Today, we speak to Liz Kratz, a commuter from Montgomery County, PA. Liz is a senior Public Relations major with a minor in Strategic Communication and a Certificate of Undergraduate Study for Public Relations and the News. She tells us more about why she chose Rowan and about her time in New Jersey.
What are some fun off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on this side of the bridge?
Being a part of clubs on campus has really boosted my college experience. I am a part of the PRSSA E-Board and have been a part of PRaction, the student-run P.R. firm on campus. Off-campus, my friends and I like to go to the Deptford Mall, go out for dinner, and explore towns nearby like Pitman and Clayton. My friends and I have also gone to Phillies games, concerts, and explored Philly, which is only 30 minutes away from campus!
Why did you choose to leave PA for college?
I wanted a change of scenery and to experience a state that was different from the one I grew up in. Also, I have spent my entire life going down to Wildwood and living there for the summer, so it was the perfect location.

Why did you choose Rowan?
Rowan just felt like home to me. It was smack in between my hometown in PA and my summer home in Wildwood. It felt like a welcoming environment with lots to offer.
What is one thing about South Jersey that was a happy surprise for you or different than you expected?
A surprise for me was how close Philadelphia was to campus. There is lot to offer within a 30-minute radius of campus.

Have you adopted any “Jersey” tendencies?
I tried my hardest to not conform to the Jersey lingo! Although, since I go to school in New Jersey, I know way more about the culture than PA.
How has choosing to move out of your hometown area for school benefited you?
Personally, I believe that stepping out of my comfort zone and going to a new state was really good for me. It was a big step and I was able to learn a lot from just moving one state over. There is a difference between PA and NJ if you look hard enough, differences I have learned to love.

What advice do you have for Pennsylvania residents leaving PA to go to school in NJ?
Adjusting to a new state and not knowing anyone there is a real challenge, but it is easy to find friends. One day freshman year, I opened my door once to figure out what I was hearing coming from the hallway, and I ended up meeting some of my very best friends that way.
Get involved as much as possible, too. Some of my favorite people ever are the ones I met from my major and clubs. It’s a great experience learning about a new state, and I highly recommend it if you are looking to step out of your comfort zone.
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Campus photos by:
Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio/TV/film major