Caffeine Consumption in College Students

Suzie is standing in a pavilion and smiling at the camera.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Caffeine seems to have become an inseparable part of being a college student. The most common ways to consume it are through coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, and, yes, even chocolate. Whether students consume it for the mental boost, taste, or to enjoy the social aspects, it seems to be the trendy thing to do. For all the joy and help caffeine provides to us, can it be hindering our performance and health?

Ruzie is leaning on a tree and smiling profoundly.

From the moment we wake up, the chemical adenosine builds up in our brains and accumulates throughout our day. It is what makes us feel tired by inhibiting wakefulness and promoting the sleepiness areas of our brain. What caffeine does to our body is block the adenosine from binding to the adenosine receptors making our brain unable to recognize how long we’ve been awake. However, caffeine doesn’t make adenosine disappear, only sleep does which is the reason why some people experience caffeine crashes. Caffeine does not replace good sleep and its effects have been known to interfere with sleep quality and patterns. So what can we do to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk?

 First, we need to understand our own bodies because everyone reacts to caffeine differently. If someone suffers from generalized anxiety or depression, caffeine may worsen the symptoms. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases the circulation of adrenaline in our body which increases our fight-or-flight response. Students may experience a more severe drop in mood once the effects wear off caused by caffeine withdrawal. For those individuals, it is recommended to find caffeine substitutes. Some ways to stay awake without caffeine include a quick 5-minute exercise, getting some sunlight, and staying hydrated with water. Dehydration can make us feel sluggish and aromatherapy is also an effective way to stay awake.

Suzie is leaning on a tree and smiling profoundly.

Otherwise, it is recommended to stop consuming caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime to allow for better sleep. Medical researchers also suggest waiting one hour after waking up to consume anything caffeinated. That is because cortisol, also known as the alert hormone, is at one of its daily peaks of production within an hour of waking up. Consuming caffeine first thing in the morning lowers cortisol production, making us less alert throughout our day. By taking advantage of the cortisol produced in our body and delaying caffeine consumption, we can be more alert and lower the chances of experiencing caffeine crashes in the afternoon.

In fact, if the environment permits, it might be best to take a coffee nap. Our body needs time to absorb caffeine for it to take effect and depending on the beverage the effects can kick in between 10-30 minutes. Take a 20-30 minute nap immediately after consuming caffeine. Most people find this to be more effective than drinking caffeine or taking a power nap alone.

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Story by:
Suzie Tse, Higher education graduate student, Wellness Center intern

Edited by:
Lucas Taylor, English education graduate student

Managing Your Stress in an Ever-Changing Environment

Carrie is sitting by the Rowan Boulevard with sunglasses on her face.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. In college, one of the biggest challenges for students is managing stress in difficult times like midterms or finals. With college, there are various […]

Why Liliana Ferrara Chose Rowan for her Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration

Liliana wears her graduation cap and gown.

Liliana Ferrara, a Rowan Global student in the MA in Higher Education: Administration program from Parsippany, NJ (Morris County), shares why she chose Rowan to pursue her graduate degree. 

Liliana is no stranger to Rowan University’s campus. As a proud Rowan alumna, Liliana graduated with a degree in Psychology and two minors in Sociology and Italian Studies. In fact, Liliana was the first person in Rowan’s history to graduate with an Italian Studies minor. During her undergraduate degree, Liliana also served as a resident assistant in Mimosa Hall and Nexus Apartments. 

Liliana grad photo
Liliana graduated from Rowan University with a degree in Psychology.

Knowing that she wanted to continue working in residential life, Liliana looked for programs that not only had a higher education program, but a graduate assistantship that would meet her needs.

“I interviewed at a few other schools through the MAPC conference and even got offered a few other positions. Rowan’s package and program was one I could not pass up,” Liliana says. “I loved Rowan so much during my undergraduate experience so it made the decision to come back so easy.” 

Now that she’s back on campus, Liliana talks about her adjustment into graduate level courses.

“My first semester was a nice introduction into the MA in Higher Education: Administration program. My professors really helped with the adjustment and made me feel comfortable,” Liliana says. “Now that I am in the second semester, it is definitely starting to feel more real. We are starting to talk about our research projects for next year and preparing for that.” 

Liliana and staff

So far, Liliana has enjoyed her time in the program and has connected with her professors. “Dr. Dale, who I had for Higher Education in America last semester, was really great. She gave me so much encouragement and support throughout the semester. I really valued that she was able to share so much of her experience in residential life because that is what I am passionate about. I was really able to connect with her on that level and hope to take her classes again next semester.”

Along with her coursework, Liliana has her hands full being a resident director of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

“Although it is challenging to manage being a student and an RD, I have had such an amazing experience so far. I love getting to work with the RA’s on my staff and across campus. I wanted this job to help students and develop a close connection with them past the supervisory role. As an RD, I get to do just that,” she explains.

Liliana and staff pointing at her
Liliana (center) poses with members of the resident assistant staff.

Liliana can’t imagine being an RD anywhere else, either. “Being an RD at Rowan specifically gives you such a holistic experience in higher education. This assistantship stuck out to me because we get to do so much as graduate students. Whether it is working with the housing assignments team, supervising a staff, or serving in a duty rotation, this assistantship is so hands on. We really get to put the theory we learn in class into practice,” she says.

When asked to give advice to students who want to pursue a career in higher education, Liliana replies: “You really have to think about the work-life balance you want to achieve. In a field like residential life, it is so easy to get burnt out because there is a stigma that you have to work after hours to be great. I think it is really important to set boundaries so you can be successful in your work life and your personal life.” 

After graduation, Liliana wants to continue to work in residential life and maintain the work-life balance that is so important to her. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos courtesy of:
Liliana Ferrara and Residential Learning and University Housing Department 

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Rowan Global Student Brittany Passano: Paving the Way for Latina Women in Higher Education

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5 Tips For Improving Your Mental Health Before Experiencing “Burnout”

Carrie sits on Rowan Boulevard with the view of Rowan Boulevard behind her.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

It is quite common for college students to experience what is called “burnout” at some point throughout the semester, as coursework gets more and more demanding. “College burnout refers to an extended period of extreme fatigue and apathy that often results in a decline in academic performance.” (Tyler Epps)

It seems that burnout is increasing more as college environments evolve to accommodate COVID guidelines. “At Ohio State, the number of students reporting feelings of burnout jumped from 40 percent of students in August 2020 to 71 percent in April, according to a university study.” (Olivia Sanchez)

As the likelihood of burnout increases among college students, it is important to find ways to combat it in your life.

Carrie sits on a bench on Rowan Boulevard.

Get Involved
Some ways to relieve stress involve branching out and trying new things. While this might cause some people more stress and anxiety, it is important to give it a fair shot. You could look into a new club to join or go to an event that interests you or even just make it a priority to get out in any way you can and be around people.

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin
Scheduling is everything, so make sure you know what to say yes to and what to miss out on in order to keep yourself on track. Try not to add too much to your plate at one time and, if needed, try to trim out unnecessary time commitments.

Take Time For You
Self-care is always an important part of repairing your mental health. Find out what self-care means to you, whether that’s bubble baths and facemasks or video games and a pizza. Make sure that you find time to turn off your phone or computer and limit distractions so you can take time to recharge.

Carrie sits on a bench on Rowan Boulevard wearing sunglasses and looking away.

See The People Who Matter
When life gets busy, it is hard to factor in visits with loved ones. Spend some time catching up with family or friends over the phone or take a weekend trip if possible. The people who care the most about you are usually the ones that will root for you the hardest. They might inspire some motivation or at the very least validate your feelings and allow you to blow off some steam.

Get Moving
While a change in scenery is imperative to improving overall mood, moving is awesome for brain activity. You could hit the gym, take a class or join a team, or even just take a walk around campus and try to find somewhere you haven’t seen before. Moving just a few minutes each day will bring you much more energy overall.

While all of these options are great to do, it is important to find out what helps you in times of stress. What works for some might not work for all, so spend some time learning about what makes you tick.


Sanchez, Olivia. “Burnout Symptoms Increasing among College Students.” The Hechinger Report, 30 July 2021,

“What Is College Burnout?: BestColleges.”, 27 July 2021,

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Story by:
Carrie Cunningham, Rowan Global student, MA in Higher Education program from Bergen County, NJ, Wellness Center intern

Photos by:
Jack Maisonneuve, senior communication studies major

Finding My Path and Passion with an English Degree

Rowan English graduate Nicole sits in front of fall foliage on campus.

Meet guest Rowan Blog contributor Nicole Tota of Marlton, NJ (Burlington County), who recently earned her degree in English from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. She now pursues her master’s degree in Higher Education: Advising at Rowan Global. Here, Nicole candidly shares her degree brought more career questions than answers until she ultimately […]

Transfer to Transformed: Five Students Share

Exterior shot of a walkway near Wilson Hall.

Rowan Blog celebrates National Transfer Student Week and partners with the Office of Student Success Programs in spotlighting five students who have found their new college home at Rowan University. Victoria (Tore) Butler, Elementary Education and Literacy Studies major who transferred from The University of Scranton in fall 2019 Why did you select to transfer […]

Rowan Global Student, SJICR Grad Coordinator Alondra Martinez on Bringing More Students of Color into Higher Education Spaces

Alondra stands in front of Bunce Hall.

Alondra Martinez’s coursework and on-campus position both align with her passion to see more students like her, from underrepresented backgrounds, “achieve anything they want.” Alondra, a Rowan Global student in the M.A. in Higher Education program, works as a graduate coordinator with the Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution (SJICR) office. Alondra is a first […]

Rowan Global Student Brittany Passano: Paving the Way for Latina Women in Higher Education

Brittany stands underneath a gazebo on campus.

Brittany Passano, a Rowan Global student from Elizabeth, NJ (Union County), is earning her master’s degree in Higher Education: Administrative track. Here is her inspiring story. 

Brittany learned about Rowan’s graduate program at her prior institution, Montclair University. The program was appealing to her because of the size of Rowan’s residential life department and the benefits that came with the hands-on experience Rowan offers their grads.

Brittany describes it as “a two-year program that develops graduate students working in academic and student affairs. We are tasked to foster diversity and inclusion within the residence halls by supporting students and their identity. Our goal is to learn how to make universities a better place in the future.” 

Currently, Brittany is the Resident Director of Mimosa Hall, a first-year student residence hall on campus. Her job is to oversee the administrative/logistical process of the residence hall and to manage a staff of resident assistants.

“The best way to describe my job is that I assist the RA’s who assist the residents. I make sure my staff has all the right skills and resources to help our students,” she says.

Brittany leans in front of a Mimosa Hall sign.

When asked about the most rewarding part of her job, Brittany replies, “Seeing the transformation in each RA from the beginning of the semester to the end. I love watching my staff grow and help them to improve from their mistakes. It’s so nice to see how each RA makes the job unique to them.” 

Brittany has had influential mentors throughout her Rowan experience.

“Catie Baxter, who was my direct supervisor and area coordinator, really helped me when I first got here. I felt so tiny but she made me come out of my shell and helped me realize I could do it.”

She also talks about the impact her Student Development professor had on her. “Dr. Wright’Mair helped me to get out of my comfort zone and think outside of the box. I learned how to really think critically in that class. Dr. Wright’Mair challenged me to the professional I want to be. “ 

Britt sitting inside a gazebo on Rowan's campus.

Brittany shared how it feels to be a Latina woman achieving her master’s degree. “It feels incredible. I’m proud to be Latina. I wake up every morning, look at my skin and hair, and am thankful that I have it; I think that goes back to my family and how I was raised.

“Being a part of a minority community does come with personal struggles, but with that comes learning to work with integrity and caring about others. Not many Latina women have a master’s degree, but I am looking forward to being a part of the small percentage that will work to make sure there are more women like us in the future,” she explains. 

Brittany is writing her thesis on the Latina student experience with a sense of belonging. 

Brittany stands inside a gazebo on campus.

After graduation, Brittany wants to continue her career in residential life in a professional position. “I’m currently interviewing for positions and can’t wait to take everything I’ve learned into action and practice.”

When asked to give advice to students who want to enter the field of higher education, Brittany says, “Remember your first leadership position and how amazing it was — that experience brought you to this point. Remember that sometimes we have to unlearn to learn, and live in every moment.” 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

The Healing Power of Art

Allison stands and smiles next to a waterway on campus.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Allison posing on the bridge in between the business hall and the engineering hall.

The arts are present throughout our lives each and every day. According to Roberston (2019), the arts can be broken down into five main categories: the performing arts, visual arts, literature, culture activities and online arts.

Research studies have shown that when an individual immerses themselves in the world of art, they may experience positive effects on their health and overall wellbeing. 

Rowan Art Gallery.

One of the most influential parts of the arts is that an individual is given a chance to share a personal story or experience in a creative manner. In many cases an individual may have a difficult time explaining an upsetting event through the use of words to others. As a result, by creating the piece of art, an individual is given an opportunity to reflect about their thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a way that works best for them (Horenstein, 2010; Henry Ford Health System Staff, 2018).

An individual may also be able to track their personal progress of growth and healing by visually identifying how the tones or images reflected in their art have changed over time. For example, during the beginning of the personal reflection an individual may draw an image of a dying tree if they are experiencing a great deal of stress. Although through time they may learn to cope with this stress and their art may transform from the image of a dying tree into a blooming tree.

Furthermore, individuals may also be able to seek healing by connecting with another person’s work of art. Because of the fact that art can tell a story someone might be able to relate to another person’s experience and feel empowered by it. 

Work by Studio Art alumna Leann Carlson.

Along with offering the power of healing through storytelling, art can lead to a variety of improvements in physical health Specifically, studies have found that by listening to music an individual may experience less severe symptoms of nausea, drowsiness, or lack of appetite (Robertson, 2019). By actively creating music or other forms of art, an individual may experience additional benefits such as reduced levels of pain and anxiety (Roberston, 2019). Additionally, art can allow individuals to develop better skills with memory, attention, and gaining higher self esteem (Horenstein, 2010; Robertson, 2019). All of these benefits can lead to better daily functioning and a higher quality of life.

Allison sits by the Engineering Pond.

Overall, this article has only scratched the surface of the variety of benefits that art can bring towards health and wellbeing. As mentioned earlier, art appears in a variety of diverse forms such as the performing arts, visual arts, literature, culture activities and online arts (Roberston, 2019). Some of the key benefits that art can introduce is healing through storytelling, physical symptom benefits, and the development of skills such as memory, attention and self esteem (Horenstein, 2010; Robertson, 2019). By becoming immersed in the world of art an individual will be able to experience the power of healing through art.


Henry Ford Health System Staff. (2018, May 29). The healing power of art. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

Horenstein, S. H. (2010). Promoting Values Through the Arts. Min-Ad: Israel Studies in Musicology Online, 8(1/2), 37–56.

Robertson, S. (2019, November 12). The arts play an important role in improving well-being, according to a who report. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

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Story by: Allison Niemiec, Rowan Global student in master’s in higher education-administrative track program, Wellness Center intern

Photography by: Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio/TV/film major