One Rowan University Indian Graduate Student Reflects on His Journey at Rowan University, Computer Science Education and International Community

Somyaranjan Rout sits behind business hall.

This story is one within a multi-part series highlighting the aspirations, hopes and dreams of a few of Rowan University’s international students. Read the other stories

Meet Somyatanjan Rout, a graduate student and international student from Vadodara, Gujarat, India, majoring in computer science.

What is your long-term professional goal or dream career?

“My long-term professional goal is to become an expert in cloud architecture and full stack development. I aspire to architect and develop innovative cloud-based solutions that can solve real-world problems and positively impact people’s lives.”

Somyaranjan Rout walks down the hall in business hall, while wearing a business suit.

Are you involved in internships, clubs, networking, etc. here at Rowan? If so, please share what they are and how they support your goals. 

“Most significantly, I interned at the Center for Research and Education in Advanced Transportation Engineering Systems (CREATEs) during summer 2023. I worked on critical projects, including automated GIS tasks, by creating an ETL pipeline using pandas and ArcGIS, developing a desktop application for image analysis using Python and PyQt, and gathering data for distracted driving research. This internship gave me invaluable hands-on experience in software development, data engineering, and project development.

“Currently, I work at CREATEs as a graduate assistant developer, building full-stack web applications using React, Django, Docker, AWS, and other latest technologies. This allows me to continually expand my skills and work on impactful projects.

“Additionally, I serve as an event assistant for University Events at the Office of the President. Here, I create event websites using Rowan Cascade CMS and manage major University events through platforms like MarchingOrder. This improves both my technical and collaboration abilities.

“I’m also developing an inventory management and lending system for Rowan using React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Rowan Cloud Services. This project enables me to demonstrate full-stack development proficiency.

“Outside of work, I attend developer meetups, conferences, and hackathons like AWS Summit, Google I/O, MongoDB.Local, and PhilyCode Fest to network and learn about the latest industry advancements.

“In summary, the hands-on experiences offered through internships, student jobs, and activities at Rowan have been integral for helping me gain expertise.”

Somyaranjan Rout sits behind business hall, writing in a notebook while looking down at his laptop.

What Rowan professors or Rowan classes have been most helpful and enlightening to you, and how?

“In Professor Promita Banerjee’s Agile Software Engineering course, I developed an AI application called PreScript using React, Django, NLP, and AWS to evaluate medical notes. This project allowed me to apply agile methodologies and enhanced my full-stack development skills. I learned critical technologies like DevOps, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Terraform in the Advanced Software Engineering course. I gave a presentation on deploying infrastructure using Terraform, gaining hands-on expertise in provisioning cloud resources.

“Professor Banerjee also provided an excellent recommendation, connecting me with her industry colleague Ganesh for full-stack development opportunities in React.js and AWS. Her mentorship and willingness to connect me with professionals have been invaluable for my career growth.

“In Professor Edward Burns’s Advanced Web Programming course, I built an e-commerce website and gave a presentation on SQL injections. This bolstered my skills in developing secure, data-driven web applications.

“In Professor Ganesh Baliga’s Advanced Object-Oriented Design course, I delivered a presentation on the Chain of Responsibility design pattern and completed a project applying this pattern. This improved my OOP knowledge and ability to craft scalable, maintainable software solutions.

“These courses’ hands-on, real-world focus and the Professor’s guidance continue to provide me with the knowledge and experience to achieve my goals as a software developer.”

How will this degree support your dreams and goals?

“Firstly, the program’s focus on hands-on learning provides me with critical real-world skills in areas like full-stack development, cloud computing, machine learning, and project management. The practical application of concepts through labs, assignments, and internships is invaluable preparation for a successful industry career.

“Secondly, the curriculum covers cutting-edge technologies like containers, microservices, and serverless computing that align perfectly with my goal of becoming an expert in cloud architecture and development. The professors incorporate the latest advancements into the coursework.

“Additionally, the small class sizes and dedicated faculty provide ample mentorship opportunities. Their industry connections and recommendations open doors to networking and potential roles. This facilitates my transition into a leadership role managing complex development teams and projects.”

Somyaranjan Rout sits on a conrete bench behind business hall.

Could you share your thoughts on the international student community here at Rowan? Were you able to connect with people from home? Meet new friends? How?

“As an international student, I’ve had a very positive experience connecting with the diverse community at Rowan University.

“I’ve met and become friends with many individuals from my home country through student organizations like the South Asian Student Association(SASA) and Rowan Rangeela. Spending time with them and celebrating festivals together made me feel at home.

“Additionally, I’ve had the opportunity to build strong bonds with classmates from across the globe in my program. Group projects and assignments fostered great teamwork and understanding of diverse perspectives.

“Rowan offers a welcoming environment where I quickly met new people and made lifelong friends, thanks to shared classes, living spaces, extracurriculars, and social events. The inclusive community made my transition to the US smooth. I’m grateful for the wonderful connections I’ve made here through shared interests, conversations, and experiences.”

Why did you choose Rowan?

“Firstly, the high-quality curriculum and research opportunities in areas like machine learning, cloud computing, and full-stack development perfectly align with my interests and career goals. The program focuses on building in-demand skills, which appeals to me.

“Secondly, the personalized attention and support offered through small class sizes and dedicated faculty provide invaluable mentoring opportunities. The professors are deeply invested in student success.

“Additionally, the emphasis on practical, hands-on learning through internships, labs, and projects is ideal preparation for professional roles. I appreciate the experiential focus.

“Finally, the university’s global community and inclusive culture offer a welcoming environment where I can learn and grow. I was drawn to the diversity.

“Rowan’s innovative graduate programs, student-centric approach, and global perspective make it the perfect choice to pursue my passion for computer science and launch a successful tech career.”

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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance and elementary education