#PROFspective: Psychology Major Olivia Scattergood

Today, we speak with Olivia Scattergood, a freshman Psychology major from Kendall Park (Middlesex County), NJ, who lives on campus in Willow Hall. Olivia will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Olivia Scattergood
Major: PsychologyFreshman Psychology major Olivia Scattergood smiles outside of Robinson Hall at Rowan University.
:I am planning to start a Spanish major in the fall!
Year: Freshman
Hometown and County: Kendall Park, NJ (Middlesex County)
On Campus Resident: Yes, Willow Hall
Athletics: I am a thrower on the Track and Field team! Go Profs!!
Social Clubs: I am hoping to join some clubs in the near future!
Do you work on campus? I work as a delivery driver at the Pizza Hut on Rowan Boulevard.

Olivia leans on a bridge at Rowan UniversityWhy did you choose your major? I had some interest in psych when I started high school, but any courses offered by my school weren’t available to me until I was a junior or senior. So, I took AP Psychology during my junior year and absolutely fell in love with it! It was something that seemed to come naturally me and for the first time, like ever, everything just made sense. The further I got into that year, the more I was interested in exploring other areas and topics associated with psych. I ended up scoring a five on the AP exam and I knew almost immediately that it was something that I wanted to pursue further in the future. Through my first couple of semesters, my classes have really been confirming what I already knew … I love psych! It’s so exciting to me that I get to go to school and choose to study something specific that I love. My adviser recently told me that I’m taking a few more psych classes than a freshman usually takes, which surprised me, because that’s why I’m here. I want to study psych and take as many classes as I possibly can. Last semester, I took Child and Adolescent Development, which helped me realized that I would love to work with kids and their families in the future. After next semester, I’ll be applying into a specialization program for Behavioral Services for Children and Families. I know this is going to open up so many doors for me in the future and I absolutely cannot wait! 

Freshman Psychology major Olivia Scattergood represents her Track and Field team on the Rowan University campus.
Click the photo to check out more about my track and field team!

One reason why you chose Rowan? Rowan felt like home, even the first time I visited. I remember being on a tour with my dad and my friend and almost immediately being able to see myself as a student here. I had done plenty of research, and I was so excited to see how strong the Psychology program was. Everyone was so inviting and helpful, as well as happy. I have learned to put my happiness ahead of everything else when I make big decisions, and it was easy for me to see myself being happy here.

My typical week as a Rowan student: Three times a week, I wake up nice and early to head over to my 8 am lift with my wonderful teammates. That goes for a long, sweaty hour. After that, I usually have an hour or two to get myself situated for the day and maybe catch up on some work that I’d missed. At 11 on Mondays and Wednesdays, I go to my Stress Management class (it’s an elective, but I HIGHLY recommend taking it), followed by my Personality of Psychology class. After those classes, I have a small window of time where I usually try to get some work done. At 3:30, I go to practice, either at Esby Gym or West Campus, which is a bit of a hike. Practice usually goes for about two hours and then I scurry back to my room, jump in the shower, and grab a snack before heading to my 6:30 bio lecture. After this, I might have time to get dinner, but usually not, before hopping in my car and heading over to work for the evening. I deliver pizzas, wash dishes, and prep dough until about 12:30 am. We clean the kitchen and dining room, and then I’m usually free to head home around 1:30 am. Freshman Psychology major Olivia Scattergood represents her Track and Field team on the Rowan University campus.On Tuesdays, I have a Psychology of Scientific Thinking class at 11am. From about 12:30 to 4, I get work done, go to the library and occasionally take a nap. Practice starts at 4:30 and goes to about 6:15, at which time I speed walk to my 6:30 Comp II class. Sometimes, I have work again immediately following that, too. Thursdays are almost identical, but I have an 8 am Bio Lab in addition to everything else. Fridays are the best days because I have no classes; although I still have to get up early to lift. My weekends tend to vary because of my track schedule. Sometimes we’ll have meets, sometimes we won’t. If I work on the weekends, it’s usually in the late afternoon/evening (that’s when I get the best tips!). If I don’t work, I’ll try to head home for the weekend and enjoy the time with my family and boyfriend. My schedule is HECTIC and always changing, but so far I’ve been successful and I don’t see that changing in the future!

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Photography and organized by:
Nicole Cier, sophomore writing arts major