TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Communication Studies Major Ashley Davis

Communication Studies major Ashley Davis stands in front of Victoria Hall

Today, we hear from Ashley Davis, a junior Communication Studies major from Gloucester County, NJ. Ashley transferred to Rowan her sophomore year and shares the importance of involving yourself on campus.

My spring semester of my freshman year of college, I found myself scrollCommunication Studies major Ashley Davis sits outside campusing through Twitter, like most students, waiting for class to start. I saw a post from Rowan University about the transfer deadline and cruised to the main website. I found a big transfer button and thought, “Why not give it a shot?” Rowan was the only school I applied to transfer to, so this was all or nothing for me.

Once accepted, I hoped Rowan would be different than my first year of college. I wanted to be more involved and feel more comfortable with how I spend my time in college. I was already feeling nervous transferring to a new school, especially with a whole new major. 

My first day here, I looked on social media and ProfLink for events that either had free giveaways or free food because 1.) Who doesn’t love a free shirt? and 2.) Commuter life somehow always has me hungry, so free lunch is always a plus — especially Commuter Club Waffle Wednesday. 

I joined a few organizations such as the Leadership Program, Student Alumni Association, Tau Sigma, Student Government Association and Commuters Club. I also work on campus for the Office of Alumni Communication Studies major Ashley Davis stands next to a Rowan OSLP sign Engagement. Each of these helped me finally step out of my comfort zone and talk to new people. Since Rowan was a new school and I didn’t know many people, going out and creating connections was a big step for me. 

Being involved and actually going to events on campus helps me feel like I have a purpose at Rowan and in college. I have gotten to meet so many new people who help and motivate me everyday in different ways. I never thought I would actually want to stay on campus when I didn’t have to be, but now I find myself wishing I had more hours in the day to go to all the events around campus. 

Rowan has changed my life forever and made it easy for me to feel like this is a place I finally fit in. I know the people here actually care. My whole experience as a transfer student so far has been such a privilege because I actually take advantage of the resources offered. I am much happier here and encourage other transfer students to get involved. Instead of eating lunch in your car or sitting alone in between classes, go to an event that has free stuff. Maybe I’ll see you there!

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Story by:
Ashley Davis, junior communication studies major

Photos by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major, and courtesy of Ashley Davis