Meet #Rowan2024: Accounting Major Lily Fuchs

Lily stands in front of Business Hall.

Meet incoming freshman Accounting major Lily Fuchs. Lily will commute to Rowan from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Today, she tells us a little more about herself and why she chose Rowan University.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

When I get to campus, I am looking forward to making new friends and building connections within the Rowan community, as well as getting involved in clubs and activities!

Lily stands in front of Bunce Hall green

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or, something new you’d like to try?)

In high school, I was part of my school’s tennis team, and I would really like to continue playing tennis when I come to Rowan!

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose accounting as my major because I have always loved working with numbers and I feel like it would be a good fit for my personality as someone who is very organized and detail-oriented.

How did you get to know campus?

I live close to campus, so I have already been somewhat familiar with it, but to get to know it better, I attended a tour, an admitted students’ day and virtual sessions.

What kind of music do you like?

I listen to all different types of music, but mostly pop.

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely more of a morning person, as I am excited to start each day!

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because I have seen it change over the years and I am very impressed with how it has grown. It’s in the perfect location and is the right size for me. I cannot wait to start in the fall!

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major