Today, we speak with Brian Chesko, a freshman computer science major from Hamilton (Mercer County), NJ, who lives on campus. Brian will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student:

It’s 6:30 a.m. and the first of my many alarms starts to blare. That’s alright — I still have an hour and a half until my class. Without fail, I somehow manage to ignore the rest of the barrage long enough to stay in bed another hour and fifteen minutes. I get to class with one minute to spare. Well, I guess there’s one high school habit I still need to kick.
My experience becomes more personalized after my classes end. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, this is around 5 o’clock. From here until the end of the night, I find ways to balance homework, activities, and time with friends. If I can, I’ll try to sneak a gym session in at some point in the day, too.
On Tuesdays, I’ll usually do work after my last class until it’s 7:45, when I head to the Student Center to help set up for movie night. After setting up, I’ll move to the library for a few hours to do homework or study until the movie ends, at which point I’ll go back to take everything down. Afterwards, hopefully I’ve gotten enough of my work done for the night so that I can spend the rest of the night with friends.
Usually, this takes the form of hanging out at Prof’s Place until it closes for the night. Even though we have a pool table at home, I’ve probably played more in the past month at Rowan than I have in the past few years at my house. I think I’m not so bad at this point, so hit me up for a game!
Other nights, I can be found playing Mafia with my FCL friends lamenting the fact that I somehow die in the first round every single time. Either way, my night typically ends the same way. Exhausted, I stroll back to my Holly Pointe dorm to slump into bed and repeat the process another day.
Story organized and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor
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