5 Tips to Fight Zoom Fatigue

A student's study area.

We’re all feeling it. Now that classes, meetings, interviews (and pretty much everything) are on Zoom, it’s easy to feel fatigued. Who knew that not leaving our bedrooms could be so hard? Now that we’re all experiencing it, here are tips to help Zoom fatigue. 

1. Allot time each day to be off-screen

Even though we have to be on Zoom calls for most of the day, it’s important to structure time in the day to give your eyes a break. Whether that’s going for a walk or taking 10 minutes to stretch, your body will thank you later. 

Three students outside on campus.

2. Avoid multitasking 

Although it’s tempting to check emails or work on assignments while on a Zoom call, try not to. Your brain and eyes are working double time and experiencing sensory overload. Multitasking can negatively impact your performance on a task, so take things one at a time. 

3. Get outdoors

Although we’re staying inside to keep people safe, it’s important to enjoy nature and get Vitamin D. Getting outdoors can help with Zoom fatigue because you may be less tempted to go on your phone or watch TV while in your room.

A group of Rowan students walk down campus.

4. Get ready for class 

Yes, I said it. Although it’s easy to stay in pajamas or lay in bed while on Zoom, you should try to get up and ready for the day. This can lead to higher productivity and boost attention levels. Our bedrooms are our classrooms (for now), so let’s treat them as such. 

5. Sleep!

Sleep has always been important, but being virtual this semester raises the stakes. Your eyes are constantly being strained by screens, so giving them a break is important. If you can, fit a nap into your day and/or try to get a full 8 hours of sleep — you need it!

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Story inspired by:
Georgetown Stories vlog