Change is Good (Even When It’s Your Major)

Prof mascot playing with kids.

One Student Shares How She Found Her True Path by Changing Her Major at Rowan University

Meghan Tynan, a senior advertising and public relations double major from West Caldwell, NJ (Essex County) shares her personal journey of self-discovery, leaving her childhood dream behind and embracing a newfound passion.

Miss Tynan, a dream I had since I was 5 years old. Growing up I had a classroom set up in my basement and every day I would go downstairs and play teacher. I dreamed of having a classroom with my own students when I grew up. Flash forward 14 years later when it was time to decide on a college, I knew I wanted to go in as an elementary education major and decided to come to Rowan University since I heard it had a good teaching program. I went through freshman year taking teaching classes feeling like I was enjoying what I was doing but definitely feeling some doubt. I joined a sorority on campus which allowed me to come out of my shell and experience new things. I took the position of public relations in my sorority (which meant I ran the sorority’s Instagram account.) I immediately fell in love with what I was doing. I loved making advertisements and trying to find ways to build our following. This led me to second guess teaching.

Meghan Tynan, during her high school graduation with her decorated
cap for Rowan.

I had this idea of being a teacher forever, I was comfortable with it and it is what I’ve always said when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I was talking with my parents about changing my major from teaching to PR and advertising they were shocked. They couldn’t understand why I was giving up on my dream. This is what I told them, “When you ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up they say things like an astronaut, princess, police officer, firefighter etc. but a majority of the time they never actually end up being that.” I understood for them that this seemed like a crazy change since I said I wanted to be my teacher most of my life. However, eventually they understood where I was coming from and they saw that I grew up and found something that interested me more than what my 5 year old self wanted to be. They now tell me how proud they are of me for figuring out what I want to do to make me happy and that I made a change that was scary but good.

A picture of Meghan Tynan at a young age.

When I made this decision I talked with my academic advisor who went over our appointment time to validate my decisions and assist me with all the questions/feelings I was going through. I decided to take a leap of faith and officially change, something horrifying but also so exciting. Now, just finishing my first semester taking classes for my new major I can confidently say I made the right decision. I have never been so engaged in class and interested in what I was learning. Going to college is one of the most challenging things I’ve had to do because I was so scared of change and the thought of changing so many things in my life was really scary. However, now I am so confident with my decision and I am forever grateful to not only my sorority but Rowan for giving me so many amazing opportunities and a space to find who I truly am.

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Written by: Meghan Tynan, senior advertising and public relations double major

Story edited by: Valentina Giannattasio, junior dance and marketing double major