After a long day of classes and activities, I usually find myself stressed out and exhausted with no outlet to let loose. It seems like my mind is always racing with thoughts of homework, things to do and places to be, a black hole of obligations that is almost impossible to forget. But after attending just one meeting with Rowan’s Ballroom Dance Club, I felt my worries fade away while watching everyone just dance and smile.
Before I even stepped into the LaPierre ballroom on High Street, where the club meets every Monday and Wednesday at 8 pm, I ran into some of the club’s members near the elevator. They were friendly and welcoming right away, introducing me to other members after exchanging compliments and high fives. The group talked the whole way there, giving me a preview of the good energy I was about to encompass upon entering the ballroom. One of the members even sighed, “It’s been a long day. I needed this,” as we walked in, leaving behind any worries from the day.

Music and excited chatter buzzed through the hallway before we even stepped into the room as smiling members prepared to dance. The club’s president, Krystal Bradley, introduced herself and welcomed the new members before encouraging everyone to find a partner to begin with. She and vice president, sophomore Shannon Storms, demonstrated the dance they were about to practice with an impressive amount of skill and enthusiasm. Dancers of all levels of experience intermixed so that those who were more accustomed to ballroom dance were able to guide the beginners, making sure nobody felt left out or judged.
As they fox trotted in a circle around the room, partners laughed and talked among themselves, while still paying attention to Krystal’s instructions and praise. Snippets of conversations I overheard as they passed by included talk of plans they have for the weekend, celebrity gossip (“Did you hear about Kylie Jenner?”) and ideas for the club’s t-shirt design this semester.
Then Krystal clapped her hands and everybody shifted down the line to their next partner. They shook hands and introduced themselves, if they weren’t already good friends, and the dancing began again. Had a stranger walked in while they danced, they would not be able to tell who just met and who had been dancing together for years. I couldn’t help but smile as I snapped photos, watching their contagious grins twirl around the room.

After a successful hour of learning and dancing, the club gathered in the center of the room to discuss upcoming events, social activities and other important news and deadlines. Krystal and Shannon invited members to attend the upcoming competition should they choose to dance competitively and addressed any questions or concerns members had. One member even extended an invitation to the others to come over one night for a pizza party to get to know everybody, and another member suggested the club formed a team for an on-campus dodge ball competition.
By the end of the session, members had made new friends and looked more confident. They stayed late to get to know each other, chatting in groups and exchanging phone numbers. It’s that kind of chemistry that made the room feel so energized and happy, completely ridding me of any worries I had and proving just how great the Ballroom Dance Club is. Who could ask for a better end to their busy day?!
By: Nicole Cier,
Sophomore Writing Arts major