Biological Sciences Major Shares a Snapshot in Time of Her Days at Rowan

Yesenia sits at a lab table for a portrait.

Originally from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County) first-generation senior biological sciences major Yesenia Flores heads into her final semesters at Rowan, and there’s so much more to come for her.

Yesenia stands in a biological sciences lab wearing a white lab coat.

About her major Yesenia shared, “I have always been very curious about the dynamics and mechanisms by which science is able to revolutionize the world and help make significant changes. I knew that I wanted to be a part of those radical discoveries that made a difference in society.”

With her graduation coming up soon, Yesenia has her future on her mind, and plans to pursue her Ph.D. within the next year or two after her undergraduate time at Rowan ends. With so much promise to come, Yesenia expressed how she was able to grow so much here at Rowan, “A lot of the professors that I have had, have always given me great advice on how to weigh my options for the future, and have geared me toward resources that really open fruitful opportunities.”

Yesenia works in the lab holding equipment.

Yesenia describes what a “day in her life at Rowan” looks like for her: “Usually I start my day with back-to-back classes, from 9:30 till 12:15, and then I’ll head to my research lab where I either coordinate with my lab members on weekly tasks or jump right into the experiments that need to get done. Currently, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the lab troubleshooting some assays and setting up some things for some cool microscopy. Around 2:00 I try to catch some lunch from Saxby’s with a friend, and we chit-chat for a good hour/hour and a half. If I have time I like to attend research seminars where outside scientists come to talk about their work! Usually, I walk home afterward and make dinner, and chit-chat with my roommates, who usually drag me to watch a new show or study with them after dinner. I like to end my night on the phone with my best friends from home and get things ready for the next day.”

One of the easiest and best ways to make friends and a sense of community at Rowan is through the vast array of organizations, sports, and clubs offered to students on and off campus. When asked where and how she found home at Rowan, Yesenia gushed, “While it isn’t really a club, my fellowship program U-RISE, has an amazing group of people that really surrounds me as a community and makes me really passionate about the work we all do. I met one of my best friends in the program and I’m really thankful to have met her!”

A portrait of Yesenia.

With it being Hispanic Heritage Month and as a proud member of the community Yesenia shared that she loves going to the Hispanic Heritage Month events that are thrown at Rowan and celebrations for other major Hispanic holidays like Día de los Muertos and Independencia, to name a few!

Although her time at Rowan may be coming to a close Yesenia has so much to hold onto from her time here at Rowan and she has so much to come as she heads into the next chapter of her life.

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