Meet #Rowan2025: Anna Sullivan Shares Her Future Aspirations

Exterior shot of greenery on Rowan's campus.

Today we feature incoming first year Anna Sullivan. Anna is from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County) and will be studying on campus.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college?

I am looking forward to the independence the college is going to give me.

Anna standing outside in a romper and sandals.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college? 

I played softball one year in high school and absolutely fell in love with it. Now granted, I’m not all that good … but I would love to play for recreational if Rowan offers it [editor’s note: we do]! I also enjoy music and theater.

 Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college?

One thing that I’m hoping to discover about myself in college is how ambitious I really am. I can’t wait to see the things I learn and how I use them to make my dream a reality.

Anna's senior portrait in a white cap and gown.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am considering Psychology and Special Education. My future plan is to open my own practice where I diagnose teens and children with any special needs they may have and offer therapy to them as well!

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events?

Living about 15 minutes away from Rowan has given me a great opportunity to walk around campus a lot and really get a feel for what Rowan is like.

Selfie of Anna in the car.

 Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet? 

Do whatever you think is best. Don’t decide where you want to go on outside forces. It has to be YOUR decision and no one else’s.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

The atmosphere.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major