Volunteering with the Glassboro Food Bank

Just a stone’s throw away from Rowan University sits the Samaritan Center, a shining pillar of light in the community. Rowan Blog contributor Bianca Gray shares: “As a Rowan student, many of us are volunteering in many different places around the state, but maybe we should take the time to learn more about how we can volunteer our time to the community we all call home.”

The Samaritan Center, also known as the Glassboro Food Bank, is a nonprofit organization located on 123A East High Street. For years, they have been dedicated to providing food and clothes for the low income residents of Glassboro, and Rowan students are starting to get involved in a major way. The Samaritan Center is happy to accept help and donations from any Rowan student looking to make a difference; here are some ways that you can get involved. 

Inside the Glassboro Food Bank, shelves stocked with cans and bags stuffed with food
A look inside the Samaritan Center

Volunteering is a must for any Rowan student. It’s a great way to get involved around the community and help a good cause at the same time. Students looking to volunteer with the organization could be given a couple of different tasks. They could help with distributing and packaging food, organizing food and clothing within the center, or help to maintain the center’s garden. Senior Writing Arts and Marketing major Melanie Kosick volunteered with the organization during the fall Thanksgiving Turkey Drive. 

“We mainly just packaged bags with cranberry sauce, stuffing mix and other Thanksgiving foods for families, handing out a turkey and a gallon of milk with each bag,” Melanie tells us. “Honestly, I really enjoyed the entire experience. Not only did I enjoy working with the staff, but it was a nice way to give back for the holidays.” 

Ingres Simpson stocking the shelves of the Glassboro Food bank
Ingres restocking the shelves!

Melanie’s not the only Prof lending a helping hand though. The organization’s president, Ingres Simpson, is an adjunct professor at Rowan in the Elementary Education program. Simpson first joined the organization back into 2014 after retiring from her previous job as a Supervisor of Instruction at a local public school. She works alongside other retirees to help achieve the Samaritan Center’s primary goal: providing food and clothing to Glassboro residents in need. 

“I am totally committed to our work at the Samaritan Center,” Simpson shares. “It is especially rewarding to be able to help people within my community who struggle to feed themselves and their families.” 

Along with helping those in need feed their families, the Samaritan Center also provides clothing through their Clothing Closet. The clothing is priced anywhere from 25 cents to $3.00. As stated earlier, volunteers could be asked to help organize the clothing, but for those who don’t have the time to spare and would still like to give back, the organization is always accepting clothing donations. 

The Samaritan Center's Clothing Closet
The Clothing Closet

The Samaritan Center is open from Monday – Thursday from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays, volunteers may help with distributing government-issued food to families and individuals who meet the federal guidelines for low income status. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Center provides gently used clothing for men, women, and children, which is especially necessary this time of year.

Anyone interested in working with the Samaritan Center should visit the Center’s website where they can not only express their interest in volunteering with the organization but donate anything they have to offer. 

A picture of the Samaritan Center
The Samaritan Center is located at 123A East High Street in Glassboro.

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Story By:
Bianca Gray, senior English major

Photos By:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

#PROFspective: Finance Major, Management Information Systems Minor Sasmita Prabu

Today we feature Sasmita Prabu, a junior Finance major who is also minoring in Management Information Systems. Sasmita works for the Office of Volunteerism as a Blood Services Coordinator and is also the secretary of the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Business Club. She discusses her major and goes into detail about her involvement in several clubs around campus.

Why did you choose Rowan to study finance?

I chose Rowan because it quickly became my happy medium. It was a school that not only met my expectations in regards to academic opportunity, it also fit my desired needs for professor-to-student ratio. When deciding on a university to further my education, it was important to me to be able to learn in an environment where my professors could dedicate more time to engage with their students.

I also believe that it is important to be located near a major city. The location of Rowan is a short drive to Philadelphia, where I have endless opportunities for internships and future jobs.

Sasmita Prabu outside College of Business.

Why did you choose to study finance?

I wanted to study a major that utilizes my analytical and communication skills.

What are your future plans and what is your dream job for working as a finance major?

Currently, I am exploring my options for the future through hands-on internship experiences. Last summer I interned for AT&T’s Billing Operations department.

This summer I am seeking an internship opportunity that will allow me to expand on my skill sets further and utilize them in my future endeavors. 

Sasmita Prabu.

What does your role as Undergraduate Coordinator of Blood Services for the Office of Volunteerism entail? How did you get involved with this?

My role as Undergraduate Coordinator of Blood Services includes working closely with colleagues of the Office of Volunteerism team to help organize bi-monthly on-campus blood drives with the support of the American Red Cross.

My freshman year I attended a series of volunteering events where I heard about this opportunity. However, my initial interest in volunteering and working with blood drives started in high school. While in high school, I was the president of my Red Cross club where I also helped facilitate blood drives. These opportunities have been a great way to give back to the community and build leadership skills while doing so.

What does the day of a blood drive look like?

There is so much preparation involved before the day of a blood drive. The work realistically begins many weeks prior with advertising the drive, contacting donors, and recruiting student volunteers. We have immense support from student organizations, clubs and faculty that make our bi-monthly blood drives not only possible but successful. I am organizing these blood drives, but I do have an entire family of colleagues and student organizations supporting and assisting me.

Sasmita Prabu wearing red cross hat.

Can you tell us more about the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Business Club? What are your responsibilities as secretary of this club? How did you get involved with this?

This is a newly founded student organization embracing diversity and promoting inclusion and belonging in the workplace. This club provides a sense of community and inclusive professional development resources to all majors. It is important to note that DIBB is not focused on just business majors.

My responsibilities as secretary of this club includes communicating with our members and maintaining club records. I also assist our club Community Outreach Chair in event planning by scheduling guest speakers. Additionally, I look forward to taking on more responsibilities this semester as I was recently promoted to club Vice President.

What is your advice for other women as finance majors that are simply trying to compete in a field that is male dominant? 

I think it is important to have confidence in yourself and your questions. There will be times where you may be unsure of yourself, and asking questions and seeking help will only aid you.

Sasmita Prabu outside of College of Business.

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Story by: 
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

40 Ways to Get the Most out of Your College Experience

The Rowan welcome gate.

Rowan Blog contributors share their personal tips on getting the most out of your college experience at Rowan University. 2. Participate in recreational sports Participating in recreational sports can lead you to meeting new people with similar interests and fuel your competitive edge without the stress of competing in a division III NJAC conference sport. […]

Passing the Torch: International Studies, Modern Languages Dual Major on Taking Advantage of Every Rowan Opportunity

Ashley walks down Bunce Green in her cap and gown.

If there’s one member of the class of 2021 who truly knows the ins and outs of Rowan University, it’s Ashley Hermansen.

The Gloucester County native and dual major in International Studies and Modern Languages and Linguistics works as an Admissions Ambassador coordinator. In this student leadership role, she has recruited and trained dozens of students to connect prospective Profs and their families with Rowan’s history, culture and campus.

Portrait of Ashley in front of Bunce Hall.

As a sophomore, Ashley led the Spanish Studies Association as its president. She’s also been involved with the Arabic Club and Model UN, contributed articles to Her Campus, coordinated opportunities for the Office of Volunteerism and studied abroad

“The more you talk to people and the more you take advantage of all the opportunities you have, the more you’re going to feel like you got out of it. And so I feel like I’ve exhausted all my opportunities” at Rowan, Ashley says.

“I’ve done everything. And I’m ready to pass the torch on to the next incoming [first year] class because there are so many things for them to take advantage of. And I know I did, and I know they could totally do the same thing and have just as great and even a better experience, too.”

Her favorite experiences — and people — extend to the classroom as well.

Ashley smiles and stands on Bunce Green.

“My advisor, Christine Larsen-Britt, she’s my favorite person on this planet. She has helped get me from point A to point B in college, and I could not have done it without her. She’s the best.”

She adds, “My favorite class was with Dr. Schrader. He was absolutely awesome. He’s turned my research from high school level to academic and professional level. I’ve had experiences with all the Modern Language professors, Dr. Hernandez, Mousa, mainly all of them.”

Ashley hopes when she enters graduate school, it will even compare to the level of connection and care she has had with her Rowan professors. 

“They care about you so much. They just want to see you succeed. They’re so happy when you do succeed, they all support you really well,” she says.

Ashley photographed from behind in front of Bunce Hall.

Ashley will head to Washington, DC this fall to begin her master’s program in International Development Studies at The George Washington University.

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Student Leadership with Volunteerism: Fresh For All [VIDEO]

Will, the student leader of Fresh For All poses on Rowan's campus.

Rowan University students share their volunteer and leadership experience with Fresh For All, an on-campus initiative spearheaded by Philabundance that brings free, fresh fruits and vegetables to campus every week.

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Student Created:
Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major
Louis Testa III, senior music composition major

5 Ways Students Are Giving Back This Season

Although this time of year is filled with gifts and twinkly lights, the holidays are also known as the season of giving. Here are 5 ways Rowan students are giving back this holiday season through the Office of Volunteerism

1. The SHOP

The SHOP is a food and resource pantry located in room 141 of Building 5 in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. The SHOP is donation based, so students, faculty and members of the Glassboro community can donate items for students to pick up free of charge. The SHOP has a plethora of canned goods, cleaning supplies, toiletries and other items students may need. To give back this season, consider donating or volunteering to help work at The SHOP.

2. Fresh for All

The Fresh for All program by Philabundance is a resource available on Rowan’s campus. Fresh for All provides fresh fruits and vegetables for Rowan students and the Rowan community. Each Friday, the produce is available for pick up from 10-11 a.m. in Parking Lot D on Rowan’s Glassboro campus. This is a great resource for students of the Rowan community to stay healthy and eat well. To give back this season, volunteer by portioning out the produce, bringing the produce into the person’s vehicle and/or assisting walkup clients. See our video on the Fresh For All program. 

Student with fruits and vegetables.

3. Volunteer for Ronald McDonald House Charities

To give back this season, consider volunteering at the Chamberlain Student Center with the Office of Volunteerism. There, you’ll be able to help make snack packs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House Charity is a non-profit organization that aims to support children and their families. 

4. Make Handwritten Cards

A handwritten note can really show someone how much you care. This holiday season, you can help the members of the assisted living center at Juniper Village feel appreciated. The Office of Volunteerism is hosting card making sessions at the Chamberlain Student Center to provide supplies for the cards. 

5. Make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches 

There’s no better combination than peanut butter and jelly. To volunteer this season, you can come make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Cathedral Kitchen with the Office of Volunteerism. This is a great way to give back to the greater South Jersey community. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Beyond the Classroom: Fresh For All Coordinator William Hendrixson Reflects on Giving Back

Will sits among pine trees on campus.

Today we speak with William Hendrixson, a fifth-year senior from Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County) who is currently on track to complete a dual major in Management Information Systems and Computing and Informatics. He also has a leadership role with the volunteer program Fresh For All. Learn more about William and his strong passion for helping the community.

Will stands in front of tree and ornamental grass on campus.

William Hendrixson is the top coordinator in charge of Fresh For All, a food distribution program on campus with the goal of getting fresh produce to the campus and surrounding communities. 

Will explains: “Fresh For All is a program where we work with a couple of different organizations to get fresh vegetables, fruit and sometimes dairy, to students and local community members who need it.” 

The program is set up every Friday from 10-11 a.m. in parking lot D by the Engineering building. The food comes from an outside organization called Philabundance, which goes out to farmer’s markets and grocery stores seeking donations. 

When asked who is eligible for free food, he says anyone at all. “You don’t need ID, you don’t need proof of need, or anything. We distribute every Friday, year round,” he adds.

According to Will, Fresh for All serves on average 150 families a week.

“Our highest is around 170,” he says.

In terms of the ratio of students to families, he explains, “It’s definitely more families. More from the local communities. I would say it can be up to about a quarter students, but the majority is definitely locals [who] need it.”

Will sits on a stone in front of trees on campus.

Will works with the Office of Volunteerism at Rowan, which put him in charge of the Fresh for All program. He says his individual responsibility on Fridays during distribution is to “make sure the event goes smoothly.” 

Fresh For All has given William the opportunity to to go out and help people. Even though it has nothing to do with his majors or career, he still just enjoys the feeling of putting a smile on someone’s face. 

When asked if this was something that he sees in his future, William responds: “Not necessarily as a career, because as I mentioned I’m kind of more from a tech background. But I want to be successful enough where I can give back to the community.” 

Will stands in front of textured wall on campus.

Will’s favorite thing about Fresh For All is the genuine difference that it makes. He says, “You can kind of see on people’s faces that it really helps and that’s definitely it, just knowing that you’re making a difference in someone’s week.”

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Story and photography by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

How I Made Friends at Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent Communications Studies graduate from Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Some incoming college students may wonder: How am I going to make friends? It’s one of the highest worries around. Incoming students may be used to having all of their home town friends that they went to school with for many years, and now everyone is splitting up to go away to different universities.

My incoming freshman year I joined a Rowan Students Facebook group. I think that was my best decision. After going to Rowan’s open house and being put into groups that we did activities with, I met a couple of students, and we switched telephone numbers. After that, they added me to this Facebook group that had hundreds of incoming freshman. By reaching out and posting in this page and connecting on different social media platforms, I was able to get into touch and build relationships even before the semester started.

Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.
Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.

Well, it didn’t end there! Once the semester progressed I joined a lot of clubs. Rowan offers a numerous amount of clubs where you can team bond, socialize and participate in different activities. My favorite club I joined was Volunteer Club. With doing this, I ended up being a tutor at South Woods State Prison and met a couple of friends I still have close friendships with today. 

Rowan After Hours was also a great opportunity to make friends. The wonderful thing about that would be going with the friends I had, and meeting new ones! So the group friendship expanded. RAH would hold fun nights such as BINGO night or movie night. So my college experience didn’t always have to be about going out to parties every night and trying to socialize that way. 

Although, going out was also a fun way to make friends. Rush sorority events were a great way to socialize, meet new people and personalities. I remember meeting girls from towns over, and states over. I met my roommates from doing this. 

Whether you’re worried about meeting friends, or nervous to go out and socialize, don’t be. You’re not the only one in the same boat. I was nervous myself, and so were the girls I’m best friends with today. It just takes a little courage and a positive attitude.

Be yourself! Join groups and clubs, participate in activities at Rowan, and you will have a great time meeting your friend group. 

Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)
Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)

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Story and photos by:
Devon Graf, communication studies graduate

How the Volunteer Club Impacts My Rowan Experience

Student volunteer pets a gray tabby cat at an animal shelter

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent communications studies graduate self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Volunteering at Rowan University has been such a wonderful and rewarding experience. Are you looking to make friends? Help out the community? Feel good about yourself? I would recommend joining the Volunteer Club at Rowan.

Rowan students volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House South Jersey

It’s also important in other ways. Volunteering is important as it offers essential help to worthwhile causes, people in need and the wider community. Indeed, many organizations and charities rely on the generosity of volunteers as often they’re only partially-funded through government or local councils and cannot afford to pay salaries for all their staff. In fact, many companies depend almost solely upon teams of volunteers (like you!) to help them thrive and do their work.

If you’re feeling bored, isolated or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering for Rowan is an important – and often fun – way to meet new people. In fact, one of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together, and volunteering lets you do just that.

Rowan student volunteers at animal shelter

What kind of volunteer options does Rowan offer? Many! Some of my favorites have been playing bingo at our local senior citizens center, helping out the local ASPCA animal shelter, and even taking a bus over to Camden to help serve food to the homeless and less fortunate at Cathedral Soup Kitchen. I even volunteered to be a tutor at South Woods State Prison.

Every volunteer event is meaningful and impacted my life positively. The look on the senior citizens’ faces to have someone young sitting next to them to play bingo is priceless. The animals I got to walk for a couple hours at the animal shelter felt loved. The prisoners I got to teach mathematics to and socialize with felt important. The greatest reward I have ever felt is donating at the soup kitchen and passing out hot cooked meals to families in need. 

Rowan students volunteer at Food Bank of South Jersey

Doing good for others and our community helps to create a sense of accomplishment. And working as a volunteer can also gave me a sense of pride and identity, helping to boost my self-confidence further by taking me out of my natural comfort zone and environment. It was also an escape from the typical school day. I was able to wake up and volunteer in the mornings for a couple of hours and then go to my classes. The volunteer event schedule has numerous days and times to apply yourself. I noticed that volunteering boosted my mental health simply because it made me happier: the so-called “helper’s high.” 

So next semester, try it out. Volunteering is a win-win situation all around. Reach out to the Volunteer Club and Rowan University if you have any questions or would like to learn more. 

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Story by:
Devon Graf, Communication Studies graduate
Rowan University Volunteer Website

Volunteer for Your Well-being

Roxy Urso poses for a photo outside of the Student Center.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Roxy Urso poses for a photo outside of the Student Center.Meet Roxy Urso, junior Biology major from Barnegat, NJ (Ocean County). Roxy felt inspired by her love of volunteering to write this article. She shares: “There is more to it than just getting hours for school or to look good on applications. It can be very beneficial for a person’s mental health as well. I hope this article will involve more people in the programs Rowan has to offer that are centered around volunteering after they see the value it can have.”

Giving a small piece of a day to help someone — whether it is a friend or someone new — can make a huge difference in how people view themselves. There is something about giving time to others that gives a sense of love and appreciation that is hard to find through any other means.

Being college students, we often get lost in the dizzying cycle of school, friends, and oftentimes work. It feels like there is often not much else out there besides the college campus we reside in, however there is a huge community of people surrounding the local campus, as well as the area.

A great way college students can refocus their sense of purpose and learn more about who they are is through volunteering. By volunteering with true intentions to genuinely help someone, studies have shown that people who chose to volunteer have less stress and anxiety, helps fight depressions, and stay more physically healthy (Segal 2019).

Rowan students volunteer as part of the First Year Connection: Volunteerism program.
Rowan students volunteer for a disaster relief organization through the First Year Connection: Volunteerism program.

Volunteering allows people to make meaningful connections with people, either bonding while volunteering, or making connections with the people being helped. There has even been multiple studies to show that volunteering will help lower blood pressure as people age (Segal 2019).

There are so many resources to find volunteering sites, on campus and in the community. A great resource is the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement and Commuter Services. They offer multiple trips and events weekly that can allow a student to volunteer, even if it’s just for an hour during the week.

Any opportunity to volunteer will prove tremendous benefits for mental, as well as physical, health. There are multiple opportunities around campus, as well as in the community, that will help reap those benefits.

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!


Story by:
Roxy Urso, junior biology major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Segal, J., & Robinson, L. (2019, November 26). Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits.

Students Make Furry Friends at Salem County Humane Society [VIDEO]

a person petting a cat on its head.

Through Rowan University’s Office of Volunteerism, students mingle and make new furry friends while volunteering at the Salem County Humane Society. Volunteer tasks include cleaning cages, setting out food and water, and socializing the animals. 

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Video by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Music by:
Louis Testa III, junior music composition major

Recovering Philanthropy at Rowan University

Sam smiling for a portrait outside Engineering Hall.

Sam Bollendorf poses in Engineering Hall.Meet Samantha Bollendorf, sophomore biomedical engineering major from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County.) She shares her passion for volunteering with the Food Recovery Network and encourages students to deepen their volunteer experiences on-campus. 

“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” – George Eliot

There are few feelings, as a college student and human being, that rival the sensation of giving back to a cause, any cause, that matters to you. Giving all that we can do individually to better the lives of those that we empathize with is just about as rewarding as it gets, and it’s safe to say that we all wish we could participate in philanthropic efforts a little more than we already do.

It’s easy to be philanthropic when you’re a well-established gajillionaire, but as an undergraduate 20-something scraping together loose change to do your laundry and buy discount cereal from Aldi, donating to your favorite non-profits is an act easier said than done. Money is tight, and some days, starting a personal GoFundMe to keep your Spotify subscription afloat doesn’t seem all too crazy. All of this begs the question: “How can I give back on-campus in a way that works for me?”

As a student who actively volunteers and is constantly searching for ways to be more immersed on campus, I can assure you that Rowan offers a plethora of opportunities for students to give back. The breadth of volunteer efforts on campus reach a scope far beyond the bounds of our school — philanthropic efforts tend to reach the Glassboro community, as well as greater national causes.

That being said, it can be difficult to weed through the zillions of opportunities provided by our university to find the activities that really resonate with us as individuals. After a full year (and one semester) here at Rowan, I’ve found my own personal unsung hero of philanthropy in the form of Rowan’s Food Recovery Network.

Rowan’s Food Recovery Network is a small, student-led organization on campus that works on a weekly basis to source unused, otherwise wasted food from Rowan University’s dining halls. Students and faculty transport recovered food to local shelters in the Glassboro community. Food Recovery Network redirects food waste to a worthy cause, and gives students a chance to positively impact their surrounding community in a way that’s meaningful, and of course, doable.

Food Recovery Network logo Being a part of something like Food Recovery Network at Rowan, a university that encourages sustainability and practicing sustainable habits, is extremely rewarding. Being able to give back to those that have lent a hand in building beautiful Glassboro — the town that us Profs get to call home — is an opportunity I’m beyond grateful to have.

The best part? I don’t have to dip into my Spotify subscription fund to give back — all that I need to donate is my time, energy and my drive, shared by everyone at Food Recovery, to make the lives of those around us just a little less difficult. That’s the case with most volunteer efforts at Rowan University — so enhance your college experience, and lend a hand!

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!


Story by:
Samantha Bollendorf, sophomore biomedical engineering major

Photos by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

The SHOP: On-Campus Food Pantry and Resource Center [VIDEO]

The outside wall of the SHOP building.

The SHOP (Students Helping Other Profs) is Rowan University’s first ever on-campus food pantry and resource center available to students in need. With a particular focus on addressing issues of food insecurity, The SHOP offers a range of free and confidential support services that can connect students with appropriate campus and community resources.



Video by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Louis Testa, junior jazz studies major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Saint Bernard Project [VIDEO]

students moving construction equipment in a shell of a house

Students volunteer their time to the Saint Bernard disaster relief program, to repair and hurricane-proof houses damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus. 


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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Humane Society of Salem County [VIDEO]

students petting a dog at the humane society shelter

Students volunteer at the Humane Society of Salem County, cleaning the facility, feeding the animals and most importantly: playing with the animals. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection program, incoming students – both freshmen and transfer – embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus. 


Like what you see, come visit us!


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Ronald McDonald House [VIDEO]

students cook at the ronald mcdonald house

Together with the Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey, students prepare and serve food for families in need. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus. 


Like what you see, come visit us!


Video by: Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Food Bank of South Jersey [VIDEO]

students sorting food at the south jersey food bank

Students work together with the Food Bank of South Jersey sorting and organizing food to provide for the food-insecure. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus. 


Like what you see, come visit us!


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

#PROFspective: Public Relations Major Serina Gonzalez

Rowan public relations major Serina Gonzalez

Today, we speak with Serina Gonzalez, a senior Public Relations major and Strategic Communication minor from Little Ferry, NJ (Bergen County) who lives on-campus. Serina will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Serina GonzalezRowan public relations major Serina Gonzalez

Year: Senior

Major: Public Relations

Minors: Strategic Communication

Hometown: Little Ferry, NJ (Bergen County)

Academic or social clubs: Volunteerism mentor, Animal Advocacy Club and the Dr. Harley Flack Student Mentoring Program

Why did you choose Rowan? After going on a tour of Rowan, I knew it was the school I wanted to attend. It stood out from the other schools I toured because it didn’t feel like anything was forced. People actually seemed genuine. It made me feel comfortable, and I wanted to be a part of that.

Did you ever have a moment of uncertainty within your major? How did you get through the challenge? I honestly never had a moment of uncertainty within my major. I feel like I found a subject that keeps me inspired. I would not have learned my passion for PR if I did not go through other majors’ courses.

Rowan public relations major Serina GonzalezWhat got you interested in your intended field? I began taking all communications courses and realized it wasn’t for me. I definitely needed to find a balance to a communications-oriented career, but allowed more flexibilty. I talked to my advisers who introduced me to public relations. I took Intro to PR and fell in love. I immediately switched my major.

Was there a specific mentor that you would turn to about your degree/field? How did they help you? My academic advisor for the ASCEND program, and everyone in that office, acted as my mentor for years. They helped introduce me to the program.

How has your overall experience been so far? What is your favorite accomplishment? Working in the Office of Volunteerism is really rewarding because it gives me exactly what I’m looking for. Later in life, I plan to be a teacher. Overall, the kids are always so happy and make my sad days so much better. I learn a lot from them … being a kid is a good thing. 

What has been the most meaningful experience you’ve had while volunteering so far? One day, I was helping a little girl making cards for old people. While every other kid was working on their third card, she was still on her first. I looked at her card to see why it was taking her so long, and it was because her card was perfect. She’s a true artist.

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors? In the future, I plan on volunteering on the side. Volunteering taught me how to be a better person, even though it’s not only about being a good person. It’s just something you’re supposed to do.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Student’s Stream Clean-up Supports Future Career Path

Environmental studies major Meghin Rollins of Carney’s Point, NJ (Salem County) applies her passion about the environment any way she can. Meghin’s dedication to a clean environment goes far beyond the classroom. She planned and participated in Rowan’s Stream Clean-up, where students and faculty collected garbage from different locations on Rowan’s main campus from the stream that […]

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Alexia outside business building

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