20 Minute Radius: Adventure Aquarium

Aquarium’s aren’t just for kids – they’re the perfect uplifting distraction for college students too! Desperately needing a break from studying, I grabbed close up of a fish that looks like it's smiling at the cameraa friend and drove 20 minutes to Camden’s Adventure Aquarium. I knew Adventure Aquarium was known for its shark tunnel and rare animals, so I knew I’d be pleased with the experience.

Each zone features different types of aquatic animals, and personally, the coolest zones are A and D. Zone A showcases 400 animals, which includes an extremely large tank full of sea turtles (my favorite), several shark species, and an exhibit that allows you to touch sharks, sting rays, and starfish (definitely not as scary as it seems). Zone D features hippos, a shark bridge and shark tunnel! Adventure Aquarium is the only aquarium with inside a shark tunnel, looking up and around at the sharks through the glasshippos on display, and before visiting I really underestimated their size. After checking out the massive hippos, we walked through the shark tunnel, watching tons of sharks and stingrays swim across our heads. Just above the tunnel, Adventure Aquarium allows visitors to walk through a suspension bridge above three different shark species.

I strongly suggest taking a trip when you want to escape from campus for a couple of hours. I smiled the entire two hours we were there, just watching the animals and the tiny toddlers running around the aquarium who were just as entertained as I was.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


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Story and photos by:
Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major