Today we feature Stephanie Batista, a sophomore Music Industry major from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County). Stephanie is a first-generation college student who transferred from Ramapo College of New Jersey this semester. She is a digital content contributor for Rowan Blog and is passionate about photography.
Why did you choose Rowan?
I chose Rowan because of the amazing Music Industry program they have here. I think it is very important that they have us taking music classes as well as business classes like Principles of Marketing, Foundations of Accounting and Entrepreneurship and Innovation. I also love the music scene here and how close it is to Philadelphia. I just went to Philadelphia for the first time a few weeks ago and I had so much fun. I got to take a lot of cool motorcycle photos! I look forward to joining Rowan Alternative but I have not yet had time to go to a meeting with such a busy schedule.

How was moving into your first apartment?
I got sun poisoning right before the day I started packing so it was a very long week of packing. Thanks to my friend Cristin, and her friend that she brought along, the UHaul and car were unloaded in less than 30 minutes. Then it was just me alone in my apartment, and I unpacked everything until everything was put away because my brain could not just sit there with everything still in boxes.
How do you like living in your own apartment?
I love it. I honestly love it so much. Sometimes it can get lonely but I don’t think I’ll ever not want to be living alone. I love that I can decorate that way that I want and also not have to worry about bothering anyone and just do my thing. I do not however get to blast my music like I would back at my parent’s house because I am afraid of my neighbors getting annoyed. But to compensate for that I’ll go in my car and take a drive to just blast some metal around the neighborhood.
How is your student worker job and school going?
I love my student worker job so much. I get to meet and photograph so many different kinds of people and I love it so much. I can definitely say it put me out of my comfort zone in the beginning, but I quickly adapted and am so comfortable meeting new people for a photoshoot or interview now. It has also helped me with my own photography and is helping me build my portfolio. The work and school balance is a bit difficult but is definitely doable if you really want it. I do think it is easier for me because of having four asynchronous classes and can schedule photoshoots whenever. I think the work and school balance will get more difficult when I have more classes in person or on Zoom with a meeting time.
When it comes to school, I have been having a great experience with classes. My professors are all great and very knowledgeable and approachable. In particular my Audio Record 1 Professor Adams has been amazing in sharing some advice when I reach out to her in the very beginning of the semester.
How have you managed to stay busy and make friends?
Between work, school and a social life I would say that I have been able to keep myself very busy. Also somehow despite the challenges with COVID-19 I have been able to make friends and maintain a good social life. I have met people through class, work and online.
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Story by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major