Rowan University’s Master of Social Work (MSW) Program Inspires Students & Their Futures Rowan University’s newly launched Master of Social Work has been a labor of love two years in the making. Led by program director Dr. Mary Kay Tuohy, who holds a doctorate in clinical social work from the University of Pennsylvania, and director […]
human services
Human Services, Leading & Impacting Lives [VIDEO]

Human Service professionals work with diverse populations providing a wide variety of social, personal and health services depending on need. Potential career paths include becoming a case worker, social advocate, welfare service professional, child welfare professional or law enforcement. “The sky is the limit. We need more activists. We need more listening learners. We need […]
Living the Dream: Impact of TheDream.US Scholarship on One Rowan University Student [VIDEO]

“TheDream.US Scholarship impacted me as I’m the first one being in college in my family. I thought I couldn’t make it, but I am here now.”
Our Environmental Crisis, and How a College Student Can Help

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. According to, the biggest problems that our world is facing are: poor governance, food waste, plastic pollution, air pollution and agriculture. […]
Meet Transfer Profs: Human Services & Psychology Major NyEsha Cintron

Meet incoming transfer student NyEsha Cintron. NyEsha is a first-generation Human Services and Psychology major from Maple Shade, NJ (Burlington County) who transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County. She shares how she ended up at Rowan and what she’s looking forward to!
Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?
I am looking forward to meeting new people, the ability to foster lasting relationships and grow in experience with my area of study. I am excited to see how school will impact my life as well as how I will impact the lives of others.
What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?
I’d like to get involved in the Human Services Club or a language club.
Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?
I will be taking a Spanish class, and I’d like to see my knowledge increase in this language to speak it fluently.
What majors are you considering and why?
I am a Human Services and Psychology major through and through. I love learning how to better understand people in efforts to better serve them. These majors are very organic to how I am wired, and I feel that I can be my best by furthering my education in these areas of studies.
Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?
I haven’t had the time to do so, but am awaiting orientation for transfer students, can’t wait!
Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?
Do it and get started!
Where are you going to live next year?
Commute from home.
What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?
I like that Rowan participated with community colleges to ensure continuity of learning to a accredited university.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
First Year Voices: Tara Long Discusses BLM, Mental Health

Today we feature Human Services major Tara Long from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County). She tells us about why she chose her major, involvement with Black Lives Matter and how her freshman year is going. Tara is a part of PROFFAMILY, a newly formed freshmen group focused on inclusion and fun. Why did you choose […]
PROFFAMILY: An Inclusive & Welcoming Group Of First Years

Story header photo, from left: Tara Long, Brandon Sagbo, Jada Johnson, Poku, Aaron Brown, Dianna Schreidl, Jayshalie Jennings Today we speak with PROFFAMILY. Freshman founder Poku and first members of the group share how it began and how it has helped them transition into being college students. Creator and visionary, freshman Samuel Poku (who prefers […]
4 First Years Share Why Evergreen Is Great

Today we speak with four freshman on why they think Evergreen Hall is a great freshman dorm to live in, especially during the first semester of college. Most common points among all four: Great location Small community, know more people More space than other dorms One shared bathroom The RA’s are cool Kelly: “We only […]
Rowan Student Leaders Alexa Bassano, Sydney Ramos and JT Kurtz Share Their Insights

Read firsthand accounts from three Rowan students who talk about the benefits of their on-campus leadership positions.
First up is Alexa Bassano, a junior Biological Science major from Brick Township, NJ (Monmouth County). Alexa is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall, a member of Rowan Emergency Medical Services and the Director of Collegiate Alumnae Engagement of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority. She explains: “Each role has benefited me in a different way. Now more than ever, people are thanking me for my service with EMS. As an RA, my residents tell me how much they appreciate me referring them to resources or just showing them where a building is. To me, those little things are just me doing my job, but that gratification reminds me I am a part of something bigger. Being involved and helping people just makes me so happy, whether it comes with a ‘thank you’ or not.”

Next, Sydney Ramos is a junior Human Services major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). When talking about her role as a student leader, she shared her experience from the very beginning. “Overall, I have to thank Res Life for making me the leader I am today. As a freshman, I really kept to myself and didn’t explore what options were out there for me. But as soon as I found RLUH, I knew I was where I needed to be: in a family atmosphere with amazing people I really respect.” Sydney is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall and a new member of the United Latinos Association.

JT Kurtz, a senior Computer Science major from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County), is also heavily involved on campus. He is the Assistant Resident Director of Nexus Properties, a learning assistant for the Computer Science department, a researcher in the Psychology department, and a member of the Filipino Club. “In all of my roles, I want to be a valuable resource for the people around me,” he says. “I want to push people to be the best they can be and get them to success. By coming up with innovative ways to work and help others, I get to learn and grow every day.”

Like what you see?
Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major
Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
Senior Reflects: Kelly Auletto Gives a Shout Out to Favorite Professor

Today we feature senior Kelly Auletto, a Human Services major from Maple Shade, NJ (Burlington County). Kelly transferred to Rowan from Rowan College of Burlington County, and commuted to campus. She is a first generation college graduate.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I truly enjoyed Prof. McCann’s lectures, she always had us thinking outside of the box. One night during class she had us work as a group drawing the steps to make toast, who knew there were so many steps involved. She had the class laughing and engaged and even with this simple task, she had us thinking on a whole different level. She always pushed us to be our best.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Working with the Human Services Club, brainstorming ideas and ways to give back to the community. I will miss this amazing group!!
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
Working my three field placements during my time at Rowan University has assisted me in my professional development. I was able to move up to a managerial position within my agency and entered a program that I never thought I would if it wasn’t for my field placement. Working as a vocational specialist with adults with mental health has been an amazing experience. Watching my clients grow and become integrated into the community is so rewarding, I am thankfully to have been given this opportunity.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
YES… Professor McCann – you have been my rock!!! Thank you for all your support (personal and professional), guidance, words of wisdom and putting up with my insanity. I never would have made it without you. You are an amazing person and thanks for being you. My human service people… I will miss all of you. We did it!!! Thanks to my family for putting up with my never ending journey, love you guys.