Meet #Rowan2024: Lindenwold’s Maiyah, Law and Justice Major, Ready to Explore College Life

Photo of Maiyah outside in a yellow shirt and blue jacket

Today we feature incoming freshman Maiyah from Lindenwold, NJ (Camden County). Maiyah will be entering Rowan University as a Law and Justice Studies major. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school, I played softball and I hope to play at Rowan also. 

How or why did you chose your major?

I am fascinated with anything that has to do with law and I love to see what they go through, so that’s why I picked law and justice as my major.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

Next year I hope to meet new people and explore college life.

Selfie of Maiyah wearing a red and black-checked shirt

Why Rowan? 

I got to know the campus from an overnight program called A Day in the Life of A College Student. In that program I was shown what is it like to be a student at Rowan, and I got tips on how to make it a better experience for me. When I went on the tour, all the people there seemed to enjoy the environment and the people that I got to know really made me feel like this was a good choice for me.

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

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