Long-Time Friends Talk Rooming Together in Holly Pointe Commons

Meet freshmen Carli Poeta, public relations major, and Alayna Inman, sports communication and media major, both from Pennsville, NJ (Salem County), who live together in Holly Pointe Commons.

Carli and Alayna posing in their dorm in Holly Pointe Commons.
Alayna (left) and Carli (right) have known each other since second grade

How’d you guys meet? “We met in our second grade class.” – Alayna

What’s your favorite memory of living together? “Just moving in and decorating together and deciding how to rearrange everything.” – Alayna. Carli adds, “Her mom is into interior design, so she guided our room decor.”

What’s a ritual you guys have? “Everything. We do everything together.” Carli adds that they’re basically, “Siamese twins, it’s scary. We usually stay up really late doing homework.”

What is the most annoying habit as a roommate? “We have the same bad habits. We both leave drinks out and throw clothes on the floor.” – Carli

Carli and Alayna applying face masks in the Holly Pointe Commons bathroom.
Carli and Alayna love relaxing with face masks.

What do you like the most about living together? “Comfort. I don’t feel uncomfortable with open communication.” – Alayna

What did you expect living together would to be like? “Everyone was saying that we’re going to hate each other, but it’s  completely fine.” – Alayna. Carli adds, “It feels like a sleepover every night.”

What was the biggest challenge of living together? “The only challenge Carli and Alayna posing outside of Holly Pointe Commons.we experienced was guest policies, specifically people staying the night. But we talked through it immediately.” – Alayna 

What is the funniest thing that’s happened to you guys? “Definitely when Alayna’s curtain kept falling on her.” – Carli

What will you miss the most about living together? “Rooming with someone new is like starting a new long term relationship.” – Carli

What advice would you give a future Rowan student about choosing a roommate? Both encourage future students to not be afraid of rooming with someone you know. 

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major