This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
Meet Roxy Urso, senior Biology major, who wrote this article with the inspiration of the Rowan Thrive campaign that has been around campus this semester. Roxy shares: “Oftentimes, people get caught up in the idea of mental health and the awareness of it, and while it is extremely important, mental health has many other factors that play into it to make a total person. As college students, our lives are always crazy, so by taking a step back and working on different aspects of wellness on a small scale, we will have a greater impact on our mental health and ourselves overall.”
Over and over again it has been stressed to college students to practice good mental health, to have a strong mindset in the chaos that is the world of academia. Topics of a person’s wellness and well-being are constantly thrown in with these ideas to make it sound like these topics are no more than mental health. However, people often forget that a strong mental well-being is hard to achieve without all elements of well-being having their own presence.
Well-being is an encapsulation of a person through all aspects of their life, as they work together to create an individual, no matter the mindset. However, the more positive each area is on their own, the more likely the individual will have an overall positive well-being. These eight areas of well-being include: emotional, financial, social, spiritual/purpose, occupational, physical, intellectual and environmental. Understanding that well-being is not just a mental state, but the state of a person that is developed by each of these eight areas, can allow a person to work on each one, ultimately working on all, to better themselves as a whole.
For example, by setting a goal to study everyday for a class, a person would be working not only on their intellectual well-being, but their sense of purpose by preparing more for school to be able to graduate, and their occupational because they are most likely trying to graduate to find a job.
Although the idea of working on eight areas of a person’s life may seem overwhelming, it only takes small steps towards each to reach a state that not only betters their mental state, but their person as a whole.
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Story by:
Roxy Urso, senior biology major, Wellness Center intern
Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major
Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. (n.d.). Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Retrieved from