Advice for Incoming Freshmen from Upperclassmen

Daytime view of Bunce Hall

We asked upperclassmen, “What advice would you give to your freshman-self?” Here is what they said:

Make friends during Move-In Weekend. – Molly

Be open to change and trying new things. Join a club, play an intramural sport, make all the memories. – Brooke

Look into the Study Abroad Program. It’s the best decision I made in my life. 🌎 – Dan

Build relationships with your professors. You never know where they’ll help you to go. – Nicole

Always check the syllabus. – Nicholas

Try to get a job on campus. It’s a great way to make connections. – Caitlin

The RA’s are there to help you adjust. Listen to them because they’re just looking out for you. – Tommy

Utilize the study rooms and the library. Try to create good study habits ASAP. Repetition is key. – John

Please call your parents every now and then. – Josie

Senior year will come before you know. Don’t slack so you get your degree on time. – Kylee

Don’t procrastinate. Get your work done way earlier than the due date. – Alaina

Save your money. I can’t stress this enough. Put money aside for textbooks and such. – Alyssa

Take a group fitness class at the Rec Center. – Chelsea

Keep a planner to stay on track on assignments and other responsibilities. – TJ

If you have a favorite activity that Rowan doesn’t have, start it yourself! – Michael

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