by taking baby steps when it comes to my new sexuality and I genuinely wanna protect my mental health and that’s my main priority as of right now. I think it’s really important to find your community that will support you, because you could only accept and love yourself so much if everyone around you is telling you who you are is wrong. Most queer youth grow up in communities that are telling them that they are wrong, and their sexuality or gender is taboo. So I stress the importance of finding that community who supports you as you go through the tough times of not only figuring out who you are, but also what you are.

Kayden sits on a couch with his reflection showing in a mirror.

What are a few stigmas within your community that you want to share a message about, on campus or within society today?

Transmen could be feminine, and transwomen could be masculine. Makeup and dresses does not make or break what your gender is; it’s what you feel on the inside and not how you present yourself and if you’re not able to present yourself in the way that you want to quite yet then that’s completely okay. There are many resources on campus, but the most important thing is to always have a sense of safety when it comes to disclosing your identity as well, especially if you know if you are in an environment where you know it’s not safe to come out.

How do you personally feel about the LGBTQ+ community here on campus, and do you feel as though you are being seen and heard across all departments here on campus? If not how could they personally do more to make all feel welcomed and accepted?

Before I was a Writing Arts major, I used to be another major in a STEM field. So being able to experience both class dynamics between both majors, I couldn’t help but to notice the difference between the approaches when it comes to the discussions about the LGBTQ+ community. In the classes I previously took, I noticed less of a range of discussion on the topic at hand – it was more of a binary male versus female, to where I found in the writing classes it’s more of a welcoming approach of them genuinely wanting to learn more of what do you identify as, pronouns, and preferred name – which to me is showcasing on how they could make you feel comfortable and heard. There are many clubs and organizations like PRISM, that you could join as well as events being hosted where you could find others within the community. There are also very supporting resources on campus as well like the Wellness Center, for an example for those who identify as transgender there is a group therapy program as well as a therapist who directly works with the group for those who prefer more of a one-on-one session.

Kayden sits for a portrait.

Describe to me your first year experience on campus as a transgender man compared to now – what were your challenges and setbacks and what were the moments in which you thrived. 

When I first started here at Rowan University, I identified myself with a different name and was previously using they/them pronouns and was living as more of non-binary person. I was very overwhelmed with college after doing online school for two years due to the pandemic. I had a bunch of things lined up for myself like working a part time job. Also, at the time, I signed up for the transgender group therapy here at Rowan, to which I personally found to be really helpful because Rowan offered a space for me to really express on how I was truly feeling about my gender that I did not feel necessarily comfortable talking about with who I was living with and also due to the fact that I sort of distanced myself from my previous friend group. So I felt the strong need to find that community that I knew would support me.

If you could give any advice to a student now or any incoming first year student who is currently figuring out their identity of who they are, what would it be and why? 

As much as the thought of this could be absolutely terrifying, you have to start firstly by attending events on campus or even within the Glassboro community. Social media also plays a big part as well, with people speaking about their own experiences. That’s where I personally figured out when I was transgender due to self-questioning my own identity and why I was feeling that way about myself. I also did my own research to help me to finally place a label on why I felt how I felt or questioning who I truly was. As someone who suffers from social anxiety, I kind of felt comfortable seeing other people’s authentic life’s through themselves before I could do the same for me as well. I strongly suggest taking baby steps, before you fully could be loud and proud with your identity for yourself personally as well on campus.

Kayden stands cross armed leaning against a tree.

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Story by: Tatiana Retamar, rising senior journalism major 
Photos by: Valentina Giannattasio, rising junior dance and marketing double major

Past Student Government President’s Mom Shares Insight on Transitioning to Parenting a College Student

Paige and her mom walking down Rowan Boulevard.

Today we hear from Lori Bathurst, a Rowan mom from Gloucester County, NJ. Lori’s daughter Paige will enter her senior year this fall as a supply chain and logistics major through the Rohrer College of Business, and holds the distinction of being a past president of Student Government Association (SGA). 

As an experienced Rowan parent, Lori shares her thoughts and insight to help new Rowan University parents as they navigate the transition from parenting a child at home to parenting a young adult embarking on their college experience. 

Paige sits formally on a rock ledge with pink flowers around her.
Paige, as a pre-first year student, visiting campus.

What are some first year essentials parents should know about what to bring, if their student is living on campus?

As a result of the pandemic, Paige moved on to campus as a sophomore and lived in an apartment her first year. Some items she utilized that were helpful was a foam mattress topper to help make her bed extra comfortable, along with a variety of pillows since dorm beds are beds and sofas depending on the time of the day. I think clever storage containers to help stay organized are extremely helpful. A drying rack for extra space for towels was something she needed once she was used to living on campus. Ikea was a great place for shopping. Target and Amazon were both very useful. If a student is staying in an apartment, it would be wise to start with basic kitchen items before shopping, instead of shopping as if the students will be cooking gourmet meals. Once they are settled in their apartment, they’ll discover if they need additional kitchen items depending on how much they actually cook.

How involved were you in facilitating a relationship between your student and their roommate, if at all? How involved were you in the decorating process?

I was not involved in facilitating identifying a roommate or determining a decorating process. That’s best left to the Rowan student as they discover themself.

Paige and her mom stand on Rowan Blvd.

How did you adjust to an ’empty nest’? How did you manage the emotions of drop off/move in?

Paige has younger twin brothers so we didn’t have to adjust to an ’empty nest’. Rowan was the perfect fit for Paige because she is close to her brothers and us, along with our extended family who all live in Gloucester County. She was able to live on campus and do her college thing, while connecting with her family when there was a special occasion or holiday. Her brothers were freshmen when she was a senior in high school so they experienced Spring 2020 together. She supported them through their high school careers and always made it a point to attend a marching band competition, fall play or spring musical performance, or tennis match at some point during the year to cheer them on like they had cheered her on during high school. As Paige’s parents, we are grateful that Rowan allows her to explore so many different avenues while still being able to easily connect with home when she was able. We also loved that we could attend events on campus when asked because she was nearby.

What is your stance on home visits? Do you limit them, to nudge your student toward making the most of the on campus experience?

We didn’t need to limit them because Paige wasn’t interest in staying at our house for entire weekends when she moved onto campus. She makes the most of her on campus experience by getting involved in a variety of activities so her schedule is always pretty filled outside of her class meetings. I think if my child was leaning toward coming home for entire weekends frequently in the beginning, I would encourage my child to try to commit to staying on campus during the weekends. The way I would do this would be to support them in finding out which activities are sponsored for the weekend. The first way a parent can do this is by encouraging them to check out Rowan After Hours (RAH) which sponsors activities at the Student Center on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 9 pm-1 am. The activities are student-centered, change daily, and are designed to be no pressure and fun. Your student could invite another student they met in a class, in their dorm, or in a club to go to a RAH event and see how they like it. There are also special events at Wilson Hall, plenty of athletic programs, the Recreation Center, and annual events like Homecoming and Hollybash. These are all good reasons to stay on campus more often during the school year. There are so many ways to get involved and make connections. If a student goes home too often, they might not get to fully experience these events, which will really help them balance their challenging coursework with a the reward of developing relationships with others and getting involved with their community.

Paige stands confidently with her arm on the rail behind Business Hall.

How did you support your student through homesickness?

Our family lives close enough to campus that it was probably hard to imagine our student feeling “homesick.” If that did happen, however, I would probably use some of the following strategies – send encouraging texts at different times during the day, have a set time or times to check in during the week with different formats – maybe a phone call, FaceTime, or Zoom. I would do this a couple times a week if needed, but I would work with my student to set a schedule ahead of time that meets his or her needs. It would be beneficial to not be having check-ins every day, but instead to help them be able to stretch them out. Maybe once a day, if they are struggling at first, and then move to every other day, then to every three days , and so on to help them become more independent. If they are living on Rowan’s campus, approaching their Community Assistant would be a great step because the Community Assistant can share some strategies for coping with homesickness and share some activity ideas to help them get more involved and feel more connected with campus activities. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities on campus and that’s always a great way to meet new people and to do something that helps you feel good and stay busy resulting in less homesickness.

How did you support your student through illness and/or mental health needs?

Teach your child that the Health Center and Counseling Center are their resources that are there to help them. When they are ill, they can visit the Health Center before urgent care or the emergency room depending on the severity of their illness and the hour of the day. The counseling center provides a variety of services and the counselors are interacting with many other students who are experiencing similar challenges. The counselors are specially trained to help them. Students should follow their gut, and reach out for help when that’s needed – to a friend, professor, community assistant, doctor at the health center or counselor at the counseling center, etc. Let them know that you will always be there to support them and that you always hope for open, transparent communication so they don’t have to be afraid of letting you know if they are struggling. Make sure they know about the 988 Crisis & Suicide Hotline that operates nationally. Additionally, there is a pet therapy facility on campus. There are spirituality and religious services available on campus. There are multiple religious affiliations in Glassboro and surrounding towns eager to support Rowan students. No matter the physical illness or mental health need, there are services available. Always reach out when help is needed.

An over the shoulder shot of Paige and her mom.

How do you balance fostering independence vs. safety concerns – aka, do you require check-ins with parents? What’s your stance on Life360?

We don’t have Life360 on our phones. We can track through our phones to see where a phone is, but we recognize it’s possible for young people to disable that feature. We have talked to our daughter via text, phone, or FaceTime a couple times a week throughout her time at Rowan. She also attends special events with us because we live so near to the campus. I personally think it’s healthy to give more freedom and independence to our young people. Thinking back to when we were kids, our parents couldn’t track us, check our grades online, etc. They trusted us to be responsible and tell the truth. For the most part, young people do that. It’s natural that they might be leaving “a small part” out of the story as they grow and mature. Parents know their students best and should follow the students lead to a certain degree. Determine where the happy place is for your relationship between safety and independence. Have the conversations early and often and make sure you are on the same page. Regular, clear communication early and often can help prevent a feeling of being caught off guard later on.

How do you approach spending money – is your student 100% on their own for ‘fun money’? Did you nudge your student to get a job locally or on campus? Did you prepare your student for budgeting?

Our student has a job on campus for spending money. That money is her budget to use for things that she wants or thinks she needs. She has worked really hard obtaining scholarships and works as a community assistant to cover her room and board. My husband and I gave her a car, pay for its insurance, and maintenance. We pay for medical insurance and cover all medical costs. We help toward the cost of travel, some purchases, and some things that are unexpected. When she is with us meals are covered, tickets to events, etc. If she is going out with friends to events, she typically covers those costs herself. Occasionally, I look over her spending to make sure it’s reasonable. She has a savings account and an account for her bank card. It’s good to obtain a credit card in the latter half of college to begin to establish credit.

Paige sits on Bunce Hall's marble steps.

What is your stance on grades – do you ask your student to show you their grades, or do you log into their Canvas yourself for updates? Why does your approach work for you?

We verbally check in with our student about grades a couple times a semester. She usually shows her grades to us after semesters, but we haven’t always been formal about that step. We have never logged onto Canvas ourselves to check her grades. Again, when I was a student at Rowan, our grades came in the mail. I would open the envelope and share my grades with my parents because I was proud of my hard work not because I had to. My parents gave me a thousand dollars toward college, but other than that I paid for my college education by working throughout the four years and choosing to commute. I never could have done it by myself if my parents didn’t allow me to live at home rent free and help me out if I had an emergency with an unexpected cost. Our goal for our children is that they will do the right thing due to their internal motivation, not fully as a result of their external motivation centered on me.

What conversations did you have around safety and socializing before your student started college?

We have talked about our hopes and expectations surrounding drugs and alcohol. We discuss sexual relationships and safety on campus. Sadly, gun violence prevention and response is a conversation that parents have to have with their young person. Students should review the safety resources with their community assistants and ask additional questions when they have them. Parents can sign up for a texting service to let you know if a safety or security concern has occurred on campus. Mental health discussions should also be part of the conversations you have this summer before arriving on campus. If your child responds that they are fine and don’t need the information when you bring it up this summer, tell them it’s okay, you still want to talk because it might be something they remember in the future when they need some help and might be a conversation they can refer back to when they are trying to help another person.

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What is Rowan Boulevard?

Rowan Boulevard at Rowan University as seen from Town Square.

Grab a bite or go somewhere fun with friends at Rowan Boulevard, Glassboro’s downtown area at the edge of Rowan University’s campus. Rowan Boulevard is a one-third mile strip built to reinvent downtown for students and area residents. In 2000, visions for Rowan Boulevard began, but it wasn’t until 2008 that construction really launched. We’d […]

According to Karen: Advice for High School Seniors

Karen and her friends.

Today we feature Karen Lee, a junior marketing major with a minor in strategic communication. Karen is from Edison, NJ (Middlesex County), lives on campus in the Townhouses and is public relations chair of the Animal Advocacy Club. Karen shares her experiences with us today to help future students.  On graduating college early: I didn’t […]

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Early Childhood Education Major Jordyn Briner

Upward view of white blossoms on a tree and a clear sky with puffy white clouds.

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Jordyn Briner, a transfer from Rowan College at Burlington County. Jordyn is a junior early childhood education major who commutes to campus from her home in Burlington Township, NJ (Burlington County).

Jordyn Briner selfie shows her smiling and wearing glasses.

One moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you? 

In high school, I always wanted to be a Special Education Teacher, when I went off to college I wasn’t 100% confident in my choice. So I decided to major in 3 different programs for an associate degree. I began working in a Special Services school my sophomore year of college. I loved the job, coworkers and the children. Seeing the strides the children would make and seeing how you made a difference in their lives really helped me see I chose the right path all along. 

Why did you choose Rowan?

My mother attended Rowan when it was called Glassboro State. She loved it when she attended, and I thought I would too. Since working full- and part-time, the commute is much easier. 45 minutes to commute is long due to traffic but I really couldn’t see myself going anywhere other than Rowan. Its education program was highly spoken of and was known for having one of the best education programs. 

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?​

I’m looking forward to my last couple of field placements and eventually my clinical practice. Next year, will be my last year at Rowan (as an undergrad, will be attending for graduate). I also look forward to their on-campus workshops, activities, and events. 

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Beyond the Classroom: Future Teacher’s Clinical Practice Radically Changes Due to COVID-19

Stock image of a teacher's bookshelf

Today’s “Beyond the Classroom” features Tabitha Dougherty, a recent Rowan graduate. She majored in both elementary education and liberal studies to learn more about her “other passions of history and geography.” From Gloucester City, NJ (Camden County), Tabitha transferred from Camden County College after a career change to enter into the teaching profession. In her words, she shares how the pandemic altered her student teaching year — called a clinical practice — and how she plans to grow from the experience.

Tabitha stands with other teacher candidates dressed in costumes for Read Across America.
Tabitha Dougherty (far right) at the school where she was a teacher candidate right before COVID-19 forced the school to close and move to remote learning.

I began my journey in education about five years ago. I worked at a call center as a team leader that managed a group of about seven. I realized how much I enjoyed the teaching aspect of this position and made the decision to leave my career behind to further my education into teaching.

Each education class I took connected me with field work. The first few semesters were observations of various schools, where I saw how teachers of differing backgrounds worked within the schools and their classrooms. 

Student teachers now participate in a year-long clinical practice. This entails two full days a week in semester one and five full days a week during semester two. In both semesters, it is the teacher candidate’s responsibility to fully immerse themselves in the classroom environment by getting to know the cooperating teacher, the students, the daily routine and what it is really like to be a teacher. If you begin this year long teaching practice in the fall, you get the added benefit of having the same students all year long. 

This is the part of the program where you really begin to find out if this is your calling, and for me it is where I discovered that the passion I have to become a teacher is much deeper than I could have ever imagined. My passion is seeing all students succeed and finding different ways in which you can change things around to ensure that every single child gets the same opportunity.

Clinical practice is not easy, nor for the faint of heart, but it is the most rewarding thing I have ever been a part of, and it’s what solidified for me that I made the right career choice. It is my forever choice.

Sadly, my clinical practice was cut short due to the current pandemic. As of [mid-March], I have not been at the school I was assigned and have only been able to see the students through Zoom twice. I was able to create a video of myself reading a story using an interactive program on the Portal by Facebook called Story Time. My cooperating teacher shared this video with the students through their parents’ email.

The current situation really opened my eyes to the lack of technology that some school districts have. The school district I am in did not have a plan set in place for online learning and provided each student with a 10-day paper packet in the hopes it would only be a two-week shutdown. 

Stock image of a girl working on a school paper

We now know it has gone on longer than two weeks, and now some students, those with technology at home, are being directed to websites to complete activities that coincide with the standards of their grade level. Since not all students have access to a laptop, computer, or tablet, the district cannot require that all students participate in online learning. This is where the students are getting the short end of the stick and where teachers will be very busy, to put it mildly, next year.

I am hoping that students will come through this stronger than ever and ready to learn, but more importantly, I am hopeful that school districts are looking into a curriculum that is heavier in the use of technology and providing that technology to each student for online learning in the event something like this happens again.

What I take away from this is, I will be making sure that all of my lessons will be available for students online not only in the event of an emergency, but for them to review at home when needed. Not only is the use of technology important for situations such as our current pandemic, but it is the way of the future and plays to multiple levels of intelligence depending on the programs used. 

I have never been more motivated to be a teacher and look forward to working in a new era of learning.

Exterior shot of James Hall, home of the College of Education
James Hall, home of Rowan’s College of Education

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Photos courtesy of:
Tabitha Dougherty, Pexels, Unsplash

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Globe Trotter Molly Worek

Molly about to jump out of an airplane.

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Molly Worek, a transfer from Bloomsburg University and Rowan College of Gloucester County (RCGC). Molly is a CADP English accelerated to master’s in teaching major. She holds a CUGS (certificate of undergraduate studies) in Japanese, a minor in international studies and is also pursuing Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language certificate through another entity. She earned an associate degree in English from RCGC. Wrapping up her junior year, Molly lives at home in Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County) and commutes to Rowan. 

Molly about to jump out of an airplane.
Yes, I’ve “jumped out of perfectly good airplanes.”

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

One moment, among many, that made me feel inspired and confident that I was in the right field for me was when I realized that on more than one occasion I actually taught my professors something new. I realized that if I could teach my professor, I could teach anybody. It was a huge confidence boost. Inspiration drove my determination to teach someone, anyone, something new every day. If I could teach someone every day, intentionally or not, then I am a teacher not just in the classroom, but anywhere I go.  

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

The most interesting thing I have learned in my major this year is in Dr. Cindy Vitto’s course, Chaucer. There is not one thing I can specifically choose to be most interesting, as this course and its professor are simply amazing. (And yes, I have taken Dr. Vitto before, and will do so every chance I get!)

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because it was only 10 minutes from home, has an excellent teaching program, offers Japanese, and has an equestrian team. Rowan was also an affordable option for me. I hope to graduate without any debt to enable me to move directly into my career overseas. My choice to transfer to Rowan has also enabled me to be inducted into several national and international honor societies related to my new major including the Golden Key Society, Pi Lambda Theta, Sigma Iota Rho, and Tau Sigma.

Molly dressed in traditional Japanese clothing.
2018 Gotemba-shizuoka, Japan -I lived there for 3 months learning culture, language, teaching horseback riding, working and riding with Okamoto Riding Club, and acting as an ambassador for my county and school.

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?

Next year at Rowan, I am most looking forward to my field hours teaching in schools: interacting with students, making lesson plans, learning from other teachers, and making a difference in the lives of those I influence. I am also looking forward to the possibility of studying abroad in Japan or Europe. My current goal is to teach English as a foreign or second language in Japan at the high school level! I plan to move to Japan in 2022 after graduation, and once there, I will consider obtaining my doctorate and teach at the university level.

Molly sitting on a horse.I also look forward to the fall season of the Equestrian Team as our spring season was cut short. Traveling to other universities and gaining points towards zones, regionals, and then nationals is incredibly exciting, and hard work! The hours we put in on top of our studies to fine tune our riding and participate in team activities is well worth it. Outside of Rowan, I look forward to representing my school, state, and nonprofit platform as Miss USA Petite New Jersey!

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TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Elementary Education/Literacy Studies Major Samantha Shralow

View of James Hall, the education building, with purple flowers in the foreground.

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Samantha Shralow, a junior transfer from Camden County College. Samantha is an elementary education and literacy studies major who commutes to campus from her home in Marlton, NJ (Burlington County).

Samantha sits criss cross apple sauce in front of blooming tulips, laughing.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

Since I have transferred to Rowan, I have felt super confident that I am in the right field. Ever since I was a kid, I have wanted to become a teacher and now that I am taking the steps and am close to fulfilling my goals, I feel very inspired and confident that I can make a positive change in students’ lives. All of my professors at Rowan have been great and truly practice what they preach to make school a positive and enriching experience. They have inspired me to impact others’ lives like they have impacted mine. 

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because many of my friends have graduated from Rowan and have only said good things, so I decided to apply. Rowan was the only school I had applied to, so it was all or nothing for me. Rowan also has a great education program and many graduates I know have become successful teachers. 

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?

I am really excited to start my student teaching next year. I am looking forward to developing relationships with students and helping them in any way I can. This will be the first time that I am actually creating lesson plans and teaching students, so I am really excited to have the opportunity to learn from it! 

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Story by:
Samantha Shralow, junior elementary education and literacy studies major

Senior Reflects On Finding Herself

A newly blooming white flower tree stems with white clouds behind it.

Today we feature Rumaysa Asim, a senior graduating with a bachelor’s in psychology with a Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Japanese. She completed her Rowan career as a commuter, but previously lived on campus. Rumaysa’s hometown is Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County.)

Rumaysa stands in front of a tree.

What are some of your favorite social memories of your time at Rowan?
My favorite social memory was going to the Office of Social Justice after my classes. At first I was on a pre-med track and I struggled a lot in those courses. The Office of Social Justice was my safe space and a well needed break from these difficult classes. Though I did my work there, I especially enjoyed talking with the staff. They empowered me to be myself and to talk about the issues that I was facing as a minority. I further went on to execute ideas I had for different events such as a fundraiser and I created a program with the Office of Social Justice as a resident assistant. In my early years at Rowan I had struggled with my identity. I felt empowered in the space the Office of Social Justice made for me, and because of this I became more confident and proud of my identity. It was also a great stepping stone for me as it encouraged me to get involved in other programs as well. 

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite memory with a faculty member was being in my Composition 2 class. My professor gave us the opportunity to pick any topic we wanted for our assignments. As someone who lacked representation while growing up I wanted to research it more and present it to my class. I was feeling a bit nervous about it because it can sometimes come off as controversial however, when I discussed it with my professor he encouraged me to continue with the topic as it was interesting and provided a new perspective. He also encouraged my class to research and present topics that we were passionate about no matter how “controversial” they were. I really liked this as it made me feel as though my opinions mattered even if others didn’t agree with me. He gave me a space to express myself and talk about things I wanted to see in the future. Rumaysa stands in front of a tree, head slightly tilted.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience while choosing a university close to home?
For incoming students I would say that you have to remember your individuality is your strength. I struggled feeling like I didn’t belong or feeling like there were others who were better than me in the roles I took as a leader on campus. Eventually though I met people who encouraged me to stay true to who I was and within that I was able to become more capable and confident. If you are unsure about yourself it can be harder to form relationships with others. That’s why it’s important to take time to understand yourself. You need to figure out out what you want from this experience and remember that your being different is an asset. It may feel like you don’t belong but in actuality you may have to “make” a place for yourself. It is important to empower yourself at the end of the day. 

Is there anyone you’d like to thank?
Thank you to the people who have constantly supported me through these last four years. Thank you to my family, friends, advisors, faculty, and the university for helping me reach my goals and graduate! 

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Future In Holocaust Education for History Grad

Today we feature first generation college student Sylvia Hogue, a graduating history major who transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Sylvia commuted to campus from home, in Pine Hill, NJ (Camden County.)

Could you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I’d have to say my favorite moment experience at Rowan was my second visit to the South Jersey Tech Park to work on the Warsaw VR Project. That day I got to experience the VR project inside of the CAVE and I knew then that the Warsaw Project was going to be very special and would be worth all other time and effort our multidisciplinary team puts into it.Sylvia stands in broken light for a selfie.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Last semester, I went to the New York Jewish Heritage Museum with the Rowan Center for the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (RCHGHR) to see the first traveling exhibit about Auschwitz outside of Europe. Being there and seeing the remnants of the atrocities of the Holocaust solidified my desire to pursue a career in Holocaust education. Sylvia stands with a flag.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
It is my goal to work in public history, helping to educate others on the horrors of genocide so that hopefully, one day, such tragedies no longer occur. I also wish to help design a federal Holocaust curriculum and develop teaching resources for public schools. The entire history department is endlessly supportive of its students. However, I personally own much to Jennifer Rich, Stephen Hague, and Jody Russell Manning.

Dr. Rich brought me onto the Warsaw Project with open arms and never misses an opportunity to lift up her students and makes them feel like they can do anything. Dr. Hague always pushes back, challenging me to do better and to look at things from a different perspective. Professor Manning, apart from always adding into my personal reading list, always makes me ask the bigger questions and never accept the easy answers as true. Such skills not only serve to make me a better historian in general but also give me a wider lens to see the world.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? 
I never would have made it this far without the endless support from my parents (Pat and Ken), my fiance (Phillip), and my best friend (Steve) who have spent the last 4 years being the most patient and understanding people on the planet. I would also like to give a shout out to my friend Gina Torres who’s been stuck proofreading my papers since we met in Historical Methods.A close up of Sylvia and her fiance.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Full Ride to Rowan

Stock image of pennies spilling out of a jar.

Today we feature Analiz Santana, an incoming freshman from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County) who will live on campus. Analiz will be a biological sciences major, with a pre-med track

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because I was offered a full ride because of my academic achievements. It is also close to home and my sister is a student at Rowan as well and lives on campus so I will be around her more. On top of that, Rowan made me feel most comfortable, without any worries. Rowan allows for me as a student athlete to be able to have an academic life, social life and still be an athlete if I chose to be.

Analiz smiles proudly wearing her new Rowan shirt.

Why or how did you choose your major?
I chose my major after talking to my guidance counselor about options. I plan on being a OBGYN and this major will lead me in the direction of my intended career path. 

What are a few things you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to experiencing living in a dorm and handling an on-campus life. I also look forward to making friends at social functions like football games. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
I have played high school basketball all four years. I am not committed to playing at Rowan but am planning on either trying out for the women’s team or playing club basketball. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Film Major Ambbar Marrero

Stock photo of film unrolling against a white background.

Today we feature Ambbar Marrero, an incoming freshman from Cumberland County, NJ, who will live on campus. Ambbar will major in Radio/TV/Film (RTF.)

Why Rowan?
Why not Rowan. I did research and I applied to a handful of universities but this one in particular has an amazing Radio/TV/Film program, to add to that a beautiful campus, and it’s also conveniently close to home.

What are a few things you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to living on my own for the first time and being fully independent, looking forward to meet new people, and to know more about my major.

Ambbar stands in front of the Washington monument.

Why did you choose your major?
I chose my major because film has always played a big part in my life, I want to make an impact on the world through the art of film.

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Meet #Rowan2024: PA Resident To Jersey Guy

Connor S wears a backpack.

Today we feature Connor Shields, an incoming freshman from Holland, Pennsylvania, who will live on campus. Connor will major in theatre, with a concentration in music theatre, and he will add the pre-teaching concentration once the school year starts. 

Why Rowan?
Well, it was tied with West Chester for my number one spot, so I decided to shadow both schools to see if that could help me make a decision. Once I got to do my shadow day at Rowan and started experiencing a class, I just told myself that I want to go here! Plus the opportunity to explore both musical theatre and education was a very big plus for Rowan, as there are many schools that, if you’re going for musical theatre, you’re stuck in that program and unable to double major.

Connor shows off his new Rowan hoodie.
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
One activity I’m excited to continue doing is theatre, of course! That’s why I’m majoring in it. I do really want to try to learn ASL, so that’s something I’d want to try and learn while at Rowan. 

How or why did you choose your major?
The reason why I chose theatre with a concentration in musical theatre and adding ore-teaching is because I love performing and want to see if I can possibly make a career out of it, while also giving me the chance to explore teaching. Teaching is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I thought why not try to go to college for both?

What are a few things you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan
I’m really looking forward to the campus life at Rowan. For the few times I’ve been on campus, I’ve just loved every second of it. I love the vibe and I can’t wait to be a part of it in the fall. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Aspiring Athletic Trainer

Stock image of a person's ankle going into a cast.

Today we feature Bridget Richards, an athletic training major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County) who attended St. Rose High School in Belmar, NJ. Bridget will live on campus. 

How or why did you choose your major?
I’m an athletic training major and I was inspired by my cousin who is an athletic trainer in Michigan.

Bridget tugs on her t-shirt to proudly show that it's a Rowan t-shirt.

Why did you choose a university relatively close to home?
Rowan is about an hour and a half away from where I live now, so it’s close but not super close! I also plan to live in NJ when I am older so going to a college in state just made more sense. 

What are some things you’re looking forward to at Rowan next year?
I’m extremely excited to meet new people and make fun college memories next year. I plan on rushing a sorority in the spring of my freshman year!

Why Rowan?
Personally attending Rowan just made the most sense. I fell in love with the campus and everything it has to offer!!

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Meet #Rowan2024: Location & Major Key for Chinmayee Narayan

drone view of campus highlighting Holly Pointe Commons.

Today we feature incoming freshman Chinmayee Narayan, from Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County) who will be a biomedical engineering major and live on campus. 

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because of the amazing biomedical engineering program as well as the campus environment. Rowan is its own little niche in Glassboro, a home away from home! The staff has also shown how much they care and want to help from the start and I’m beyond excited to get to be a part of the College of Engineering.

Chinmayee stands in front of a high school graduation sign, wearing a Rowan shirt.

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I look forward to meeting new friends and joining clubs! I’m excited to be living on campus and I can’t wait to have late night study sessions with friends.

How or why did you choose your major?
I chose biomedical engineering as my major because it’s such an innovative and prominent field in medicine. As a society we can’t progress medically without the research and technology created by biomedical engineers. It’s such a diverse field and there’s so many options in terms of areas of focus!Chimayee proudly wears a Rowan shirt.

Why did you choose a university that is close to home?
I chose a university close to home so that I can still be close to my family and still be involved in my community back home. Rowan is perfect because it’s like its own little area away from home, but close enough that I can feel at home too!

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
Something I’d like to continue from high school is playing my instrument! I’d also like to hopefully pick up swimming again, something I used to do competitively a few years ago.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Tyrone Rashaun Pursues Community Health

Stock image of a face mask laying across a laptop.

Today we feature Tyrone Rashaun, who is a first-generation college student (first in his family to go to college) from Lawnside, NJ (Camden County). Tyrone will live on campus and will major in Community Health

What are a few things you’re looking forward to at Rowan next year?
I am looking forward to meeting new people, dorming, and living the college life.

Why did you choose your major?
I chose my major because ever since I was young I always wanted to be in the medical field.

Tyrone tugs at his new Rowan shirt to indicate how proud he is to be with Rowan.

Why did you choose a university closer to home?
I felt Rowan has more to offer than schools out of state and further from home.

Why Rowan?
Because Rowan is close to home and I see that it can give me a successful career path for my future.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Biological Sciences & Ice Hockey, George Genzel

A close up of George wearing an ice hockey uniform, standing close to a young woman.

Today we feature incoming freshman George Genzel of Clementon, NJ (Camden County), who will live on campus. George will be a biological sciences major and is interested in Rowan Ice Hockey. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or one new thing you’d like to try?)
One activity I am planning on continuing at Rowan is ice hockey. I have been playing all my life and hope to contribute as much as I can to the program. Also I am open to joining clubs and meeting new people on campus.George stands wearing his ice hockey uniform, holding skates, with his arm around a young woman.

Why did you choose a university close to home?

I chose a University close to home because of the activities in the area. Rowan is a short drive from many popular places like Philadelphia or Ocean City so there will always be plenty to do besides school work.A close up of Genzel's face with friends.

How or why did you choose your major?
I plan on majoring in biological sciences. I chose this major because in high school my sciences classes were more interesting to me than any other subject. Whether it was anatomy or chemistry I always took a liking to these classes.

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because of the exciting atmosphere on campus and the many activities students can be a part of. Being able to pursue a degree while attending a university where there is always something new and exciting to do is important to me and I believe Rowan offers this better than many other colleges.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Maria Mousa Has Pre-Med Aspirations

Stock photo of a hand covered with a blue medical glove holding a plastic container.

Today we feature Maria Mousa, an incoming freshman from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) who will be a biology major and live on campus. 

How or why did you choose your major?
I chose my major because I have always wanted to go into medicine and I have always been really interested in science so Biology felt like the perfect choice for me. Rowan is also very well known for preparing students for going into medical school.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
I played field hockey throughout high school so I am thinking about looking into playing club. I would also like to do student government because I did that in high school and I would love to continue that. I am also looking forward to joining other clubs. Maria stands in front of a statue of Henry Rowan at Rowan University.

Why Rowan?
Rowan is a perfect school. The campus is the perfect size and there is a good amount of people. They have amazing pre-med programs and their own medical school which makes it even better. 

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to moving into my dorm room and meeting new people, I am also excited to join new clubs.

Why did you choose a university that is close to home?
I wanted to be able to move out and get that college dorm experience but at the same time I wanted to be able to come home whenever possible.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Exploratory Studies Major Keeps Doors Open

Stock image of a yellow door and a blue door side by side.

Today we feature incoming freshman Renna Manno, from Blackwood, NJ (Camden County), who will commute to campus. Renna is choosing to start her Rowan career as an exploratory studies major to keep her options open, but feels she may go into a field related to psychology or sports. 

Classic senior portrait of Renna, wearing a black off the shoulder gown.

What are a few things you’re looking forward to at Rowan next year?
I am looking forward to pursuing my academic and soccer career at Rowan. Rowan feels like home so I am very excited to be in that environment!

Why did you choose a university close to home?
It works out perfectly for my family and I can get my education, play soccer, and get the college experience all while being close to my family. My family plays a big role in my life. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Ph.D. Aspirations from Brick, NJ Native, Rebecca Ingenito

Stock image of a close up of a microscope.

Today we feature incoming freshman Rebecca Ingenito, who will double major in translational biomedical sciences and biological sciences. She is from Brick, NJ (Ocean County) and will live on campus. 

Why did you choose your major?
I just remember being about 11 years old, and asking my mom for a microscope because of my interest in the things we can’t see. I chose the major I did because for as long as I can remember I have been curious in hot topics in the biomedical field such as stem Cell research and CRISPR Genome Editing. I knew for about 7 years now that I wanted to pursue science and earn a Ph.D. I’m happy I finally get to pursue that. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
In high school I did computer club where I learned about another huge interest of mine: cyber security. So I’ll probably join Cyber Security Club. I also intended on joining the Chabad Jewish Student Association.

Rebecca takes a selfie, head slightly tilted.

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because the graduation rate was better than other schools I previously looked at, I also love how the university is a very STEM based school. Because my intention is to earn a Ph.D., I wanted to attend a university that offered graduate programs and Rowan just seemed like the perfect fit for me.

Why did you choose a university that is relatively close to home?
Choosing Rowan did not have much to do with location. I was looking at schools out of state, but chose Rowan because of the great reputation they had. 

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to learning more about my passion and progressing in the field of STEM. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: D&D Fan Joining Our Team

Stock image of dragon from Dungeons and Dragons game.

Today we feature incoming freshman Aspen Mercado, a Haddon Heights, NJ (Camden County) resident who will major in computer science and commute to campus. 

Aspen holds a frame to herself while wearing a Rowan 2024 shirt.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I really want to continue playing D&D at Rowan because I’m relatively new at it seeing as I’ve only been playing for two years, but I enjoy it so much. I’ve really found out a lot about myself through playing, and I just have so much fun with it. I haven’t had so much fun with something as I do with D&D and even if I can’t continue through Rowan, I’m going to anyway because I’m not going to let it go. 

Why did you choose a university closer to home?
I had chosen a university that is so close to home because I enjoy my hometown a little too much to leave just yet. Also most of my friends are staying within town and I want to be able to experience a few more years with them while I can. It also makes it easier for me to continue part time work to finance my education partially if I don’t leave town. Purely from a financial standpoint, it was simply just easier on me to not leave and I happen to enjoy NJ. A selfie of Aspen smiling with a male off to her side.

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because it was cost effective, and out of all the colleges I had researched for computer science, I had seen the biggest positive response from Rowan. I also looked at the campus and it was so pretty. As I’ve said previously, Rowan has appealed to me for quite a long while and it’s such a dream come true of mine to finally be attending. I’m a mix of extremely excited and terribly nervous, I can’t wait for the fall. 

What are you looking forward to at Rowan next year?
There are a lot of things that I am looking forward to next year at Rowan, the thing I’m looking forward to the most I’d say is a looser schedule. Second to that, would be the opportunity to meet new people. A few friends of mine are also attending Rowan and seeking the same major, but I’m very excited to meet new people and make new friends, connections and memories. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Music Industry Major Sam Poku

Stock image of music industry technology.

Today we feature incoming music industry major freshman Sam Poku, who is from Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County) and will live on campus. 

Why Rowan?
Choosing Rowan was probably the best decision for me particularly because of how great the overall Rowan environment is, staff, and education of my intended major. But, there was just a unique “feeling” deep down that had sat with me, that it was the right place to go. Knowing that picking Rowan will help me reach my greatest goals in years to come.

A side view of Sam singing into a microphone.

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
As a freshman at Rowan University I’m really looking forward to meeting a lot of people, networking with different talents in my major, and spreading positive energy/wisdom across campus.

How or why did you choose your major?
I chose the Rowan Music Industry program as my major because of my passion and creativity towards music in general, and wanting to leave a mark in the field of A&R someday on the big business of the music industry as well as Rowan’s Music Industry program.

Why did you choose a university that is close to home?
Choosing a university close to home was very beneficial in a way considering finances, and being near family as well.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 
An activity I would love to continue with at Rowan University from high school is the overall art of band and playing in musical ensembles.

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TRANSFERmation Tuesday: History Major Peter Macrina

Stock image of a close up of aged brown wicker.

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Peter Macrina, a junior transfer from Camden County College. Peter is a first-generation History major whose hometown is Philadelphia. He commutes to Rowan from Bellmawr, NJ (Camden County).

Peter stands clasping his hands in front of his suit, smiling proudly in front of his poster at a poster session.
Here I am at the Rowan President’s Day poster presentation held by the History department.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

One moment that made me feel that my field was meant for me was when I was accepted into the Phi Alpha Theta International History Honor Society conference to be a speaker, which was unfortunately canceled, but it still means something to me nonetheless!

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

The most interesting thing I’ve learned pertaining to my major this year is an enormous amount about Woodrow Wilson’s time as governor of New Jersey.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because I heard about its History program as being one of the best in the state, my mentor being an alum, and it being close by!

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?

I’m looking forward to being back in the classroom and on campus. I miss my second home, the library!

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Story by:
Peter Macrina, junior history major

First Year Voices: Theatre Major Lydia Riddell

Drone view of Holly Pointe curved building with trees in the horizon.

Today’s (FRESH)man Voices features Lydia Riddell, a theatre major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County) who lived in Holly Pointe Commons until COVID-19 shut down the campus. 

Lydia has a sunkissed face and windblown hair in this selfie.

What did you most enjoy your freshman year at Rowan?

What I enjoyed most about my freshman year was all of the welcome events in the beginning of the year. With all of the food truck festivals and little events at Holly Pointe, I was able to meet some great people really fast!

Could you share with one happy moment you had with friends, professors or other members of the Rowan community that made you realize Rowan felt like “home”?

One of the happiest moments this year was when I decided to switch my major to theatre. I was nervous, but everyone in the department was super welcoming and really helped me feel like Rowan was my home.

Large group of theatre majors pose together in front of Bunce Hall.
My new home away from home, fellow theatre majors at Rowan.

What advice do you have for future freshmen looking at colleges right now?

Advice I have for future freshmen is: be yourself and stay optimistic. Go in to college with a positive view, it makes it much easier to enjoy the transition and make friends.

What are you most looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Even though my first year was cut short, I’m looking forward to seeing all of my friends again and having even more fun at Rowan next year!

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First Year Voices: Football & Friendship

A candid photo of four male freshmen laughing together.

“We’ve been playing football together since we were 6,” says freshman Jared Armitage, a business management major from Estell Manor, NJ (Atlantic County) of his Magnolia Hall roommate, Chris Doughty of Buena, NJ (Atlantic County). 

Four freshmen males goofing off, with one trying to get the others to pick him up.
From left: Jeron “Smooth”, Pavneet, Chris and Jared.

“We both played for Rowan this year,” Jared continues. It was fun living with someone he’s known since childhood, he says. “It was never boring. We just goof around with everyone in the dorm, playing poker. My favorite memory from this year is goofing off in the dorms. Our whole floor in Magnolia – and someone brought water guns. We started spraying each other, and getting water bottles and throwing them at each other. (We cleaned it up, of course.)”

At orientation, Jared’s randomly assigned roommate was Pavneet Singh, a freshman entrepreneurship major  from Carteret, NJ (Middlesex County.) 

Jared shares, “We didn’t really talk much to each other at first. But, then we were both sitting there bored at 1:00 in the morning and said, ‘Hey, do you want to do something funny?’ and we ran around the hallways.”

Along the way, the friends met Jeron, known as Smooth (on left). Jared says, “Chris met him here, but he lives close to us at home. Pretty sure we played football against him in school, but we didn’t know it. “

Next year Jared and Chris will commute from home, instead of living on campus. “I’m going to carpool with Chris,” says Jared, “because I’ll drive past Chris to get to school.”

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Celebrating Earth Day | 10 Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

rowan university water bottle on the beach

Today’s story is from Dominique Fiorentino, a junior public relations major from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) who rents a house off-campus with friends.

Living a greener lifestyle is something everyone should aspire to become better at. Reducing your carbon impact, creating less waste, and focusing on sustainability – all of this is much easier than you may think. That is why I am here to provide 10 simple ways to reduce your environmental impact in your everyday lifestyle.

  1. Use a reusable water bottle.

    The cost of the average reusable water bottle is about the same price as three cases of water. Imagine all of the money you save and plastic waste you avoid from this simple change. Rowan provides water bottle refilling stations in each of their buildings to keep your bottle full. You can take the extra step and purchase a water filter for your dorm to ensure you always have clean water!

  2. Find alternative ways of travel.

    Rather than always driving to class, find an alternative! You can soak in the fresh air and get moving by walking or biking to class. Not only are these environmentally friendly alternatives, but they are also good for your own well being. If these aren’t an option, you could take the Rowan Shuttle or carpool with friends! Any of these options allows you to help reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to a cleaner planet.

    Jelani leans against a fence, hands in his pockets, with bikes next to him.

  3. Refuse plastic utensils and straws.

    Single-use plastic utensils take an average of 1,000 years to decompose. That means every plastic fork, knife, straw that has been used in our lifetimes is still polluting the planet. When dining at home, stick to reusable silverware. You can take it a step further by refusing plastic utensils and straws when ordering take out food. This simple switch will go a long way. 

  4. Take shorter showers.

    The average shower head uses about 2 gallons of water per minute. By making a conscious effort to shorten your showers, not only will you be saving water but also energy used to heat the water. 

  5. Shop with reusable bags.

    Don’t contribute to the billions of plastic bags used worldwide each year. Most of these bags end up polluting our waterways and harming sea life. Think of all the waste we could reduce by simply switching to reusable bags every time we shop. If you have difficulty remembering your plastic bags when shopping, try keeping them in your car!

  6. Thrift or borrow clothing.

    Believe it or not, the fashion industry contributes 10% of the global carbon emissions. Rather than buying a new outfit for every occasion, borrow something from a friend or visit your local thrift store. And trust me, your wallet will thank you later!

    Costume shop staff sifts through racks of clothes.

  7. Support companies with sustainable business practices.

    If possible, buy from companies who are certified B corporations. Companies who use renewable energy and recycled products, and strive to reduce their environmental impact.  The more green companies are supported, the more likely other companies will soon follow. 

  8. Turn off and unplug.

    When not in use, unplug and turn off your chargers, fans, lamps, etc. Although these objects may seem like they’re “off”, they are still using plenty of energy. The planet and your wallet will thank you later. 

  9. Limit your meat and dairy.

    It can be difficult to completely cut out animal products. This is why I suggest choosing vegan/ vegetarian options when possible. Items such as almond milk, dairy-free yogurt, vegan snacks, and meat alternatives. If you would like to take it a step further, dedicate your Mondays to Meatless Mondays! This way you can ensure that you are truly making an effort to limit your animal product intake.

    Hannah lays on the ground with colorful fruit and vegetables surrounding her head like a halo.

  10. Educate others about what they can do!

    Spread the word to those around you on how they can do their part! The more of us practicing environmentally friendly habits, the more of a positive impact we will make. 

Although these are just a few minor adjustments in your everyday lifestyle, they can go a long way. Imagine the positive impact we would make if we all made the effort and did our part to help keep our planet clean. Whether you decide to implement just a few or all of these mindful tips is up to you. It is all about being consistent with these habits that will make a difference. 

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Pandemic Profs: Working at a Pizza Place in Bergen County During COVID-19

Bags at pizzeria lined up on a counter ready for pick up.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Jess Squilanti, a sophomore advertising major who is spending the rest of her semester at home in Riverdale, NJ. (Bergen County.) While on campus, Jess lived in 114 Victoria.

Jess stands for a portrait, wearing a black top and ripped jeans.I live in Bergen County which has become the most populated area in NJ with the COVID-19 virus in a very short amount of time. Personally, my town has about 40 cases and that keeps increasing every single day. It is crazy but life still needs to go on, so I started doing what I would be doing while I’m home normally: working.

I have two jobs; one I acquired this past summer at TJ Maxx, which is currently closed due to the virus, and the other a job I’ve had since high school at a local pizza place. The restaurant and pizza parlor, Della Cucina in Hillsdale, NJ, is still open for takeout and delivery, with the restaurant side closed. I enjoy working there and have made relationships with all my coworkers that make it not even feel like work. 

Storefront of pizza place.Since the virus has started to spread more rapidly, a state curfew has been issued and lockdown put in place, altering our hours. Now, we need to be very cautious; I am always washing my hands when leaving to take a delivery or even after a customer comes in to pick up food.

We get new customers every day which is great, and we are also doing things to help the community. We are preparing meals such as our special family dinner deal for people who cannot leave the house to even go to the grocery store because they are at risk. A minister from our local church has helped us with delivering these to families, and even to hospitals in our area. It’s been really nice to be involved in something that is helping my community during this insane time period.

Since this is a time that local businesses may not be not be doing well, last week at work I took public relations and advertising photography of the dinners packed up and sitting on the counter in the pizza area for my boss to upload to the website to promote business.

Row of square pizzas coming out of the oven.My experience recently at Della Cucina has also opened my eyes to how serious and scary this is right now, from seeing people come in with gloves and masks on to doing no-contact deliveries and curbside pickup. It has changed everything as far as how we do things at the pizza place.

It is obviously crazy to be living in this situation, but working at my job and getting this experience is making me grow as a person. I’m always looking at it in a positive light. 

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Pandemic Profs: Clinical Internship Teaching Spanish Remotely

Rosalba standing with her cooperating teacher.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Maria Rosalba Trejo-Mendiola, a student in the master of science in teaching program. She is isolating from her home in Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County.)

Portrait of Rosalba in woods, standing against a tree.My name is Maria Rosalba Trejo-Mendiola. I was born in Querétaro, Mexico. I moved to the United States at the age of 11. At an early age, I discovered my biggest passion in life was helping others. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to work with people. Of all the possible careers that I could have pursued, I fell in love with the one profession that makes all other professions possible: teaching. I attended Cumberland County College, now known as  Rowan College of South Jersey, where I completed my associate degree in Liberal Arts. I then transferred to Rowan University where I completed my bachelor’s in Spanish. Then, I started working as a Career Placement Developer for Pathstone, a non-profit organization.

Currently, I am earning my master of science in teaching and completing a full-year clinical internship as a Spanish teacher at Vineland High School. My student teaching experience has been one of the most rewarding experiences. I have learned many strategies that I plan on incorporating in my own future Spanish classroom. From my professors, I have learned that to serve all students, it is very important to implement a Universal Design for Learning and that developing meaningful lesson plans goes a long way.

Yellow shoes customized with the word Ms. Trejo.
I love these custom shoes that will help me to kick off my teaching career!

My classes at Rowan University have allowed me to go into my field placement and put into practice what I have learned in class. This year, as part of World Language’s methods sequence: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment I: World Languages and Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment II: World Languages,  I learned about High Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTP) for World Languages (Glisan & Donato, 2017). One of the biggest takeaways from these classes was learning about these practices and being able to incorporate it into my lessons. This also allowed me to learn about my own strengths and weaknesses. Rosabla in mid-jump, wearing a Rowan sweatshirt, in front of Bunce Hall.

From my classmates, I have learned that it is very important to be supportive of each other; to give each other feedback and to be willing to share ideas. From my Cooperating Teacher, Sra. DeJesús, I have learned that it is important to develop  positive relationships with the students. I have also learned different methods of teaching. One of my favorites methods of teaching is learning centers. Through Sra. DeJesus, I have become a strong believer that learning centers offer students the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. If learning centers are well-designed, students will be able to walk away with valuable information. I am very thankful that my cooperating teacher has been very supportive throughout this learning experience. Sra. DeJesús allowed me to be involved in the classroom since day one of my field experience, allowing me to have as much practice as possible. I have developed strong bonds with the students, confirming for me that I have chosen the correct field to pursue a career in, teaching. From my field supervisor, I have learned about lesson planning. I have learned to reflect on what worked well and what can use improvement.

Rosalba stands with her cooperating teacher holding a book.
My cooperating teacher, Sra. DeJesús (left) and me.

I am very thankful to everyone that has helped me grow as a professional in one capacity or another. I also want to thank my family for always supporting my daughter and myself, throughout this learning process.

As far as my remote work, the transition has been really smooth. My cooperating teacher has been using Google classroom  for a long time now. We have been collaborating together to teach remotely. We have incorporated Zoom meetings and Google meets on  a weekly basis. Other technological applications that have been useful are Quizlet, Kahoot, and FlipGrid. Through this transition we have been maintaining communication with students and parents.

Rosalba stands in her graduation gown holding her daughter, with Bunce Hall in the background.
My daughter and I at my undergraduate graduation ceremony.

We understand that the transition is not easy for students, therefore we continue to be available to support our students. I am currently working part time from home with Pathstone, completing my field hours at Vineland High School via virtual communications, and spending quality and instructional time with my four year old, Suheily Carrasco.

Although it can be challenging at times, I love what I do. I learned that in this profession it is very important to love what you do and the rest comes with hard work and determination. In May 2020, I will complete my master’s of science of teaching. Although I never imagined that my last year of graduate school would be the one that forced us to practice social distancing to protect us from the spread of COVID-19, I want to remain focused and positive that it will end soon.

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Interning Remotely as a Business Management Major

Stock image of woman hand working on a laptop.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from senior Alyssa Marroccoli, who transferred to Rowan after beginning her college career at the University of Rhode Island. Alyssa is a business management major who rents a home off campus and is originally from Newton, NJ (Sussex County).

When looking to complete a second internship before graduating with my bachelor’s of science in Business Management in May, I decided it was the perfect time to get involved in my family’s business. My father is the President and CEO of National Forensic Consultants, a forensic investigation firm that provides expert investigation services for the legal, insurance, product manufacturing and construction industries. I am currently positioned in the South Jersey office in Pennsauken, NJ as a Business Development and Sales Intern for the spring semester, where I have been learning about the company’s structure and how to successfully manage a business.

Alyssa stands armed folded in her living room.
My work-at-home colleague, Dexter.

I have been working under my supervisor, Vice President of Business Development and Sales, Dean Gentner, where I have been developing a business plan to increase messaging between our clients and experts, as well as maintaining our partnerships and client relations.

Our goal has been to grow our bridge of communication via email and through phone conversations, where we inform our clients about our newly added experts, as well as educate them about our other wide range of services that we offer.

Several duties I have as an intern at NFC consist of selecting clients to receive the appropriate messages and put forth content relating toward those receiving them, developing a variety of scripts to appease the particular company or law firm I am offering services to, following up with clients and providing requested information about our experts and services, and working with management to develop different approaches in their business development strategies.

Alyssa stands on a balcony outdoors with sunlight streaming through her hair.As National Forensic Consultants’ first intern, two major takeaways I have gotten from this program are how to professionally connect with people and get an internal perspective of how a business and its employees are managed.

I was lucky enough to be given the responsibility in assisting with the development of the internship program itself when working with my supervisor throughout my time at NFC.

It has been both challenging, as well as rewarding, to have the opportunity to see my plan for the program be considered so seriously. It is a great privilege to be respected so highly, even as an intern, at such an established company.

I truly enjoy my work at NFC, and love to see the results of adding new clients and regaining previous one’s attention, yield such positive effects for the company. I really like the corporate aspect of my job that I didn’t get to experience as much of in my previous internship. My coworkers also made my experience so welcoming and fun.

Working remotely has had its challenges in terms of getting accustomed to such a different routine. I miss being in the office and going to classes during the week, which I always seemed to take for granted when I felt so busy and consumed with responsibilities. I’m very grateful to be in a position where my work can be adapted to being completed remotely, and to not have my program be discontinued, where others are not so lucky. Personally, I like to get ready and dressed as if I was going to the office to feel more motivated to complete my work day. Another aspect I appreciate when working from home is the opportunity to work with my dad each day that I’m ‘in office.’ Where I usually only got to see him once every couple of weeks while working in South Jersey, I now get in-person advice, opinions and assistance during my work day that many cannot.

Alyssa's tidy and bright work space which includes a laptop, notebooks and scented candles.
My internship workspace at home.

National Forensic Consultants offers a service in a range of industries with incidents that do not stop occurring, even during a pandemic. It is truly amazing to see this organization come together so quickly to make themselves available for their customers under these trying circumstances. I believe how a business responds and adapts to a changing environment says a lot about a company’s stability and value it holds. While no one could have predicted such a rapid interruption in our daily lives, one of which most of us have never seen in this lifetime, it really is a privilege to be a part of a company who puts forth the best business practices, while still keeping their employees safe and working, when most cannot be.

I am so appreciative of the opportunities National Forensic Consultants has given me, and look forward to apply all that I have learned in this internship program when I begin my full-time job post-graduation as a Management Trainee at Enterprise Rent-A-Car!

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Pandemic Profs: Maintaining Normalcy

Stock image of mixed color reddish brick.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from 4+1 biological sciences education major Mia Fondaro, a junior who also has minors in environmental science and psychology. Mia is isolating from her home in Pequannock, NJ (Morris County).

Mia stands in front of a waterfall to pose for a tourist photo. There’s not one person whose life hasn’t been changed by the COVID-19 virus. Personally, my life got turned upside down. I have a very strict and fully packed weekly schedule that now is suddenly full of free time. My days would start at 6 a.m. and wouldn’t end till about 10 p.m.

What is a positive in this situation is all the sleep I’m getting, but I’ll trade that in for all the on-campus experiences that I’m now missing.

How I’m trying to cope with it all is by staying positive and keeping as much of a routine as possible. I continue to wake up at a reasonable hour, make breakfast, do homework, and work out. Whole life may not be “normal” right now; what’s important to remember is to be thankful for your health and continue doing things that keep you sane.Mia's laptop, a notebook, and guitar.

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Pandemic Profs: Passing the Time with Puzzles

Close up of a completed multi-colored Pokemon puzzle.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing. Today’s story is from Olivia Scattergood, a junior psychology major whose season with women’s track and field was cut short due to COVID-19. She is now home in South Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). Check out Olivia’s track and field stats

Olivia holds a puzzle box for Stranger Things close to her head.This spring break, I was supposed to be heading to Atlanta with my team to compete, but unfortunately things didn’t go exactly as we planned! This left me with a lot of free time on my hands, which is something that I’m definitely not used to.

A completed puzzle for Stranger Things.
The finished product!

So, whenever I wasn’t at work, I used my free time to do something I haven’t been able to do for a long time! I completed a few puzzles over the last couple of weeks, which doesn’t sound like the most exciting activity, but it’s been something I’ve really enjoyed doing. They relax me, keep me occupied for hours on end, and stimulate my brain. 

I used to do puzzles with my mom all the time when I was a kid, and I think she is a big reason that I’ve loved them all my life. Although she is no longer with me, I think of this as a way of spending time with her and honoring her memory. In recent months, I haven’t had a ton of time to relax and do things I enjoy, so I’m glad I was able to take this time for myself to do something that I like to do. 

My cats also like to partake in this activity with me, as you can see.

Brown and gray tabby cat leans down from its perch to "help" Olivia with her in progress puzzle.

Unfortunately, they end up being quite destructive rather than helping me. I also did these puzzles over the course of several days, so despite my best efforts to keep the pieces intact, my lovely cats had other plans.

Black and white tuxedo cat sits on Olivia's in progress puzzle.So unfortunately, they hauled away a few pieces for themselves (and I’ve yet to find them). It’s incredibly unsatisfying to finish a puzzle and still be missing a piece or two, but I’ve accepted my fate as a cat owner!

Cat standing on a puzzle, innocently destroying it.

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Pandemic Profs: Isolating On Campus

Marko looks to the horizon.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from international student Marko Minic, a senior sports communication and media major isolating while living on campus. Photos included in this story were taken before COVID-19.

Marko crouches in front of tall grass, holding a basketball.

My name is Marko Minic and I am an international student from Belgrade, Serbia. During these unpredicted times, I was unable to travel back home and I am actually one of the few students staying on campus during this pandemic crisis.

The whole Rowan campus is currently a ghost town. I live in Mimosa Hall which is in the center of campus, and apart from seeing someone pass by every now and then, it has pretty much been empty to its last inch. Serving as a Resident Assistant (RA) in Mimosa, I have personally seen every last soul move out of the building, with just me and my Resident Director remaining.

The good news which I was very happy to hear was that the food services, although limited, remained open for the few of us still here. I am able to go to the Student Center (SC) and choose from our Breakfast & Co. Freshens, and Pizza Crust stations as well as get some additional food and supplies from The SHOP. With the rotation of these stations in the SC, I am able to have three well-balanced meals a day while getting some snacks in between from The SHOP. Overall, while the things are not ideal right now, I am very grateful for the resources and support that I have from the Rowan community and having them be there for me during these rough times.

Marko stands behind the Business Hall.Although my spring break (and the rest of the semester) is not what I have expected, I am trying my best to stay productive and not fall into a routine of slacking back. I have made a promise to myself that I will come out of this better, stronger (both mentally and physically), and more improved. Because I am normally jammed with three on-campus jobs and taking 18 credits in school during the academic year, my usual week is pretty hectic and my days can be overwhelming.

I am taking advantage of this unique situation by having more “me time” and focusing on improving myself in as many areas as I can. With more free time on my hands, I am also on the phone with my family and friends back home more often. Being a first generation student in my family who came to study in America certainly comes with its challenges and benefits. While it is hard being on my own and far away from home, the constant support and love I get from my closest ones keeps me going. As a first gen. here, I am trying to pave the way for the rest of my family to succeed and give them a better life they deserve. 

Marko stands holding a basketball, looking to the horizon.As I will be graduating in about a month or so and will soon be out in the real world, I am using this time to prepare myself for a life after college; devoting my time to work on improving certain hard skills that employees look for, and searching for jobs that will help me get settled for a life in the U.S. upon the end of my college career.

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Pandemic Profs: Making Masks, Woodburning & More

A row of homemade masks made by Brittney Nickel for COVID-19.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Brittney Nickel, a junior mechanical engineering major self-distancing from her house in Pompton Plains, Morris County, NJ.

Brittney and her two sisters stand with mouths covered by homemade masks.
My sister Jessica (the one that works in the hospital) is on the left, I’m in the middle back, and my other sister Megan is on the right.

Hello! I’ve been keeping busy by cleaning out my childhood room to make it more conducive to online learning, sewing surgical masks for my sister’s and mom’s hospitals, and crafting.

I officially moved out of school and my monitor found a spot on my desk to help me be more productive. I had to bring home all my plants as well, and my favorite pothos found a spot right near my desk as well. Brittney's home office set up, with two-monitor set up and a plant on a wall ledge.

For the surgical masks, both my parents and my sister work in hospitals that are being deeply impacted by COVID-19, so we broke out my sewing machine and went to work. So far we’ve made about 20 masks and we plan to make many more.

A collection of homemade masks made by Brittney.

One of my favorite hobbies is woodburning, so I decided to make a sign to lift some spirits, hence the “quarantine sweet quarantine”.

An oval piece of craft wood with painted sunflowers and woodburning message "Quarantine Sweet Quarantine."

A white light switch painted with sunflowers.I added the sunflowers because they’re a happy flower and a reminder to always look toward the sun. I also decided to paint my light switch cover because the old one had soccer balls on it, a sport I haven’t played since middle school.

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Pandemic Profs: Serving as the First Mental Health Chair for My Sorority

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Elizabeth Madden, a junior isolating in her house in Monmouth County, NJ. Elizabeth is an early childhood education major with a focus on literacy studies. She who normally lives off campus during the school year, in a house with her sorority sisters.

A close up of Elizabeth Madden.When I heard that my sorority was creating a new position called mental health chair, I knew immediately that it was something I would like to be a part of. The executive board created this position to really highlight the importance of mental health in college and promoting resources that are available to us currently and beyond our college experience to ensure that we get the most of those.

Personally I wanted this position because I have struggled myself with mental health and have seen those around me struggle and get lost in the “college world” and wanted to help them out while also navigating the same struggles together. My goals for this new position are to raise awareness on campus and within our own sisterhood to help everyone get more informed on mental health and to stop some of the stigma that comes along with those words.

Elizabeth (on right) holds wooden painted Greek letters with a friend, the Greek letters fro Sigma Delta Tau.
We painted these letters for our sorority, Sigma Delta Tau.

Some of the activities I had planned were unfortunately not able to happen due to the coronavirus outbreak. I had wanted my sorority to get involved with the Out of the Darkness walk on campus through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I have gone to this walk since I was a freshman at Rowan, and noticed that Greek life was not heavily involved and thought that should change. I planned to host tables and fundraising events for this and also have our chapter go to the walk.

Self care isn't selfish sign.Next I planned to hold peer support groups in which I planned to schedule a library room before our chapter meeting and just hold an open one hour space where my sisters could come and talk about stressors in their life or their current anxieties they were having. I thought this would be a good idea because talking it out sometimes helps and makes you realize you’re not alone and a lot of people surrounding you are having these same feelings as you. This would give hope and an outlet.

I also planned to host a speaker, my mom, who is in the mental health field. She was going to come talk to the chapter and inform us on mental health and some of her healthy coping mechanisms she uses and teaches to her clients.

Lastly I was going to give away once a month or so, a mental health basket. In this basket was going to be coloring books and pens, an essential oil diffuser, stress putty and just simple de-stressors that can help calm them and refocus them in a time of uncertainty.

I hope that I can implement these next semester and come up with even more ideas on how to help my chapter and even the campus. 

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Related posts:

Managing Your Stress in an Ever-Changing Environment

Prioritizing Wellness Days

Julia’s Corner: Taking Advantage of On-Campus Resources

Pandemic Profs: Geocaching

Eddie crouches in the woods, holding a walking stick.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Eddie O’Melia, a sophomore relocated to his house in Warren County, NJ, for the rest of the semester. Eddie is a mechanical engineering major. 

Hello Profs! Normally during the school week, I would be either be working on a project in the engineering lab or hanging out with my fraternity brothers. However, since we are all being restricted to certain quarantine measures I have decided to go geocaching with my family. Eddie and his brother crouch in the woods to examine a geocache find.

Me and my little brother Greg decided to go to one of the local parks in Warren County and geocache. Geocaching is where someone hides a box full of different treasures along a path and when/if you find it you log when you did and can take one of the treasures inside, replacing it with your own. Going out in nature is a great way to prevent the spread of the virus and has endless possibilities. It gets you out of your house while not putting yourself or anyone else at risk. It was also a great way to spend time with my family while I am home. 

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Pandemic Profs: Writing Arts Club Suggested Reading List

Stock image of an open book fanned against an orange background.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Paige Stressman, a sophomore writing arts major holed up in her house in Mount Ephraim, NJ (Camden County).

Hi, I’m Paige Stressman, secretary of the Writing Arts Club on campus. Our executive board decided to create this suggested reading list together to help the Rowan community combat boredom during social distancing. The books are a mix of young adult, graphic comics, fiction, poetry, and nonfiction – there is something for everyone. Happy reading!

Barnes & Noble on Rowan Boulevard may be closed, but you can visit any book retailer online for delivery. Side note: support your local, independent book sellers!

Her by Pierre A Jeanty
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur 
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Arc of a Scythe series (Scythe, Thunderhead, and The Toll) by Neal Shusterman
1984 by George Orwell
The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough
The Infernal Devices (Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, and Clockwork Princess) series by Cassandra Clare
The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak
Memory Man by David Baldacci
Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder
The Remnant Chronicles (Kiss of Deception, Heart of Betrayal, and Beauty of Darkness)
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao
Intensity by Dean Koontz
The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett (second in series)
Splendors and Glooms by Laura Amy Schlitz
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, illustrated by Jim Kay
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Comics/Graphic NovelsMan sits on a couch reading a book with a red cover.
All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison
Seven Soldiers of Victory Vol 1-2 by Grant Morrison 
The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller
Kid Eternity by Grant Morrison 
Watchmen by Alan Moore

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Pandemic Profs: New to Anxiety? I’m Not.

Girl stares into the distance as we see the back of her head and ponytail.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from a student who would prefer to stay anonymous, given the personal nature of their blog post. 

So, you’re new to anxiety. Or, maybe you don’t even know the name of that feeling that you’re feeling yet. It’s unfamiliar to you. You’re struggling. You’re sleeping too much. Or not enough. You’re snapping at people. You’re fine, it’s just that they are so annoying – all. the. time. You just can’t stop reading the news about COVID-19. You haven’t showered in 2 days … OK 4 days. You’re eating like garbage. And you just don’t care. Your chest is tight, but only sometimes. Are you having a heart attack? Sometimes that feeling in your heart goes up to your jaw and your bottom teeth feel funny.  You feel like if you just had willpower, if you weren’t so lazy, all of this would go away. 

Welcome to my world. 

It’s not your fault. It’s not a lack of willpower. It’s not laziness. It’s anxiety. 

I’ve lived with this on and off since puberty, which is the typical age when anxiety or depression starts to kick in. Today I’ll share with you a few tricks that work for me. Try them. If they don’t work for you, or if your anxiety gets worse, please call your family doctor for an appointment. If you are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. 

Here are 5 things that work for me:

  1. No caffeine. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Ditch it. Caffeine is horrible for anxiety and can kick off anxiety attacks. Switch to decaf. Beware of hidden caffeine, like green tea and eating too much chocolate. 
  2. Keep a routine. Find a schedule and stick to it, even when you’re stuck inside like we are now. Wake up at the same time every day and go to sleep at the same time every day. Yeah, it sucks to not binge Netflix until 4 a.m., but – trust me – it’s better for your mental health if you don’t. 
  3. Reach out to people. Confide in friends and family – but, honestly? Only the ones you know who will support you. Nobody who has a “you have nothing to be depressed about, snap out of it” sort of attitude. 
  4. Exercise. Get off the couch. Find something that works for you. Exercise keeps the anxiety demons at bay. Start a Couch to 5K training program, follow a Zumba program online. Do something. 
  5. Sunshine and outside time. This is a must. Sunshine increases serotonin levels, which helps to reduce anxiety. Walk your dog. Sit outside, even if it’s to scroll Instagram on your phone. 

Most of the time, when I actually follow my own advice, these tips help me to manage my anxiety. Listen to your own body and its alarm bells. If anxiety is new for you, call your doctor for guidance. If you follow the advice above and it helps you, too, great! But if it doesn’t, it may be time for therapy or medicine — and there’s no shame in that, either. 

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Pandemic Profs: Bonding with My Dog

Riley the golden retriever stands in the middle of large yard.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Jason Russack, a sophomore isolating in his house in Warren County, NJ. Jason is a civil and environmental engineering major who normally lives in Whitney Apartments during the school year. 

Jason and Riley pose for a selfie. Hello Rowan Profs! Normally I’d be in Whitney Apartments, hanging out with friends and going through my engineering homework. However, being stuck at home, I have decided to take some extra time to bond with my beloved golden retriever, Riley!

Riley is 10 years old and doesn’t like the cold much, so she definitely needs to get outside more than ever this spring. I have made it my duty to play with her on every sunny day for at least an hour, even if that means we are just sitting and catching rays in the lawn!  It has proven to be very rewarding being that I love nature. Not only has it helped my boredom, it is definitely healthy to soak up vitamin D and breathe fresh air, while physically distancing myself from others. Stay healthy and get outside when possible, it can make your day.

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Story and photography by: 
Jason Russack, sophomore civil & environmental engineering major

Pandemic Profs: Music Industry Major’s Advice to Help Musicians [Spotify Playlist]

Jen Green stands in the Rowan University bookstore, looking toward her phone with the Badflower album cover OK I'm Sick

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Tommy Bell, a junior isolating from his home in Atlantic County, NJ, during spring break. Tommy is a music industry major who normally lives in Triad Apartments.

With concerts and tours being canceled or postponed because of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, musicians have already felt big monetary losses. For smaller artists, the impact is huge and immediate. 

Soraia on stage in the middle of a show.
Philadelphia-area band Soraia had their East Coast tour cut short due to coronavirus. Singer ZouZou and drummer Brianna live in Pitman, the town next to Rowan. (Photo courtesy of Soraia. Photo credit: Jen Green.)

Not only are musicians not getting paid for playing shows and not able to sell merchandise at shows, but they are also missing networking opportunities. Smaller bands thrive off of networking at their shows. Meeting new people and getting to know them is what helps a band grow. 

But all hope isn’t lost, there are still a few ways that you can support local artists from your house.

Here is what I’m doing – and how you can help local artists. 

  1. Add smaller artists’ songs to your playlists. Streaming platforms pay attention to this, and will suggest artists to new listeners based on related artists from playlists they’re on. 
  2. Even though streaming doesn’t provide much of an income to most artists, listening to and sharing their music could lead to them making it onto a major Spotify playlist which is great exposure. 
  3. Go to artists’ websites and buy merch. If they don’t have a website contact them on social media to buy. Most artists are still able and willing to send out merch to fans. 
  4. Follow artists’ social media pages and have your friends follow them. 
  5. Stream music in the background while you’re home. 
  6. Some artists are hosting virtual shows to watch and listen online. Buy tickets for this alternative type of show. 

I created a Spotify playlist of my favorite local bands to listen to. It includes a lot of Rowan student bands (Pastelephone, Upon Knee Hill, Aftyn, and Sanity Falls) and local bands such as Soraia, The Underground Thieves, Deal Casino and a few others. So go and stream while you’re stuck at home and support local artists!

Pastelephone singer kicks in the air during Battle of the Bands.
Rowan music industry students make up Pastelephone, shown here during a Battle of the Bands on campus. (Photo courtesy of Pastelephone.)


Story by: Tommy Bell, junior music industry major

Pandemic Profs | Rowan Art Student-Created Coloring Book

Rowan coloring book pages

We understand that staying at home for spring break this year may not be what you wished it would be. We’ve tried to provide our Profs with some things to keep you busy and your mind at ease. 

Pick one of your favorite coloring book pages created by our very own Art students and color away. Share your creations with us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok for a chance to be featured on our social media.

Click the photo above to download the Rowan Art student-created Coloring Book.

Like what you see?  


From ‘Sister of Justice’ to Court Service Supervisor

concrete facade of Mercer County Court House with flag in background

The daughter of a welder/steamfitter father and a mother who did a little bit of everything, Kristen Cunningham knew she wanted to continue her education after high school, but wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She also wanted to make her parents proud and be the first person in her family to go to college. Initially drawn to education and journalism, she shied away from those options when her hearing began to deteriorate as a young adult and she felt her hearing loss may hinder her in those areas. 

She completed her associate degree at Mercer County College, while working full-time as a cook in a restaurant. Her colleague there, Cheryl Buono, a waitress, told her about then-Glassboro State College and said, “You’ve got to come to this awesome school with me.” Kristen checked out a few options, including other state schools and an art school, but ultimately decided, “If Cheryl’s there, sure. That will make the transition to campus life much easier. I didn’t want to risk not getting a degree.”

Kristen Cunningham smiles outdoors, wearing a purple shirt while leaning against a concrete building.Once at Rowan, something just clicked with Kristen with criminology. “It blew my mind. I could still do the writing and the research that I enjoyed, but also focus on justice.” The law and justice studies alumna graduated in 1998, saying that the advice of her professors “saved” her. “I had one professor, Salerno, who asked me, ‘What do you want to do?’ We talked about it for a bit and he said, ‘I can see with your personality you’d be better at this, you’d be better at that.’ And he was right. He definitely geared me toward something that was a fit for me. He cared.”

Another professor taught her the importance of observation. “People never look up and that’s what criminals take advantage of. There’s a lot happening outside of your eyesight. To this day, when I’m walking down the street I always have eyes up. Those little nuggets, those were real-life experiences in that department. It was amazing and I loved it. We had people with years of experience in the field, being investigators, police officers and they were teaching these classes.”

Kristen also considers her involvement in Greek life to be paramount to her success at Rowan. “You went to classes and learned, but after class it was like family. Greek life made me feel like a part of the school.” Kristen affectionately earned the nickname “Sister of Justice” (something she is still sometimes called to this day) and led her sorority, Alpha Delta Epsilon, as president. 

Kristen Cunningham stands outside the concrete building of the Mercer County Courthouse on a sunny dayToday, Kristen is a 20-year employee of the judiciary within Mercer County. She started as an investigator, moving up to a probation officer after a year. She was voted Probation Worker of the Year in 2003. Two years later she was promoted to supervisor, a position she still holds today. As a court service supervisor in Probation/Child Support, she manages a team of six probation officers. “You get a lot of complaints. But as a civil servant you take the good with the bad. It’s rewarding because once in awhile I’ll get a letter that says that their lives changed for the better. That’s better than a bonus, when you hear that someone’s life has been bettered by an action you did – you go to bed that night feeling pretty good about yourself.”

As for her friend and waitress Cheryl? Successful in her own right as a leader in the marketing industry, she and Kristen are still dear friends 20+ years later.


Social Media Team is Seeking a Student Photographer

The Rowan University Social Media Team is looking for a student photographer. This position will assist with visual content creation to be used on Rowan University’s social media platforms, website and print materials. Tasks include taking photographs of campus, events, student life and more. The student photographer will also be responsible for some editing and cataloging photos.

As a photographer you will have the opportunity to attend a variety of University events, gain professional experience and have your work featured on many different Rowan University platforms.

You must be a full-time Rowan University student enrolled in the spring 2020 semester. This is a part-time, paid position. Duties include:

  • Photography experience shooting with a DSLR camera. 
  • Demonstrating strong skills in organization and time management and the ability to work in a fast-paced, creative production environment.
  • Proficiency with Adobe Creative products.
  • The ability to work occasional nights and/or weekends.


Submit a cover letter, resume and photography portfolio to socialmedia@rowan.eduThe deadline to submit your application and video is January 31, 2020. 

P.S. If you happen to feature your photography on your social media please share your handle with us!

Social Media Team is Seeking a Student Vlogger

student vlogger

The Rowan University Social Media Team is looking for a student vlogger. If you love starring in your own videos, editing videos and getting creative we want to hear from you! Specifically, we want to hear from you via a one-minute video showing us why you’re the perfect fit. 


Rowan University’s student vlogger is responsible for representing the university through biweekly vlogs that are hosted on Rowan’s official YouTube channel. The student vlogger must be a full-time Rowan University student enrolled in the spring 2020 semester. This is a part-time, paid position. Duties include:

  • Brainstorming ways to illustrate student life (and more) at Rowan University through a new and creative perspective.
  • Developing original video content that will be shared on the Rowan University’s YouTube channel, social media platforms and other digital platforms.
  • Shooting, editing and exporting vlogs on a weekly basis—a minimum of one vlog to be submitted every other week.
  • Demonstrating strong skills in organization and time management and the ability to work in a fast-paced, creative production environment.
  • Proficiency with Adobe Creative products.
  • The ability to work occasional nights and/or weekends.


Submit a cover letter, resume and a one-minute video to show us why you should be Rowan’s next student vlogger. Your video can feature a day in your life, give a tour of your favorite spots on campus/South Jersey or just simply introduce yourself. Submissions should be sent to socialmedia@rowan.eduThe deadline to submit your application and video is January 31, 2020. 

P.S. If you happen to have your own YouTube channel be sure to share that with us too!

First Year Voices: Ocean County Native Makes New Friends

Elizabeth Hudak stands in front of Holly Pointe Commons at Rowan University with the building behind her

Elizabeth Hudak wears a teal colored Rowan University shirt outside her new dorm Holly PointeMeet Elizabeth Hudak, a freshman Radio/TV/Film major from Manchester, NJ (Ocean County). She moved into Holly Pointe Commons in September. 

Elizabeth says attending freshmen orientation made it easier to meet people once she started on campus this fall. She was happily surprised at “how easily I made friends and how open everybody was to getting to know one another.”

Campus life is one of her favorite aspects of Rowan because she feels it makes it so that there’s always something to do every day. 

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Story by Enzo Ronchi, junior public relations major
Photography by Adam Goskowsky, junior advertising major

Family Fun While Visiting Your Rowan Student

Blonde female student takes a selfie at a sunflower field near Rowan University

Dr. Heidi L. Newell, parent of a Rowan sophomore, shares her insight on how to make fun family memories while visiting your Rowan University student on campus. 

You moved them in, now what do you do for a little fun and bonding time? These are some on-campus or local activities my family has tried that are worthwhile. Note: some of these events require an admission fee or even a reservation.

Take a tour of the Hollybush mansion on campus. It was the site of the historic 1967 summit meeting between President Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, and it was also the home for Rowan University presidents until about 20 years ago.

Line of people wait to enter the historic brick Hollybush Mansion at Rowan University

Feeling sporty? Take a Rec Center class with your student. This summer I took a spin class with my daughter and survived! If you’d like to get into some school spirit, attend an athletics event where you might run into our mascot, Whoo RU!

Attend a College of Performing Arts event. I recommend the annual Jazz Festival Concert. There are many amazing student and faculty productions such as theatre, art shows and concerts.7 women wearing purple dresses on stage raise their arms at a production held at Rowan University

Sit back and relax in our own Edelman Planetarium and learn about what your student sees in the sky above campus.

a row of student sit at the Rowan University planetarium, looking up at a presentation

Want to get your hands dirty and find out what roamed the campus long before your student did? Try the Edelman Fossil Park and bring home your very own fossil.

5 people work independently to dig in the mud at the Rowan University Fossil Park

Rowan has a terrific program called Rowan After Hours (RAH) that offers an alternative to off-campus parties. My daughter and I attended a “Stranger Things” event with many cool activities inspired by one of our favorite shows.

Just off campus is the Heritage Glass Museum where you can learn more about the origin of the Glassboro name.

Glassboro is our second home and we’ve attended many ‘boro events. Some of our favorites happen right off campus such as the annual tree lighting or live free music nights with food trucks on the green.

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First Year Voices: Joining Her Cousins at Rowan

Krishna stands at Rowan University posed with the owl mascot's wings behind her

After hearing good things about Rowan’s engineering program and with two cousins already here, Rowan was a natural choice for incoming freshman Krishna Barot. 

Krishna sits on a bright pink chair with PCI friends

Meeting people and forming the beginnings of lifelong friendships has been the highlight of Krishna’s summer at Rowan University. The first generation college student, from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County), spent six weeks on campus as a part of the Pre-College Institute (PCI), an academic/residential program to better prepare freshmen for college. 

When Krishna returns to campus in September, she’ll have already earned three college credits through PCI, will have a core group of friends she’ll be reunited with and will already have a familiarity with campus. A civil engineering major, Krishna will live in Evergreen Hall

In September, Krishna says, “I’m most looking forward to learning about the different clubs and activities to join.”

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First Year Voices: A 4-Year Dream Begins to Launch

Alexis Benitez smiles, sits on a green bench with his bookbag by his side

Incoming freshman Alexis Pacheco Benitez of Bridgeton, NJ (Cumberland County) has waited patiently four years to finally begin his education toward his dream career. “When I was a freshman in high school we had this seminar to find out what you want to do, and ever since then I’ve known that I want to go […]

Leading Camden Middle Schoolers to “All Pull Together”

Kasey DiSessa of Rowan University sits in the middle of a row of middle school students she teaches

“I’m never going to be afraid to do anything ever again,” says senior Kasey DiSessa. “If I can cheer and sing in front of judgmental sixth graders, I can do anything.”

The biological sciences and English double major lost her self-consciousness and found her voice this summer as an intern for the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School in Camden. A Servant Leader (teacher) leading a classroom of 11 rambunctious 3rd to 5th graders, Kasey immersed herself in classroom teaching to support her goal of becoming a biology teacher dual-certified in English. 

Kasey DiSessa of Rowan University leans over a table with three students to teach them

Embracing the Kenyan tradition of Harambee, meaning “all pull together” in Swahili, each morning at the Freedom School Kasey, her four fellow Servant Leaders and approximately 50 students in the program got hyped for their day with upwards of eight special chants and songs. “It was a big deal for me to put myself out there like that,” Kasey says. 

A national program primarily focused on reading, the Camden location extends its reach into STEM education too, which suits Kasey well, given her two majors. “I have my two passions,” she says, “and I’ve been able to personalize my education at Rowan to blend both.” 

Kasey DiSessa of Rowan University leans over the shoulder of a girl student working on a computerKasey took classes in children’s and adolescent literature that helped her to prepare for her summer role. “I reached out to my professors and told them, ‘The books I read in your classes are in my curriculum — thank you! Your choices applied to my life in a way I was not expecting.’”

Toward the end of the summer program, Kasey led a two-week project on robotics. Stepping out of her comfort zone to do so, Kasey at first felt apprehensive — but then exhilarated at the project’s completion. “During the finale, parents came in to see their children’s final projects,” Kasey explains. “It was awesome. We had little robots from LocoRobo and we taught the students how to use an online app to drop and drag blocks of code and create shapes on the ground. 

“We all screamed at the tops of our lungs when the robot went through the gates at the maze. They had created the code, using a function they had never used before. We lost our minds we were so excited,” Kasey says. 

Kasey DiSessa of Rowan University stands in front of her decorated classroom door that says Welcome to Ms. Kasey's Forest!From Hackettstown, NJ (Warren County), Kasey stayed in South Jersey this summer solely to complete this internship. With she and her parents’ lacking familiarity with Camden — only knowing what they’ve seen on the news — at first Kasey’s parents had some trepidation about their daughter teaching in the city. “My dad is nervous about everything,” Kasey says. “But, the school was nice. The location was fine. I wasn’t nervous and the drive wasn’t bad at all.

“This program gives the students an edge they might not normally get in their regular school,” Kasey says. “It not just puts them on par with kids from schools with more resources, but also helps them to go beyond,” she says.

“I went in terrified and by the end I knew I wanted to come back and do this again,” Kasey says. “It was hard and there were days that it was emotionally taxing,” she continues. “But thanks to this program I feel more comfortable with teaching this age level and I would consider teaching in an urban setting, which is something I wouldn’t have considered before.”

Kasey will graduate this upcoming fall, a semester ahead of schedule, and plans to attend graduate school.

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First Year Voices: Growing Up With Rowan

Silas sits in the driver's seat of a Rowan golf cart with one hand on the wheel, looking off camera

As Silas Alston grew up, he watched Rowan University grow up, too. 

“I remember campus before half these buildings were here,” the incoming freshman says. “Whitney, Holly Pointe, Rowan Boulevard, Barnes & Noble — I remember all of them coming up.”

With many family connections to Rowan, Silas spent much of his childhood visiting campus. Now, as an incoming freshman, he’s beginning to see Rowan through fresh eyes. 

Silas sits with three friends on brightly colored Adirondack chairs on a lawn at Rowan University

This summer Silas earned three college credits through Rowan’s Pre-College Institute (PCI), a six-week academic/residential program to better prepare freshmen for college. 

The New Castle, DE, resident will live on campus in Mullica Hall his freshman year. An exploratory studies major, Silas is looking forward to finding a major and a career he’s interested in. “I’m considering some type of engineering or athletic training,” he says. 

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Rowan University Application Timeline

Two young women stand under a brown and gold school colors balloon arch at Rowan University at Accepted Students Day.

Today we feature insight from admissions counselor Amanda Marcks, who has been an assistant director of admissions at Rowan since 2017. She reviews first-year applications (formerly known as freshmen applications), and was previously an admissions representative at Ocean County College. Amanda was a transfer student to Rowan University and graduated in 2015 with a bachelor of arts in communication studies. 

Story reviewed for accuracy October 2023; first published 2019. 

At Rowan University, we review applications on a rolling basis. What that means is once I receive all the required documents needed in an application, I will review the complete application and send out a decision. Since we review applications this way, we do not have Early Action or Early Decision.

Below is a timeline of the Rowan application and when your student should expect a decision from the university!

Amanda Marcks smiles in outdoor sunshine under a gazebo on the Rowan University campus.


The application is available to all students interested in applying to Rowan. Students have the option to apply via Common App, Coalition App, or through our Rowan University application. There is no preference when it comes to the application and each application asks the same questions. Students don’t necessarily have to submit their application as soon as it becomes available, but it is a good idea to start looking it over and thinking about the essay prompts for their college essay.

A mother and son smile happily under a brown and gold school color balloon arch at Rowan University accepted students day.


Start having your student ask people to write their letter of recommendations! At Rowan, we require at least one letter of recommendation, and we accept up to five. Keep in mind, teachers and school counselors write A LOT of letters of recommendation, so you want to make sure they have plenty of time to write a well-written letter. Please note, home schooled applicants choosing to apply test optional will be required to submit two letters of recommendation.

Your student should also be drafting their college essay and having their teachers help revise and make edits.  

A drone view of the Rowan athletic field, with the mascot of the Prof in the middle on the grass.


At this point, your student should have their letters of recommendation written, their college essay ready to go, and the application complete and ready to be submitted. October is a great time to hit the “submit” button on the application and start sending test scores (if you choose to send them), letters of recs and high school transcripts.

We are a test optional school; we will consider your test scores should you submit them. There are some exceptions where test scores are required; see our Test Optional page for more information. If you are sending test scores, they must be sent to Rowan University through College Board or ACT directly. 

Your student will also need to see their high school counselor and request their high school transcript be sent to Rowan.

If you are going to be applying for financial aid, be aware the FAFSA becomes available on Oct. 1. I always tell students to sit down with their parents/guardians in early October to complete that. The sooner you get the FAFSA submitted, the sooner you will get your financial aid package.

After submitting the application, your student will receive a link to their Admissions Status Page. This page will list all received materials and show which materials have not been received yet. It will also identify the student’s admission counselor and it will include their phone number and email. If you have any questions about the application process, we encourage you to connect with us!

Once a decision is made on your student’s application, the status page will reflect their decision letter; and if a FAFSA is submitted, you will be able to view the College Financing Plan. There will also be a section for your student to reply to their offer of admission, and it will show their next enrollment steps if they choose to call Rowan University home. 

Water fountains spray water upward on Rowan Boulevard.


If your student submitted all their required documents in October, November may be a waiting game. This is a great time to go re-visit some of the schools your student applied to and meet with faculty members from the department/area of interest your student applied to.

A golden hued campus beauty photo showing golden decorative grasses and trees about to change color.


By December, your student should receive their decision if they applied in early October. Keep in mind, this can fluctuate depending on volume. When your student does receive their decision, they will also receive information regarding merit scholarships, and they will receive financial aid information a few weeks following.

Snow covered HollyBush Mansion at Rowan University.


Continue to visit colleges that your student has been admitted to and attend Accepted Student Days. This will allow your student to see a school through the eyes of an admitted student, instead of a prospective student.

This is also a great time to compare financial aid awards and start thinking about which school is the right fit for you.

A drone view of the town of Glassboro, with the water tower in the distance and top of Bunce tower in the foreground.


Time to make your decision! When you are ready to confirm your enrollment to Rowan University, your student can visit their Admissions Status Page to reply to the offer of admission. Once your student confirms their enrollment, the status page will list all of their next enrollment steps (orientation, housing, testing, etc.).

A happy family of five hold #RowanPROUD signs under a brown and gold school color balloon arch at Accepted Students Day.

Like what you see? 

Story by:
Amanda Marcks, Assistant Director of Admissions

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Things I Wish I Knew Before College

Interesting Clubs To Check Out At Rowan University

How To Handle Homesickness: An RA’s Perspective

First Year Voices: Twins Dillon and Chase Weigand

Dillon Weigand and Chase Weigand, new freshmen at Rowan University, pose in a silly way with the Henry Rowan statue

Watch out, world! These incoming freshmen — Chase Weigand (left) and Dillon Weigand (right) of Ocean Gate, NJ (Ocean County) — are ready to start their four years at Rowan in just a few months. We caught up with them today as they visited campus for the first time, ready to put down a deposit with their family. 

Dillon Weigand puts his arm around twin Chase Weigand in front of the Henry Rowan statue at Rowan UniversityFirst-generation college students, Chase will major in biological sciences within the College of Science & Mathematics and Dillon will major in biomedical engineering within the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering. 

How did they end up at Rowan? “It just kinda happened,” Chase says — which is the case for so many students. The brothers looked at other state schools, but ultimately decided on Rowan. 

They decided not to room together and are actively seeking roommates for the upcoming year. Both share that the biggest thing they’re looking forward to in September is getting to know campus and make new friends. 

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Photography by: Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Exploratory Studies Path to the Perfect Major for Callie

Callie DeMaria stands smiling with Rowan Boulevard buildings behind her at Rowan University

Today we feature thoughts from Callie DeMaria, a rising junior from Little Egg Harbor, NJ (Ocean County.) A first-generation college student, Callie started at Rowan as an exploratory studies (undecided) major and found her way to the perfect major for her — psychology, within the College of Science & Mathematics. Callie lives on campus during the year, most recently living at 114 Victoria. 

Callie DeMaria sits on a bench at Rowan Boulevard at Rowan UniversityComing from a small town, I was not exposed to many careers that I could possibly commit to one day. Rowan first accepted me as an Exploratory Studies major, which helped me to explore different classes that may have interested me. My advisor recommended I take Essentials of Psychology and I fell in love with the subject.

The next semester, I decided to take some more Psychology electives to make sure this is what I wanted to pursue, and the classes helped me to confirm that Psychology was the major for me.

Callie DeMaria of Rowan University stands at Rowan Boulevard with buildings behind her, while wearing a black t-shirt about InclusionAs a Psychology major, I have already accomplished things I never thought I could. I was the President of the Psychology Alliance last semester; I was awarded the job of Admission Ambassador. I am the Secretary of the Applied Behavior Analysis club, and I have an internship currently at the Department of Child Protection and Permanency.

I could not have found these amazing opportunities without the help of my advisor and professors. Currently, I am on the track to graduate with my bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in Law and Justice, and a concentration in Child Behavioral Services. I am extremely excited to see what my next two years at Rowan will throw at me. Rowan provided me with resources and opportunities that have contributed to where I am today!

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Passing the Torch: International Student Gives Advice

Ahmad Kindawi stands with his family at Rowan University graduation

Ahmad Kindawi jots notes after graduation with family looking on holding a bouquet of flowers at Rowan University“Participating in social activities is the best way to make friends,” says Ahmad Kindawi, a first-generation college student (now graduate!) from Syria, who rents a house off-campus, within walking distance of campus. Ahmad graduated with a master’s degree in history from the College of Humanities & Social Sciences

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Passing the Torch: Law & Justice Grad Gives Advice

Christian stands with two friends, wearing his graduation gown from Rowan University

“On campus I’ve worked with Tutoring, Housing, and as a Public Safety intern. Networking is everything!” says law and justice graduate Christian Grund, from Verona, NJ (Essex County.) He says that having a job while going to school makes college more fun and manageable.

His best advice to freshmen on time management is, “Do it early or suffer later. Don’t procrastinate – just do it!” 

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Passing the Torch: History Grads Share Insight

history grads pose with professor, wearing graduation gowns at Rowan University

“I’m really proud of you,” were Professor Glenn McDorman’s parting words to two of his graduates. “Please reach out if you need anything.”

Graduating with degrees in history and humanities, Cory Gibson (right) from Wall, NJ (Monmouth County) says that the best advice he would give his high school senior self about how to make the most out of college is, “Take advantage of all of the opportunities.” His friend, history major Jeff Fitzpatrick (left), a commuter from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) agrees, adding, “Just try your best.” Jeff found that the best way to make friends on campus was through classes. 

history grads pose with professor after graduation at Rowan University

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Passing the Torch: Commuter Grad’s Advice to New Students

Cheyenne wears her graduation gown, posing with Rowan University diploma holder in front of owl statue

Cheyenne stands in front of owl statue at Rowan University, wearing an open graduation gown and holding a brown diploma holderCommuter and first-generation college student (now graduate!) Cheyenne Rickabaugh of Cape May, NJ (Cape May County) says the best way to make friends at college is, “Show up to things! Talk in class! Not during lecture, though.” She also says that the best way to get the most out of your college experience is to, “Just get out there and do things! Have fun.” Congrats, Cheyenne, on earning your geography degree from the School of Earth & Environment!

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Aspiring Counselor Started As Exploratory Studies Major

Autumn sits on a bench outside of Savitz Hall at Rowan University

Sophomore Autumn Vilches-Cruz, who commutes from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County), shares her insight with prospective students every day in her role as an Admissions Ambassador who gives tours of campus. Today she shares one snippet of insight, as a former exploratory studies major (commonly known as an undeclared or undecided major.)

Autumn stands in front of Savitz Hall at Rowan University, with her hands clasped in front of her.Coming in as an exploratory studies major really helped me to solidify what I wanted to do as a career.

When I was a freshman, my Rowan 101 seminar required me to attend at least two information sessions about different majors provided at Rowan. I have always had a fascination with people and why we do the things that we do, and think the things that we think. I came in knowing that psychology was the major for me, and once I was finally declared a psychology major, I could not have been happier!

I’m aspiring to become a counselor, and I’m actually thinking about working at Rowan’s Wellness Center when I’m done with my schooling.

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First Year Voices: Joey Coyle

Joey Coyle of Rowan University looks upward toward the sky

“Being part of the track and field team is a plus – the more people you know on campus, the more you get involved in activities. Being a part of the track team was the best decision I have ever made. I was shaky about joining but glad I made the right decision in joining such a close-knit organization that has that winning mentality. Everyone looks out for each other – it’s a great feeling.”

“Rowan has been absolutely amazing so far, as my first year comes to a close. All of the great things I heard about this university were true – everyone is like one big family.”

Joey Coyle, freshman Chestnut Hall resident and Human Performance in Clinical Settings major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County.)

Joey Coyle laughs while holding onto the straps of the bookbag on his back

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Story and photography by:
Jelani James, senior journalism major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Francis Terry

Francis Terry stands in front of a tree for a portrait, wearing a black Rowan zip up

Meet Francis Terry, a Law and Justice junior who commutes from Laurel Springs, NJ (Camden County) and is captain of the track and field team. Francis is a first-generation college student and transferred to Rowan last fall from Neumann University in Aston, PA. 

Francis Terry stands in front of a tree for a portrait, wearing a black Rowan zip up

“Just knowing that I’m one of the first in my family to go to college and pursue my dreams of getting a degree is what gets me out of bed. The work that I have put in and my family that are now looking up to me telling me that they’re proud of me. It just gives me the confidence I need to get up in to morning and do what I have to do. 

“I chose Rowan because of how familiar I was with it. I just knew coming back home to Rowan was the best choice for me. I also chose Rowan because of how dominant our sports teams are. Being able to do what I love, while being able to be around great individuals all around campus, just makes the decision I made to come to Rowan even better.”

Like what you see? 

Story and photography by:
Jelani James, senior journalism major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Robert Fanelli Jr.

Robert stands in his doorway of Holly Pointe at Rowan University wearing a black jacket and staring at the camera

Meet Robert Fanelli Jr., a senior double major in radio/TV/film and sound communication, from Hillsborough,NJ (Somerset County) who lives on campus at 220 Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Robert transferred here from Raritan Valley Community College after his freshman year. “I know most people go to community college for two years but I really was excited about […]

Welcome, Transfer Honor Society Members!

mascot Whoo RU jumps for joy and is seen mid-air
Jelani stands against a black metal fence with a pond behind him
Senior journalism major Jelani allows his Rowan Blog internship colleague to practice taking photos of him on campus.
Education student sits on chair leaning down toward a 6 year old boy to read him a book
An education major reads to Steven, age 6, in the reading clinic.
Two students walk on the sidewalk inside the curve of Holly Pointe Commons.
Two Holly Pointe Commons residents walk outside on a warm day.
Mascot Whoo RU jumps for joy outside of Savitz Hall
Mascot Whoo RU jumps for joy to welcome you!
Junior marketing major Dan looks down to adjust his tie in Business Hall
Dan, a junior marketing major, adjusts his tie in Business Hall.
five suitemates in Willow Hall sit on their couch, hanging out and chatting
These suitemates affectionately dubbed themselves the “Willow Squad.”

First Year Voices: Vanessa Moultrie

Vanessa from Rowan University stands in front of the sign for Chestnut Hall dorm, with her left elbow resting on the brown sign
Vanessa from Rowan University stands in front of sparse trees at Chestnut Hall, wearing a black fleece, hands in pockets
Vanessa stands with her left elbow resting on the Chestnut Hall sign in front of her dorm

“There’s a lot more to do here at Rowan than I thought. There’s almost an activity somewhere on campus every day, so I’m never really bored. When I first started at Rowan I didn’t really know what to expect. Meeting my roommates, and living in Chestnut Hall, has really made me feel at home. All of the residents here are all so close to one another, the RAs give us fun activities daily which is also a plus!” Vanessa Moultrie, law and justice major, from Atco, NJ (Camden County).

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Enter for a chance to win a Rowan t-shirt! Email RowanBlog [at] with the date and time of your upcoming campus tour … we may just email you that we’re going to surprise you while you’re visiting!

Story and photography by:
Jelani James, senior journalism major

Faculty PROFile: Analytical Chemist Dr. James Grinias

Analytical chemist James Grinias at Rowan University sits with a student

Meet James Grinias, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, who earned his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.S. in Chemistry from Eastern Michigan University. What is your area of expertise? I am an analytical chemist with a focus on chemical separations […]

Faculty PROFile: Political Science’s Kathy Balin, Esq.

Rowan University Professor Kathy Balin sitting in Savitz hall chatting with 3 students

Meet: Kathy Balin, Esquire Adjunct Professor (15 years, political science); former prosecutor and owner of The Law Offices of Kathy Balin Department/College: Political Science in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences Degrees: Juris Doctorate from Temple University, Beasley School of Law; Bachelor of Arts Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) What is your area […]

Something Fun for Everyone at the Student Organization Fair at Rowan University

Rowan University Rugby during a match, in action defending a ball from the other team.

Student Government Association (SGA) hosts its annual welcome-back-to-school organization fair in early September in the center of campus, behind the Student Center. With over 200 student clubs, intramural sports and club sports on campus, this is always an afternoon of excitement for students of all years and majors. We suggest expanding your horizons and remembering […]

20 Minute Radius: Poop! Review of Philadelphia Art Gallery Exhibit, Poopface: Dogs of Philadelphia

Justin stands next to the glass storefront of Wanderlife Gallery

Poop! Giggles aside, on a Friday night my girlfriend and I drove to the newly opened Wanderlife Gallery in Philadelphia to check out its first exhibit, a photography series called Poopface: Dogs of Philadelphia. Beth Dombkowski, Wanderlife owner and admissions counselor at Rowan University, invited us to attend the gallery’s opening and we figured seeing […]

South Jersey, According to Northern NJ Natives

As North Jersey natives attend Rowan University pursuing a rewarding education, they can’t help but notice how different South Jersey is compared to their northern hometowns. From how words are pronounced (water is “wood-er”) to the food (subs are “hoagies”), there are many differences between the two regions. Below, our top 10. 1) Sprinkles vs. […]

Compare/Contrast Freshman Housing

Scott Timko is a resident assistant in Mullica Hall, wearing a yellow sweatshirt that says Glassboro State

Chatting with Rowan University on campus residents on a frigid, hectic morning just before finals (seriously, is it really spring yet?!), one thing was clear: the sense of community within their residence halls is what they love most. However, what “community” means in each residence hall is different. I learned that Evergreen is known for […]

Roommates Reflect: Freshmen in Holly Pointe [VIDEO]

Curving outside architecture of Holly Pointe Commons

What will they say? High school best friends and former Holly Pointe roommates Nick Cooper (chemical engineering) and Mark Hausman (mechanical engineering) reflect on what it was really like to live together. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Carlo’s Day at Rowan University [Video] College Essay Advice [Video] […]

Vanessa, College of Communication & Creative Arts at Rowan University [VIDEO]

vanessa sitting in a college of communication and creative arts classroom

Hey! I’m Vanessa, a junior at the College of Communication & Creative Arts. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my College, and to Rowan University. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Carlo’s Day at Rowan University [Video] College Essay Advice [Video] Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to […]

Rowan was Not My Dream: My Transfer Story

Rowan Blvd/Whitney Center

As a senior in high school, Rowan University was never my number one choice. In fact, Rowan failed to crack the top five in my university power rankings. Since grade school, I knew that I wanted to go to a major four-year university in Philadelphia. It seemed like a no-brainer. So, that’s exactly what I did. […]

Top 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before College

academic advisor at Rowan University sits with a student to review her schedule

1. Know that it’s not like high school You’re now responsible for the coursework, and it’s easy to delay assignments in favor of more fun opportunities. In high school, everything was set at a certain schedule. When you get to college, your life is already consumed by other responsibilities, and now, classes which could be […]

Through the Eyes of One RCBC Student

Main building at Rowan College at Burlington County partnership with Rowan University

Not only is Rowan University’s partnership with Rowan College at Burlington County a beautiful thing, but the RCBC campus itself is a beautiful place. RCBC freshman sonography major Samantha Fennimore shared these photos with Rowan University and we are feeling pretty darn #RowanPROUD of her photography and our campuses’ partnerships. With three pathways to completing […]

Ask the Expert: Philosophy & Religion Studies

Ask the Expert: Philosophy, Religion Studies at Rowan

Rowan Department of Philosophy & Religion Studies faculty Dr. Dianne Ashton, Dr. Matthew Lund and Dr. Ellen Miller share their insights on how Rowan students benefit from a degree within their program. Video by: Alexander Belli, Senior, double major advertising and public relations Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related […]

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I was a Rowan Freshman

four girls wearing brown Rowan t-shirts sit on the grass

Just like many other 18-year-old incoming freshmen, the only thing I cared about was living on my own inside a college dorm without a parent in sight. What could be better than no parents, a dorm and unlimited meal swipes? Although all of that was more excitement than my 18-year-old mind could even handle, as […]