This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
Knowing who we are and who we strive to be can be a serious hurdle for many as we enter new stages of adulthood and self-discovery.

Throughout this path, we may find that our expectations of ourselves are challenged, our self esteem wavers, and our abilities are questioned. We may extend ourselves in every direction trying to determine what brings us peace, what helps us feel empowered, and how we can rise above difficult circumstances.
What we miss sometimes though, is the option to turn inward and look to ourselves for help. How? By learning about positive affirmations and how we can incorporate this into our everyday lives.
Whether we are aware of it or not, many are susceptible to negative self talk. When we are feeling low, we may finding ourselves indulging in self sabotage by saying things like “I am not capable of this,” or “I am not deserving of good things.” While it can be easy to fall into these destructive habits, it is also possible to learn and reinforce constructive habits. Practicing positive affirmations has shown that “we keep up a global narrative about ourselves. In this narrative, we are flexible, moral, and capable of adapting to different circumstances.” (Cohen & Sherman, 2014)
An example of a positive affirmations can include “I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters,” and “I breathe in calmness and breathe out nervousness.” When we repeat positive affirmations to ourselves daily, we have the ability to rid ourselves of our self-imposed limits and further propel ourselves toward a greater gratifying life experience.
Our greatest opponent is our own selves. Luckily, we also have the power to be our own greatest ally.
It is natural to go through times of self doubt and stress, so recognizing negative self-talk patterns and combatting them with positive affirmations can become one of our greatest strengths within our mental toolkit.
Being kind and helpful toward ourselves is one of the most crucial components of feeling self worth and inspiration to move forward throughout our journey. By engaging in positive self talk, we can refine our autonomy, feel reassurance in times of stress, and learn that we are nothing less than deserving of love and strength within ourselves and throughout our lives.
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Story by:
Abby Broschard, senior nutrition major, Wellness Center intern
Photography by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore public relations and communication studies major
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate
Works Cited
100 Positive Affirmations For Mental Health. (2020, July 07). Retrieved from
Moore, C. (2020, September 01). Positive Daily Affirmations: Is There Science Behind It? Retrieved from