Rowan Blog contributors share their personal tips on getting the most out of your college experience at Rowan University.
1. Join a club
Joining a club is a great way to meet new people and to ease the stress of academic course load.
2. Participate in recreational sports
Participating in recreational sports can lead you to meeting new people with similar interests and fuel your competitive edge without the stress of competing in a division III NJAC conference sport.
3. Attend a sporting event
Attending sporting events is a great way to support your fellow classmates and show school spirit.
4. Join Greek life
Greek life can help you make connections, develop leadership skills, and lead you to philanthropic opportunities and community and service.

5. Register for in-person classes so you can meet new people
Even though classes can be accessible online, try and schedule classes in person. Face-to-face interaction with new people can create everlasting friendships and promote networking.
6. Take advantage of office hours with professors
With the average class size at Rowan being 20 students, the student-to-professor ratio is perfect for seeking additional help. Reach out to professors if you have any questions or need assistance, they want you to succeed just as much as you want to.
7. Meet with your academic advisor
Meeting with your academic advisor is important so you know you are on track. Whether it is annually, bi-annually or even biweekly, meeting with your academic advisor can only be to your benefit!
8. Consider studying abroad
Studying abroad can lead you to discover career opportunities abroad, enhance your network, develop your language skills, and help you learn about new cultures from different perspectives.
9. Utilize campus facilities
Rowan has countless facilities available for your benefit. Whether it is the Rowan Campbell Library, Rohrer College of Business, or the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering, the facilities are consistently open.

10. Participate in/seek out internship opportunities
Internships are pivotal for preparing students for future professions and work style. Seeking out internships will only prepare you for what is to come! Plus, they look great on job applications.
11. Attend campus events
Campus events build a sense of community on campus. They are often free and are a great way to meet people with similar interests.
12. Grab some food at the Student Center
In a rush on the way to class or do not feel like cooking? The Student Center has a wide range of options available ranging from cheesesteaks, sweet potatoes and spinach bowls to smoothies.
13. Learn how to budget
Budgeting is important in college, especially when you are away from family and in a more independent lifestyle. Learning to budget can be helpful when trying to be efficient and smart with your money.
14. Volunteer
Volunteering allows you to connect to the Rowan community and make it a better, safer and cleaner place.

15. Get a part-time job around campus
Getting a job around campus is a great way to network, use your time wisely in between classes and to earn money!
16. Take a class outside your major
Taking classes outside your major is a great way to see what interests you. I added two minors because of classes I have taken outside my initial major. There’s so many interesting options to choose from!
17. Step out of your comfort zone
This can look differently depending on the person. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great way to build your character. I took Public Speaking to step out of my comfort zone, and now I do not mind giving speeches to larger audiences.
18. Walk or ride your bike to class
This is a good way to get your exercise in rather than driving a car to class. Biking is also a lot faster as you can cut through campus instead of taking major roads, and you don’t need to worry about parking!
19. Get a planner and be organized
Planners are crucial for being on top of assignments and deadlines. I believe I am a good student because of my organizational skills and my planner!
20. Participate in RA programs
Resident Assistants work to promote to help students adjust to college more smoothly socially, emotionally and academically!

21. Participate in a campus cleanup
Campus cleanup is where volunteers work together to clean up the campus. This is a great way to give back to the Rowan community!
22. Go to HollyBash
This is one of the biggest events on campus! The entire event comes with free food, carnival rides, lawn games and more. All students are welcome to join!
23. Attend a career fair
Career fairs promote career opportunities for students studying all majors! Attenders can seek out internships, part-time jobs, and full-time job opportunities.
24. Try each food spot on Rowan Boulevard
Rowan Boulevard is filled with many restaurants for all locals to try! Restaurants on the Boulevard range from Mexican and Italian to breakfast food.
25. Take a picture in front of the Prof statue every year
This is a fun way to see transformation over the years! The Prof statue is located outside of Savitz Hall on campus.

26. Meet your friends in your residence halls
Meeting friends in your dorms are fun ways to interact with friends or even new people. There are many places to hang out like lounge rooms, study rooms and even the Holly Cafe located in Holly Pointe Commons.
27. Find your favorite study space
There are many study place options across campus. Whether you pick the Rowan Campbell Library, the Student Center, Business Hall, Science Hall, or even Barnes and Noble on the Boulevard.
28. Keep an open mind and try new things
College is a great time to discover new interests. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Try participating in rec sports, clubs, or events around campus!
29. Take care of your mental health
It is always important to take care of your well-being. Mental health is especially important to stay on top of as a college student. Seek out friends, professors, or the Wellness Center for help!
30. Focus on well being
Well-being looks differently in many realms. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially … well-being is very important no matter the category.
31. Be open to the Wellness Center
The Wellness Center can assist you with many things. The center provides: Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, Alcohol and Other Drugs Services, and Emergency Medical Services.

32. Attend the Fitness Center
The Fitness Center is a great way to get a quick workout in. Located off of Rowan Boulevard, the Fitness Center has treadmills, bikes, free weights, and more.
33. Attend the Rec Center
The Rec Center is a great spot to workout, meet with friends or spend free time. The Rec Center has group fitness classes, intramural sports, a gym and more.
34. Visit the Edelman Planetarium
The Planetarium offers live stargazing experiences and public shows (all experiences are temporarily closed because of Covid-19 but will re-open in the near future).
35. Visit the Rowan University Art Gallery
The Gallery, located at 301 High St., is easily accessible and gives each visitor a cultural experience through contemporary art.

36. Meet with a tutor
The Rowan Writing Center located in the Campbell Library and the Academic Success Center located on the third floor of Savitz can offer help with any class or subject.
37. Take lots of pictures
Pictures remind us of the best memories, take as many as you can especially when attending special events.
38. Attend social events thrown by students
Many students hold social events around campus that are unaffiliated with the university in the dorms or Greek houses.
39. Do not stress the little things
College goes by quickly, and it is easy to be caught in academic courseload or social responsibilities. Take a breath and enjoy the journey!
40. Finally … have fun!
This does not need much explaining … have fun because college is an experience you cannot get back!
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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
Story contributors:
Nene Diallo, Bianca Gray and Loredonna Fiore