Siblings At Rowan: Madison and Sophia Agostini

Sisters Sophia and Madison Agostini pose in front of a wood panel wall.

Today, we launch a Siblings at Rowan series with sisters Madison and Sophia Agostini.

Sophia and Madison pose with school supplies in front of a wooden background.
Madison (left) and Sophia (right) Agostini

Names: Madison and Sophia Agostini

Majors/Minors: Madison: Elementary Education and Literacy Studies dual major. Sophia: Business Management major, Law and Justice minor

Years in school: M: 5th year S: Senior

Hometown and County: Washington Township, Gloucester County

Do you commute? If not, where do you live? S: Both. I live on campus, and Madison lived on campus, but now she commutes.

M: I lived on campus for four years, but since I’m student teaching, it made more sense for me to live at home this year since I don’t spend as much time on campus.

Social clubs each of you is a part of: M: I am the President of Kappa Delta Pi, a teacher honors society, and I am a member of Circle K, a volunteer club. I also write for HerCampus, a girls’ college website, and I’m an Admissions Ambassador.

S: I’m on the executive board of the Pre-Law Society. I’m also the undergraduate coordinator for the Food Bank of South Jersey

On-campus jobs: S: We both work in Admissions.

Why did you choose Rowan? M: At first I didn’t like that it was close to home, but then it started to feel nice that I could go home whenever I wanted. I wanted to go further away, but the first year of the Rowan Choice program was my year, so I was able to do that program and not spend as much. It’s great to go to a school with big school opportunities but small school class sizes.

S: I would agree with that, I really like the small class sizes. I didn’t really apply to many schools and I felt I knew Rowan pretty well because Madison already went here and I had already been on campus twice before I applied. It felt like the natural choice.

How has having your sister at Rowan with you impacted your college career? S: It always gave us someone we could go to that wasn’t our roommates. It was good to have a change of scenery and a new voice to Sophia is sitting on a couch in the student center.hear. It was definitely better than having to pick up the phone. It’s nice.

M: My sophomore year and her freshman here I lived in Edgewood and she lived in Chestnut, which was a minute walk from each other, and that year she had no kitchen and no air conditioning so she would come over if her room was hot or she wanted a meal that wasn’t dining hall food or made in a microwave. It was also nice to run into each other on campus or just see each other. 

What is your favorite part about going to Rowan together? S: I like that we’re similar and we do similar things on campus, and it also showed us how different we are at the same time. We aren’t really in any of the same clubs despite being on campus together. It allowed us to be strong as Madison is sitting on a couch in the student center.individuals but still grow side by side.

M: I think that we have similar qualities and we do some of the same things, but we also bring similar qualities to the different things we do. We also have some friends in common, but also different friends. S: We do our own thing, but it’s nice to have someone supporting you along the way. 

What are some favorite memories about being together on campus or funny sibling stories? M: Hanging out with our other sister on campus is a nice memory that we have together.

S: It was also nice when Madison invited me over for dinner a lot.

M: It was also cool that when Sophia turned 21 I was able to come over and spend the night with her and her friends.

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Story and photography by:

Rachel Rumsby, freshman communication studies and public relations double major

Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

First Year Voices: Chemical Engineering Major Dylan Snyder

Chemical Engineering major Dylan Snyder outside Rowan Hall

Today, we talk to Dylan Snyder, a freshman Chemical Engineering major from Wilmington, Delaware.

How has your freshman year at Rowan been so far?

“Freshman year has been great! It is so much more interesting than high school. I’ve gotten so many new phone numbers and made so many new friends. If you get yourself out there, you can create the best experience at college.

Have you joined any clubs yet?  

“Yes! I am currently a part of five clubs: The Rowan Alternative Music Club, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, MMA Club, Karate and Self-Defense Club and Student University Programmers (SUP). In that club, we plan a lot of the campus and charity events.”

How have you been adjusting to college life?

“I’ve adjusted pretty quickly. It’s a different rhythm, living on your own, for sure. If you’ve ever held a job, it’s similar to that. You just need to be responsible and manage your time well. As an engineering student, I’m constantly complaining about your lack of time; but as long as you know how much time to put aside for yourself and what you need to get done, it’s really smooth sailing. All that matters is that you’re interested in what you’re doing.”

Chemical Engineering major Dylan Snyder outside of Rowan Hall

What are some of your favorite spots on campus?

“Favorite spots on campus? Honestly, the beautiful pond out back behind Rowan Hall. The Market Place in the Student Center is really nice too. The Student Center is where all of college life happens at. Most of the clubs will meet around there. Mariachi Grill and Dawn to Dusk on Rowan Boulevard are also some of my favorite spots.” 

What is one piece of advice you can give to incoming freshman?

“Don’t be afraid of anything. Go do everything and whatever you’re interested in. I signed up for emails for at least 50 clubs my first day! It’s funny, as soon as you get yourself out there you start making so many new friends. Don’t be afraid to be friendly, get out there, meet new people. Just go for it!”

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Journalism Student Paves the Way as First Female to Commentate a Rowan Football Game on Radio

Katie (in center) works with members of Rowan Radio

When Katie Francis, a junior Sports Communication & Media and Journalism double major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County), discovered the campus radio station her sophomore year, she “knew it was a good path to take.” An email in her student inbox with the subject line, “Are you Rowan’s new voice in Radio?” inspired her to take a leap into an area of journalism she had never considered before. “I knew that, being a transfer student, it might be difficult to meet people. So I signed up for training sessions for Rowan Radio,” she says.

Katie with Rowan Radio station manager Derek Jones and sports director Gary Erdelyi.

Katie’s family had introduced her to Philadelphia sports early, and she grew up watching the Flyers, but her interest in football picked up as the Eagles made their way toward the playoffs two years ago. “I started to think that I should really learn [football] so I could enjoy it more and fully understand what I was watching,” she recalls. She began to actively follow the games with her dad, learning more and more with each game.

Fast forward to one year later, and Katie is the assistant news director at Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM, and the first female broadcaster on Rowan Radio to cover a Rowan football game in the school’s history!

In November, Gary Erdelyi, the sports director, shared with her that there was an opportunity to cover a Rowan vs. Christopher Newport University football game in Virginia. With 10 years of experience playing soccer, Katie had done color commentating on two soccer games before, but football was a whole different game — literally. Derek Jones, the station manager and Katie’s sports broadcasting professor, provided the support she needed to succeed at this opportunity. Jones is a mentor and role model for Katie, having first trained her at the radio station and guided her through multiple classes at Rowan, so “from the beginning” she felt “comfortable asking questions as I learned the ropes of broadcasting.”

Katie with her co-host and classmate, Gary Erdelyi, on game day!

“I said, ‘if you need somebody to do this, I will step up and figure it out,’” Katie reflects.At first I was nervous, not sure if I was saying the right things, but the people that I had supporting me were really helpful. They validated me and made me feel like part of a good team there.”

She didn’t realize it at the time, but bravely stepping up and covering the game, despite her doubts, put her in a record-setting position. As the first female at the university to cover a football game, she is paving the way for other women in sports communications and journalism to follow her lead.

Katie is the only woman in both her Sports Broadcasting and Sports Journalism II classes, a field predominantly composed of male students.

Katie picks out a record for the daytime music show she hosts.

“There was never a time where I felt like I wasn’t included, whether in my classes or at the radio station, and I’m thankful for that,” she says. “Being a part of a team of people who are as passionate about something as I am, and being able to meet people through it is a really great experience. It can be weird at times, looking around and being the only girl in a room, but with every experience I’ve had, I’ve always felt like everybody was rooting for me.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: Graduate Education Student Donn Matthew Garby

Name: Donn Matthew GarbyDonn Garby stands outside of Hawthorne Hall.
Major: Ph.D. in Education
Concentrations: Higher Education
Year: Second year Ph.D. student
Hometown and County: Naples, FL 
Resident or commuter: Resident
Academic clubs: Founder and Council Member of Education Student Association (ESA), Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA)
Do you work on campus?: Yes, I am a Graduate Coordinator for the Interfaith and Spiritual Exploration Center & Adjunct for the College of Education

Tell us about your transition into the graduate program. My transition was not too bad. I came directly from my master’s program, so I was still in that “student mindset.” The largest transition was coming from a large R1 university, in a large city, to a smaller institution in a [more] rural town. Saying that, though, the benefits of Rowan, and the faculty interactions make it so that I feel home in the College of Education.

Why did you choose Rowan’s graduate program? I chose Rowan’s graduate program because it offered me the opportunity to connect with faculty on a one-on-one level, provided me resources to conduct my Rowan PhD student Donn Garby working at his cubicle in Hawthorne Hall.research, and allowed me the space to explore different career and research paths. In addition, with it being a new program, it allowed me to help make a difference and work to shape the program for the benefit of future students.

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or research focus? One thing I wish people knew about my academic discipline is that we are people outside of our research. A lot of times, people, and students specifically, see us as a researcher or faculty member. But we have lives, we have hobbies, and although our research is a large aspect of who we are, that is not all that we are.

What is one thing this field has allowed you to do, that you either dreamed of doing or thought you’d never get to do? One thing this field has allowed me to do is turn my research into practice. It has been so rewarding to see that happen, and I am so grateful.

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? On my busiest day, I am juggling two classes, a meeting for my program and Senate meetings.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Faculty PROFile: World Language Department’s Kipp Matalucci

Kipp Matalucci, German adjunct instructor at Rowan, stands outside on campus.

Meet Kipp Matalucci, German adjunct instructor within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences

What is your area of expertise? I think the biggest strength I bring to the classroom is a knowledge of culture and civilization, particularly of Kipp Matalucci, German adjunct instructor at Rowan, stands outside on campus.Germany and Austria. I’ve acquired this not only through formal study but also through a lifetime of experience in those countries.

The fundamental underlying human value language teachers impart is respect for other people’s differences. We impart it not by preaching but by introducing students to the rich cultural achievements of the peoples whose language we teach.

Share an “aha!” moment that you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field. There are so many “aha” moments in my many years of study that it is hard to single out just one. I must go back to high school, the summer of 1967, when I traveled to Germany and Austria for the first time with my teacher, Frau Cote, and several classmates. It was the overwhelming, life-changing experience one might imagine for a 16-year-old who had never left the country before. We spent three weeks in Germany and three weeks in Austria. I wasn’t back home much longer than a few days before I started thinking of ways I could return! A new world was opened for me. I returned from that trip knowing that I would do something with language and travel. It turned out to be teaching.

Share with us one aspect of student engagement that you enjoy most, and why? I enjoy interacting with students on so many levels. The youthful enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity they bring to classroom inspire me and help me to stay young at heart. Their questions keep me on my toes! They often have a keen interest in aspects of contemporary German culture Kipp Matalucci, German adjunct instructor at Rowan, stands outside on campus.that I know little about, the current music scene, for example. I think of Anna in “The King and I.”

It’s a very ancient saying,
But a true and honest thought,
That if you become a teacher,
By your pupils you’ll be taught.”

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus? Again, I return to culture in terms of my academic discipline. When many think of Germany, it is Bavaria that comes to mind, the Octoberfest and brass bands, the Alps, and Mad King Ludwig’s fairytale castles. This is an irritant for my German friends. Although Bavaria is Germany’s biggest state, there are 15 other states in the country with diverse cultures.

How long have you taught at Rowan? What has inspired you to continue teaching? I am in my 17th year of teaching at Rowan. I love standing in front of a classroom of young people. Every class is different. Each offers its own rewards and challenges. One’s day is never the same. From my pupils I am taught.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Communication Studies Major Ashley Davis

Communication Studies major Ashley Davis stands in front of Victoria Hall

Today, we hear from Ashley Davis, a junior Communication Studies major from Gloucester County, NJ. Ashley transferred to Rowan her sophomore year and shares the importance of involving yourself on campus.

My spring semester of my freshman year of college, I found myself scrollCommunication Studies major Ashley Davis sits outside campusing through Twitter, like most students, waiting for class to start. I saw a post from Rowan University about the transfer deadline and cruised to the main website. I found a big transfer button and thought, “Why not give it a shot?” Rowan was the only school I applied to transfer to, so this was all or nothing for me.

Once accepted, I hoped Rowan would be different than my first year of college. I wanted to be more involved and feel more comfortable with how I spend my time in college. I was already feeling nervous transferring to a new school, especially with a whole new major. 

My first day here, I looked on social media and ProfLink for events that either had free giveaways or free food because 1.) Who doesn’t love a free shirt? and 2.) Commuter life somehow always has me hungry, so free lunch is always a plus — especially Commuter Club Waffle Wednesday. 

I joined a few organizations such as the Leadership Program, Student Alumni Association, Tau Sigma, Student Government Association and Commuters Club. I also work on campus for the Office of Alumni Communication Studies major Ashley Davis stands next to a Rowan OSLP sign Engagement. Each of these helped me finally step out of my comfort zone and talk to new people. Since Rowan was a new school and I didn’t know many people, going out and creating connections was a big step for me. 

Being involved and actually going to events on campus helps me feel like I have a purpose at Rowan and in college. I have gotten to meet so many new people who help and motivate me everyday in different ways. I never thought I would actually want to stay on campus when I didn’t have to be, but now I find myself wishing I had more hours in the day to go to all the events around campus. 

Rowan has changed my life forever and made it easy for me to feel like this is a place I finally fit in. I know the people here actually care. My whole experience as a transfer student so far has been such a privilege because I actually take advantage of the resources offered. I am much happier here and encourage other transfer students to get involved. Instead of eating lunch in your car or sitting alone in between classes, go to an event that has free stuff. Maybe I’ll see you there!

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Story by:
Ashley Davis, junior communication studies major

Photos by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major, and courtesy of Ashley Davis

First Year Voices: An Entrepreneurship Major Prepares to Launch a Lip Gloss Line

Exterior shot of the Rohrer College of Business

student portraitMeet Anjeliah Williams, a freshman majoring in Entrepreneurship, who also attended the Pre-College Institute (PCI) this summer. Anjeliah is from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County), and she’s about to launch her own lip gloss line called “Anjel Allure.”

Anjeliah decided to major in entrepreneurship because growing up she did not know what she wanted to do but knew she did not like to work for others. 

“I realized I wanted be my own boss and I thought entrepreneurship was a great major,” she says.

Anjeliah plans on opening other businesses in the future. “Later on in life, I want to own other small businesses like a coffee shop, a tattoo shop and a nail salon,” she adds.

Student Portrait“Don’t listen to people who are trying to put your idea down,” Anjeliah says. “They might say that it’s a horrible idea or it’s too much money, but If you keep a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset, then you can literally do anything.”

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major 

Beyond The Classroom: What It’s Like Being A Mummer

Rowan student TJ Ferry and members of his Mummers band

Meet TJ Ferry, a senior Computing and Informatics major and Rowan University Social Media team member from Gloucester County. Here, TJ shares how being part of the iconic Mummers tradition has changed his life for the better. 

Most people ring in the New Year at midnight with a few choruses of “Auld Lang Syne” and toasting the promise of new beginnings and a new year. That is, unless you are a Mummer. We ring in the New Year with hundreds of thousands of plumes, feathers and instruments.

The Philadelphia Mummers Parade is a culmination of a year’s worth of imagination, hard work and practice that dates back to 1901. No one in the parade is a professional musician, but all take their craft very seriously. Participants in the parade range from eight years old up to 98.

It is a spectacle that entertains many, but to my family and me, it is much more; it represents tradition. The Mummers are so much more than what happens on New Year’s Day.

Rowan student TJ Ferry in Mummers costumeI was born into this unique hobby thanks to my grandfather. He was not only a musician, but for 32 years he served the needs of the Ferko String Band in a multitude of various positions including President, member of the Board of Directors, and as Ferko’s Delegate to the String Band Association. The String Band Judging Booth has been named in his honor since 2016.

As a tribute to him, I decided that it was my calling to play the banjo as he did. Fast forward to today and I am currently a member of the Quaker City String Band, where my grandfather began his Mummer career.

Early on Jan. 2, 2019, my cousin Joe Ferry was one of the three killed in an automobile accident. This tragic event shook the Mummers community to the core; however, it also showed that we are truly a community. In the honor of the individuals who passed away in this tragic event, a foundation was created to provide scholarships and funds to help those who are suffering in the Mummers community. The Mummers helped the Palandro, Ferry and Wiesley families cope with this event and make it through the tough times.

The Thomas J. Ferry Memorial Judging Booth honors TJ's late grandfather.
The Thomas J. Ferry Memorial Judging Booth honors TJ’s late grandfather.

In Joe’s honor, the Joe Ferry Christmas String Band was created. This band is comprised of members from the Quaker City, Fralinger, Polish American and South Philadelphia String Bands. I was honored to be a part of this band on Dec. 14, 2019, when we spent the day bringing holiday cheer to various hospitals in Philadelphia. To me, this is what Mummery is truly about — spreading cheer and entertaining people, seeing people on the sidelines smiling while you are in a parade or someone dancing and clapping along in their seats while you are playing a concert makes it all worth it.

When I started this hobby, I truly did not expect to take it where it has taken me. Sure, it has educated me musically, but it has taught me social skills, public speaking, social media skills, marketing, you name it.

I continue to learn more every day from the leaders of the hobby. Mummery has brought me out of my shell. I went from being a shy 16-year-old to when I started this hobby to a well-rounded 22-year-old soon-to-be Rowan University graduate at the time of writing this article. I have met my best friends from this hobby, and no matter what, we are all family. Like a family, we don’t always agree on things, we fight sometimes, even drama goes on. We also laugh like family and kid like brothers and sisters.

For almost my entire college career, I have been a part of Rowan University’s Social Media team. This would have never happened without this hobby. I started working for the Ferko String Band social media department in a hand-me-down situation and was not really sure where to begin. Two years later, I created a successful YouTube channel and drove engagement to the band’s social media higher than it ever was before. This helped me land my job at Rowan.

Rowan student TJ Ferry (third from left) with members of his Mummers team.
TJ Ferry (top row, third from left) with fellow members of the Quaker City String Band

I have also worked on web projects in different capacities for string bands due to my skills through my studies at Rowan. For the past few years, I have been co-operating a database that provides the history of the String Band division. This has taught me to work in a team and helped ease into my courses Applied Database Technologies and Intro To Web Development. Just recently, I was honored to receive Quaker City’s Class – Pride – Commitment award in 2019.

Story by:
TJ Ferry, Computing and Informatics major
Rowan University Social Media student team member

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Three Things I Love About My Student Worker Job

Nicole Cier with two of our coworkers at her student worker job with Rowan Blog

Hi there! I’m Nicole, a senior Writing Arts major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). I am a student worker for the Rowan Blog through the Division of Student Affairs, and I love my job!

As a freshman newly enrolled in the Writing Arts major, I was eagerly looking for ways to get involved on campus, especially related to writing and communication. One day I came across a message in the daily student email that the Rowan Blog was looking for volunteer writers, and this seemed like a sign. I started writing stories that semester on a volunteer basis, and was asked to officially join the team that spring of my freshman year! I’ve been working for the blog throughout my four years at Rowan, and it’s been an amazing experience. 

1. Every day is different and exciting

Dean sits in the front seat of a golf cart, while Alyssa stands on the back bumper.
I snapped this behind-the-scenes photo of my coworkers, Dean and Alyssa, during the photo shoot we assisted with last semester.

As a student worker, I have something different to look forward to each day — with every new assignment comes a new experience. One day I’m writing a blog post on why I love my job (hello!), the next day I’m filming the women’s ice hockey team at their practice, and the week after I’m photographing the equestrian team and their horses. I’ve even gone to the Salem County Humane Society to play with kittens and produce a video on student volunteerism! No two assignments are the same, and because of that, I get to learn so much about my peers on campus and all of the diverse interests and activities they are a part of. I’ve met student entrepreneurs, learned about the Vietnamese Student Association, attended informational workshops, and have been a part of a professional photo shoot with a marketing agency!

I also enjoy how much I get to learn about Rowan University through these experiences. In my first semester, I quickly became familiar with all of the buildings on campus and so many of the organizations and activities available to students. Knowing all of this has helped me get my friends involved as well, introducing them to clubs I think they’d enjoy and people with similar interests.

Edris and Nicole stand with their heads together, looking at the screen of Nicole's camera.
My coworker, Edris, and I comparing our photos.

2. I’ve added great skills and accomplishments to my resume

I  have always had an interest in taking photos, but never had the chance to pick up a real camera and figure it out before working for the Rowan Blog. For each blog article I write, I have to photograph the students or faculty featured to produce images that really capture the story. Through endless practice I’ve become comfortable using DSLR cameras and editing my photos with Adobe programs, and I love it! I have also started to get more involved in the video production side of the blog, filming and editing videos for YouTube. Though I am certainly a beginner in making videos, my coworkers and peers are always willing to help each other out, since we each have our own strengths.

Focusing on photography has paved the way for me to become a part of many exciting projects through the Division of Student Affairs. The photos that my peers and I have taken are featured on the Rowan Admissions website and in admissions packages that go out to accepted incoming students, which is awesome! I’ve even become more involved with the social media department, and a couple of my photos have been featured on Rowan’s Instagram. It’s so rewarding to see my work improve each semester, and the excitement we all feel when we see our photos throughout campus makes the hard work more than worth it.

3. I’ve made new friends, mentors and connections along the way

Alex, Nicole, and Vanessa stand together holding their cameras and a disco ball.
My coworkers, Alex and Vanessa (right), graduated last year, but we formed a strong friendship through the Rowan Blog. I still see them from time to time to catch up!

With each new lead for an assignment comes a new potential friendship or connection. Most of the time, the leads I am assigned to write about are students I have never met before, so I love having the chance to meet new people I might see around campus. I get to learn about their cool internships, clubs and experiences at Rowan, and can usually find something in common with each lead to form a strong bond! Every lead becomes either a new friend, a LinkedIn connection, or at the very least, another smiling face to see on the way to class.

Through the stories I produce, I’m able to form connections with faculty and staff, too, which has helped me learn about new programs and events on campus. The faculty I’ve met specifically within the College of Communication and Creative Arts and the Rohrer College of Business have played an important role in my education and career path. A few of them have become mentors to me, trustworthy and seasoned professionals that I can always look to for advice.

Working for the Rowan Blog has changed the way I write, work and interact with others. It’s made me a stronger communicator and even sparked my interest to pick up two minors — Marketing and Strategic Communication. Being part of such a talented, passionate team of workers makes me #RowanPROUD, and the experiences I’ve had through the Rowan Blog are memories that I’ll cherish long after I graduate this spring!

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

How One Rowan Professor’s Digital Office Hours Help the Online Learning Community

Dr. Anna Sun, assistant professor of Educational Services and Leadership, saw the problem in both her teaching and research: how can faculty meet with students outside of class when the course is online? 

Her solution — offering e-office hours for her classes — earned her accolades this fall at Rowan Global Learning & Partnerships’ inaugural Excellence in Online Learning awards

Dr. Sun says she felt a range of emotions upon being recognized for her work.

Dr. Anna Sun stands in front of the James Hall statue“I feel honored, surprised and happy. I’m glad I’m recognized by peers, by students, by Rowan at large and as a community. And I’m surprised because online teaching relatively speaking is still new. 

“I feel that more and more the community recognizes the importance of online teaching, sees it’s another way to meet the students’ needs, and it could provide the quality teaching and instruction in this pioneering format,” she adds. 

The College of Education professor’s research focuses on social justice and school administration leadership in K-12 settings. She also studies how counterparts in other countries approach similar issues, debates and questions in education. 

Dr. Sun joined Rowan six years ago, as her department collaborated with Rowan Global to launch an online teaching program to better meet students’ needs. The online courses are called light hybrid because there are two face-to-face times scheduled between faculty and students each semester. Dr. Sun saw how successful this model was and sought to incorporate an element of this in her office hours for online courses. 

“I wanted to create a online learning community,” she explains. “The challenge or the debate sometimes would be, there’s no face-to-face time. So that’s the time I thought we need to create with this e-office hours, like the face-to-face office hours.”

Dr. Sun designates the second Monday of the month to e-office hours, where students can make appointments and meet with her via phone, email, videoconference or other digital format to ask questions on or talk about the course. 

Dr. Anna Sun meets with a Rowan student inside James Hall

She says students have appreciated the courses with e-office hours.

“They feel I’m very approachable and I respond to students’ questions right away. They felt that this is exactly what they learned from face-to-face,” Dr. Sun says. “The research [also] shows that in the online setting we should have this instruction presence; I want the students to feel like they can reach me at any time when they have questions.”

Her e-office hours contribution is just one part of a more expansive goal of Dr. Sun’s to prepare future school leaders. 

“In my teaching, we have a lot of discussions about social justice school leadership, transformational leadership,” Dr. Sun says. “And I feel my teaching, my interactions with students provide cutting-edge, effective approaches for them to become the reformers, the leaders, to make big changes in education.

“Our program prepares candidates with social justice approaches to make a big impact in the field. Both my teaching and the research are so important in this regard.”

Dr. Anna Sun stands in front of a bronze statue outside of James Hall

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Where is He Now? Computer and Electrical Engineering Grad Becomes COO

Twilight exterior shot of Rowan Hall

College of Engineering alumnus Ken Whelan at his job at ESS

Meet Kenneth Whelan, a 2002- and third-class graduate from the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering. Kenneth is the chief operating officer (COO) of Engineered Security Systems, one of the top 100 security integrators in the country. Today, he will share with us his journey, from picking Rowan University to becoming COO.

What inspired you to go into engineering?

My cousin, who is also my godmother, graduated from NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) in engineering when I was 8 years old. I thought it was really cool to know what an engineer actually does. As I got older, I got into computers, so I kind of put them together and got into electrical and computer engineering.

How did you know Rowan University was for you?

Nighttime exterior shot of Rowan HallWhen I was looking at colleges, I really thought I was going to go to NJIT like my godmother. I went to two NJIT open houses and two open houses for Rowan. NJIT was a nice sunny day, nice weather, and it still didn’t feel like home. When I went down to Rowan, it was cold, windy and rainy, and yet it still felt like home. I went with Rowan because even on a day like that, it seemed like a nice place to be.

How did Rowan University impact your life?

I was very shy and not outgoing. Between the classes and student community, I really got out of my shell. Every class in the engineering department had a presentation we had to do and work in groups. It really taught me to work with other people and be able to stand up and present what I’ve done and really advocate for myself. I was also active in the electrical engineering society.

I learned to round myself, and it really helped me out in my career. I went from just being an engineer when I first got out to now being COO for a nationwide security company. I really attribute everything Rowan taught me to get here. 

Can you tell us more about Engineered Security Systems and your role in the company?

It’s a family-run company, and it was founded in 1971. I’m the first person to be leading it who is not part of the family. We do electronic security like access control, fire alarm systems, burglar alarm systems for businesses, colleges and hospitals. We do very high-end systems that are customized for each client.

Interior shot of a College of Engineering banner inside Rowan HallIn the morning I first come in and talk with the engineering department, I ask what they’re working on and what products are coming down the pike. As the day goes on, I spend time with the operations department. Same thing, I ask what they’re working on, what service call popped up. And I also check in with our sensor monitoring center to see how everything is going and how our clients are doing. As the afternoon goes along, I have meetings and conference calls with our clients and vendors. And I kind of spend my time rotating around all functions of the business.

Any advice for students interested or who are currently pursuing a degree in engineering?

Try to get involved in as much as you can. Don’t try to do just one type of project with engineering projects. Get involved in student organizations on campus and definitely get out of your comfort zone. Join something you don’t think you’ll enjoy — whether it is a fraternity, sorority or some other activity group — just to broaden your horizons and meet people who are not in your major.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

Photo courtesy of:
Kenneth Whelan