Today, we speak to Theatre & Advertising double major Nick Flagg from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). Nick has a concentration in Theatre Ed, Acting/Directing & Musical Theatre, and will graduate next spring. He shares with us why he heavily enjoys studying his majors and the endless opportunities Rowan has offered and equipped him with.
Why did you choose Rowan to study Theatre and Advertising? In other words, Why did Rowan stand out to you in your college search?
I had a hard time being tied down to one major. I am from Williamstown so I knew the theatre program because of some friends already in it. Evidently, I liked the idea of studying more than one major. Some schools focus on students intensely training on just musical theatre or just acting. However, Rowan allows me to venture off into so many different areas of theatre to explore many different creative outlets. I love that at Rowan there is always more to learn and always room for growth.
What is your dream profession?
I have been invested in the idea of being a director ever since spring 2020. Being able to not only make a story but be responsible for all the elements at which the story comes alive is so rewarding and important to me. My dream job is to direct in some way. Whether I am directing in advertising, in film, or on a stage … I want to be able to tell a story through direction.
How do you think Rowan has prepared you for your future endeavors? What professor has stood out to you in regards to preparing you for your future?
Rowan has given me the opportunity to be taught by a group of very talented, passionate and inspiring professors. A few professors who have truly set me up for success were Lane Savadove (Acting Coordinator & Professor), Dr. Christopher Marlowe Roche (Musical Theatre Coordinator & Associate Professor), Melanie Stewart (Associate Dean & Associate Professor), and Michael Dean Morgan (Assistant Professor).
Melanie Stewart always told me “Always find the fun in the work,” which has resonated with me greatly.
What is your role/what do you do for the Community Engagement and Presentation team for the College of Performing Arts?
I am the social media coordinator. My job revolves around auditing, getting screenshots of productions for archive purposes and posting anything related to dance and theatre on the Theatre and Dance social media handles.

What is your favorite part about both of your majors?
I love that they are both storytellers and that Advertising and Theatre are related so much more than I initially intended them to be. Advertising is a challenge. You are selling something to a target market. In theatre, someone pays to see a show and they watch it. Even if they do not like the show, they have already paid to watch it. In advertising, someone can simply say “I will not buy that product” and they will not buy it and/or will not invest themselves in your service. They are both constantly working to engage a target market and/or audience. I love how both are challenging and require creativity!
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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
Photos courtesy of Nick Flagg and by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major