Meet Our Researchers: Tackling Public Health Through Urban Farming [VIDEO]

A close up of a Rowan University student picking produce from the community garden.

Urban Farming: A Path to Health and Empowerment in Camden Meet Nicole Vaughn, a public health researcher at the Rowan-Virtua School of Nursing & Health Professions who is making a significant impact through work with urban farming in Camden, New Jersey. Camden’s neighborhoods often lack access to full-service grocery stores, creating barriers to obtaining nutritious […]

Meet Our Researchers: Sandra Joy Researches the Impact of Bearing Witness to Capital Punishment [VIDEO]

A close up of golden grasses growing on Rowan University's campus.

Exploring Trauma Through Witnessing Executions: Sandra Joy’s Pioneering Research Meet Sandra Joy, Ph.D., a professor of sociology at Rowan University’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences who is delving into the profound impact of witnessing executions through her project, Bearing Witnesses. Dr. Joy’s research began with a deeply personal experience. After agreeing to witness an […]

Rowan Researcher Revolutionizes Alzheimer’s Detection [VIDEO]

A side profile of a Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine researcher works in a lab.

Meet Our Researchers: Robert Nagele, Ph.D. at the Forefront of Alzheimer’s Research The team of researchers from Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine (Rowan-Virtua SOM) and Durin Technologies, Inc., discuss a newly designed blood test that can detect the presence of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology up to 10 years before symptoms arise with a nearly 97 percent […]

Meet Our Researchers: Joe Stanzione Engineers Better, Greener Materials [VIDEO]

A close up of a profile of a female student working with her hands outdoors on campus at Rowan University.

How One Rowan University Chemical Engineer Faculty Revolutionizes Sustainable Materials Meet Joe Stanzione, an associate professor of Chemical Engineering and the director of Rowan’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Institutes(AMMI). Dr. Joe Stanzione, raised on a family farm and driving tractors by age 11, brings a unique perspective to work at AMMI. The agricultural background has […]

Meet Our Researchers: Andra Garner Studies How Climate Change Impacts Natural Hazards [VIDEO]

Three globes.

How One Rowan University Climate Scientist is Shaping the Future of Coastal Cities Meet Andra Garner, a leading climate scientist and assistant professor in Rowan University’s School of Earth & Environment who focuses on investigating the effects of climate change on hurricane patterns and sea-level rise. Have you ever wondered how understanding and mitigating the […]