Rowan Blog contributor & international student, Valentina Giannattasio, a junior double majoring in dance & marketing with a CUGS in sustainable urbanism from Buenos Aires, Argentina shares her experience with taking summer classes through Rowan University.
Being an international student, I am spending a portion of my summer break back at home with my family in Argentina. However, I knew that I wanted to stay on-top of my coursework, since I am double majoring at Rowan. This summer, I am taking Business Logistics (Course: MKT 09375) and Retailing (Course: MKT 09372) so I can keep progressing with my marketing major.
Summer classes entail a lot of work but they are worth it. I dedicate many hours every week to try to stay on top of my assignments. All the course material is given in just 8 weeks, which means that the speed of the class is way faster than in a regular semester, where there are 15 weeks. With that being said, there are multiple quizzes and exams and almost no time to study for them. Therefore time management is essential! We also have group assignments, which are a great challenge as we all have different schedules throughout the summer. However, despite all the challenges, summer classes are a great opportunity for us to earn more credits.

Enrolling in summer classes provides a lot of opportunities for students. It allows you to earn more credits, which can even allow you to focus on fewer courses during the fall and spring semesters to avoid overload. Some summer classes are offered online, with no meetings required, allowing you to work on each weekly module at your own pace. This flexibility makes taking summer classes more convenient, especially if you have a busy schedule like me.
For anyone interested in taking summer classes, I would recommend taking major-specific classes. Personally, I wouldn’t suggest taking a Rowan Core class because Rowan offers multiple sections of these classes every semester, making it easier for students to find a class that can fit their schedule. Instead, major-specific classes are harder to find, as their seats are usually filled quickly, and there are not as many sections offered each semester.
I believe that the duration of summer courses has enhanced my learning experience. Focusing on 1 or 2 classes as opposed to 6 or more gives you the chance to go in depth and really understand the material, while dedicating more time, energy and effort to fewer classes. Summer classes require a huge commitment, a lot of work, and time management! They are not easy, but they are a great option for students to keep progressing in their major.

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Story by: Valentina Giannattasio, junior dance & marketing double major
Edited by: Jordyn Dauter, junior dance & elementary education double major