Today we feature Trevor Jones, a senior first generation college student majoring in chemistry education. Trevor transferred his junior year and is from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County). He is a resident assistant at the Nexus apartments and is involved with various clubs such as rugby, Men of Color Alliance (MOCA) and Student Organization for Caribbean Awareness.

How are you staying social with COVID?
With my friends back home, I will usually hop on a game with them. It is also cool being an RA because there are programs I can put in place for us to interact and get to know each other virtually. Sometimes I will play Among Us with my residents and we will communicate through Zoom. With my friends on campus, it was hard to find ways to get together but with those who rent off campus will have small gatherings in their yard and have fun. I play rugby and members of the team rent houses on campus and that is who I mainly hang out with. Also outdoor dining on the Boulevard or playing basketball sometimes.

What inspired you to choose your major?
When I first graduated high school I did not really know what I wanted to do and it took me a couple years to get on the track I am on now. My advisor at my community college was very helpful in helping me find things that I found interesting. I remember that chemistry in high school was one of my favorite subjects because of the teacher I had. Most of the time when I tell people that I am a Chemistry major they say ‘ew’ and it’s only because they had a bad chemistry teacher. So, I feel like I can make some difference there. I also have coached sports like football and basketball, so it would be nice to do that too. Coaching, mentoring kids and being the teacher that is really invested in their students success is what I will be.

What would you share with a future student interested in your major?
Make sure that it is something you want to do. If you don’t like it you are not going to want to do it. Try to follow what you want to do, not something someone else did. Once you make that decision it is not going to be easy. Just because it was easy in high school doesn’t mean it’ll be easy again. There is no such thing as a stupid question so ask your professors for help.
Would you like to share anything else?
In high school no one takes Chemistry because they want to, they take it because they have to and I want to be one of those teachers that shows them how fun it can be. Teach them in a way where I enjoyed learning it and why I think it is cool. It is up to the teacher to make it fun. You have to be passionate about it and I can’t wait to do it.
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Story and Photography by: Stephanie Batista, sophomore Music Industry major