Rowan Blog contributor and senior writing arts major Asiya Robinson, from Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County), shares a first-person perspective on going away to college close to home. Asiya’s hometown is approximately 20 minutes from Rowan. As a student, Asiya lives on campus, is a member of student clubs, and balances academics with both an on-campus student worker job and an off-campus job on Rowan Boulevard. To connect with Asiya professionally, send an invite to her LinkedIn.

It always leads to you in my hometown! When it comes to venturing into the vast unknown that can be pursuing higher education, many find themselves not only adjusting to new classes but also having to adapt to living in a brand new area as well. But this isn’t the case for everyone. Living local to Rowan University while being a student here is a game changer. Here are four of the major benefits of going to university in your own backyard.

No Homesickness:
Living only 20 minutes from home allows for homesickness to completely disappear. Living on campus has allowed me to live the classic college experience by being on my own, however, it does allow me to also head home practically whenever I need without any hassle or major strains on gas. It also allows me to see family and friends whenever I like as well.
Familiarity Is An Asset:
When it comes to university there are many different stressors that come into play. One of the main ones for people who are away from home for the first time is losing that sense of familiarity. Not knowing the surrounding area can be a very scary thing to adapt to. However, going to school close to home eliminates this entirely. Although I didn’t grow up in Glassboro, being from a town nearby still allows me to know the area very well to the point I can get pretty much anywhere without Google Maps!

You Can Keep That Summer Job:
As summer begins to wind down, many students who live farther away from Rowan University will have to leave their hometown summer jobs and deal with a new job search once they head back to campus. Although there indeed are many places on campus for students to work, readjusting to a new job while simultaneously starting new classes for the semester can be a lot to tackle. Living close by is a plus in this department since you have the ability to stay at the same job year-round and adjust availability as needed.
The Choice to Commute:
Being local to Rowan University has given me the opportunity to make the choice between commuting to campus and living on campus as well. As someone who has had the opportunity to experience life as both a commuter and an on-campus residential student, I personally prefer to live on campus. It has allowed me to feel more comfortable in my academics and has given me more of a college experience being in the heart of campus all the time during the semester. However, commuting isn’t a bad option either, and helps to save a lot of money on housing costs. For those who do plan to commute though I would recommend joining a club, getting an on-campus job, or joining an organization to feel more involved on campus and student life as a whole.

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Written by: Asiya Robinson, senior writing arts major