Going Away to College Close to Home: One Mullica Hill Honors Student & Residence Hall Community Assistant

Mia drawing on the whiteboard. She is seen in a lab coat.

Meet Mia Shute, a senior biological sciences major, psychology minor, and honors student who earns free housing through her job as a Community Assistant, formerly known as Resident Assistants in student housing. Mia is from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County), located about 15 minutes away from Rowan. She lived in Holly Pointe this past year as a Community Assistant […]

My First Day At Rowan University, Move In

Magnolia Hall during the fall with blooming trees.

Lucy Marks, a sophomore public relations major from Voorhees, NJ (Camden County) shares this first-person perspective on their move-in day as a first-year student last year. Welcome back, Profs, we hope you’re kicking off the year great!

Before I got myself settled at Rowan, I had been nothing but excited for months. From the moment I got my acceptance letter to the second I made the commitment deposit, I only had enthusiasm for the future. It was not until the night before my move in day where I found myself afraid of the unknown. The realization hit that I would be closing off an amazing year and taking a step toward unfamiliar things and more responsibilities. The fear that I would be starting the path to being on my own terrified me.

The morning of, there was no worry on my mind since I was too focused on instructing my brother and dad of where I wanted each of my duffle bags. I had six heavily packed bags that included all of my clothing and necessities. Everything was organized and labeled because I did not want to add another thing on the list of things that were stressing me out. Once everything was packed, My parents and brother made our way to campus in separate cars.

Rowan students moving their stuff during the move in day.

Parking was simple; we were instructed to empty the car while I went ahead and received the key. Getting settled was the difficult part because everything had to be dragged up three flights of stairs in ninety degree weather and I had to decide where everything should go. At that moment I had not been feeling anything besides, hot, sweaty, and out of breath. Once everything finally made its way in the dorm room that seemed so far away and unfamiliar, my parents helped me organize. Fortunately one of my good friends was also going to Rowan so she came and helped as well. It made me feel less alone and stable. All of the decoration and organization was fun in the way where it was the time of personalization and brought some comfort. However, the feeling that had been eating at me was the suspense of when my parents would leave.

Residential hall dorm with  blue decorations and 2 beds.

It was not until they stood in front of me as I sat on my bed looking at them inch closer to the door when everything I was holding in came to the surface. The knowledge that they were going to leave me alone in a new place felt surreal. I had never imagined I would have to face the feelings of being left behind.
Basically, it came out of nowhere and so did my tears. I felt so strange when they were gone. I did not know what to do with myself and kept asking myself what was supposed to happen. The day was excruciatingly long and ended with my floormates and I talking about the weird feeling we had while sitting in that hot lounge alone; just us. The most common description of this feeling was that it was like being dropped off at summer camp, except your parents were not coming back and there were no adults
telling you what to do. I never thought that feeling would go away. September felt like it was three months long and the rest flew by. I just finished my first year at Rowan University and this once unfamiliar place now feels like my home.

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Woman in Business: Fey Talabi Reflects on Her First Year in the MBA Program

Fey Talabi, a Rowan Global student from Baltimore, Maryland, shares how she manages her roles as a resident director and a student in the MBA program. 

Fey’s journey at Rowan University began at her undergraduate institution. Her supervisor, a proud Rowan alumni, recommended that she go to graduate school and pursue her degree here.

“I majored in Health Administration for my undergraduate degree and really enjoyed it. I knew I wanted to stay in healthcare, but I wanted to do so on the business side of things,” Fey says. “Rowan University’s program really stuck out to me because it is one of the only institutions that offer a concentration in Management. Now, I am pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management.” 

Fey headshot
Fey Talabi

Wrapping up her first year in the program, Fey has enjoyed her experience in the MBA program thus far.

“Graduate school has taught me some really valuable lessons. I feel like I am learning information that is practical and applicable to the workforce. In my Leadership Theory class, I am learning how to be an effective manager and how to rally employees toward a common goal. My Corporate Entrepreneurship class has given me the opportunity to format real business proposals. The program is very concentrated and focused, which I like.” 

Along with academics, Fey is working as a resident director of Chestnut Hall.

“I learned about the resident director position from my former supervisor as well. I interviewed for the position through MAPC, which is a conference for employers to interview potential employees for work opportunities. I ended up getting the position and began training in August,” she says.

Fey and Chestnut hall RA staff
Fey and her staff of resident assistants in Chestnut Hall

Fey’s favorite part of the position is her staff of resident assistants.

“This is my first time supervising a staff this large. I am taking management classes for my program, so it’s great to get to apply what I am learning in class to my assistantship. I really get to put my skills to work. Aside from my staff, Rowan University has a diverse culture and I have loved getting to interact with different members of the residential community,” Fey explains.

Managing classes and a graduate assistantship is no easy task, but Fey makes it look that way.

“It is all about time management. I am lucky because my job allows me to structure specific office hours, so I am able to base my schedule around that. I also have a supervisor that really values me as a person and student. She is adamant that I make time for schoolwork.” 

Fey and Chestnut RA staff
Fey and her staff of resident assistants posing on Bunce Green

In the future, Fey hopes to work in the healthcare industry. “I would love to work within the pharmaceutical sector as a business manager. Financial management really interests me, and I am excited to use my skills to better the healthcare industry one day.”

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos courtesy of:
Fey Talabi

Why Liliana Ferrara Chose Rowan for her Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration

Liliana wears her graduation cap and gown.

Liliana Ferrara, a Rowan Global student in the MA in Higher Education: Administration program from Parsippany, NJ (Morris County), shares why she chose Rowan to pursue her graduate degree. 

Liliana is no stranger to Rowan University’s campus. As a proud Rowan alumna, Liliana graduated with a degree in Psychology and two minors in Sociology and Italian Studies. In fact, Liliana was the first person in Rowan’s history to graduate with an Italian Studies minor. During her undergraduate degree, Liliana also served as a resident assistant in Mimosa Hall and Nexus Apartments. 

Liliana grad photo
Liliana graduated from Rowan University with a degree in Psychology.

Knowing that she wanted to continue working in residential life, Liliana looked for programs that not only had a higher education program, but a graduate assistantship that would meet her needs.

“I interviewed at a few other schools through the MAPC conference and even got offered a few other positions. Rowan’s package and program was one I could not pass up,” Liliana says. “I loved Rowan so much during my undergraduate experience so it made the decision to come back so easy.” 

Now that she’s back on campus, Liliana talks about her adjustment into graduate level courses.

“My first semester was a nice introduction into the MA in Higher Education: Administration program. My professors really helped with the adjustment and made me feel comfortable,” Liliana says. “Now that I am in the second semester, it is definitely starting to feel more real. We are starting to talk about our research projects for next year and preparing for that.” 

Liliana and staff

So far, Liliana has enjoyed her time in the program and has connected with her professors. “Dr. Dale, who I had for Higher Education in America last semester, was really great. She gave me so much encouragement and support throughout the semester. I really valued that she was able to share so much of her experience in residential life because that is what I am passionate about. I was really able to connect with her on that level and hope to take her classes again next semester.”

Along with her coursework, Liliana has her hands full being a resident director of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

“Although it is challenging to manage being a student and an RD, I have had such an amazing experience so far. I love getting to work with the RA’s on my staff and across campus. I wanted this job to help students and develop a close connection with them past the supervisory role. As an RD, I get to do just that,” she explains.

Liliana and staff pointing at her
Liliana (center) poses with members of the resident assistant staff.

Liliana can’t imagine being an RD anywhere else, either. “Being an RD at Rowan specifically gives you such a holistic experience in higher education. This assistantship stuck out to me because we get to do so much as graduate students. Whether it is working with the housing assignments team, supervising a staff, or serving in a duty rotation, this assistantship is so hands on. We really get to put the theory we learn in class into practice,” she says.

When asked to give advice to students who want to pursue a career in higher education, Liliana replies: “You really have to think about the work-life balance you want to achieve. In a field like residential life, it is so easy to get burnt out because there is a stigma that you have to work after hours to be great. I think it is really important to set boundaries so you can be successful in your work life and your personal life.” 

After graduation, Liliana wants to continue to work in residential life and maintain the work-life balance that is so important to her. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos courtesy of:
Liliana Ferrara and Residential Learning and University Housing Department 

Related posts:

Higher Education Master’s Program Sounds Like Sweet Success For Rowan Music Alum Ben Wilner

Rowan Global Student Brittany Passano: Paving the Way for Latina Women in Higher Education

Rowan Global Student, SJICR Grad Coordinator Alondra Martinez on Bringing More Students of Color into Higher Education Spaces

How To Handle Homesickness: An RA’s Perspective

For most students, college is the first time they are living away from home for an extended period of time. This transition can be tough. Here are four ways students can handle homesickness from an RA’s perspective:

1. Plan to go to an on-campus event

Sometimes, just being around people is comforting. Check ProfLink for any on-campus events that seem interesting to you. This could be anything from a Student University Programmers (SUP) movie night to a Rowan After Hours (RAH) Disney night. Getting out of your room can help get your mind off of things. 

Students talk outside near Robinson Hall.

2. Attend a Chill n Chat session at the Wellness Center

The Wellness Center offers a wide range of drop-in hours where students can come in/log on to Zoom and talk about their feelings with a group of people. Chill n Chat is designed to be a casual, comfortable environment where students can share what’s on their mind in a safe space. The hope is that in a group setting, students can see that they are not alone and have others relate to their struggles. 

Students inside their residence hall.

3. Call family and friends from home

It is normal and understandable for students to feel homesick. Sometimes, just picking up the phone and calling your friends/family from home is comforting. Consider scheduling a time out of your day/week to spend some time talking to your loved ones on the phone. Carving out time to stay connected to them is important and may help with the feeling of homesickness. 

4. Talk to your RA

Your RA is there to help! Attend one of their programs to get more connected to other people on your floor. Also, let them know that you are feeling homesick so that they can refer you to resources they see fit. I bet they will even offer to go to events with you themselves. They want to see you succeed and be happy in the residential community, so they will do what they can to make it happen.

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, an assistant resident director, senior public relations and advertising major

Interesting Clubs To Check Out At Rowan University

Students check out a club on campus.

Rowan University has countless of clubs ranging from staying active clubs, diversity/inclusion clubs, major-specific clubs, residential assistant clubs and more. Rowan Blog contributors each share a club on campus that students should check out!

Club Fair Outside Student Center.
Annual Club Fair Outside Student Center

Outdoors Club

The Outdoors Club is all about exploring the wilderness and connecting with nature. The club takes multiple trips throughout the year to go hiking, kayaking, camping and more. Trips are really cheap and can be free or cost $5-10. 

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/outdoors

– Reshaun Timmons, senior Marketing major

Get FIT Club

The Get FIT Club is a great way to volunteer and help an underserved population. If you like staying fit and helping others, this is the club for you. In this club you act as personal trainers for local individuals with special needs. 

– RJ Wentzell, senior Exercise Science major

Student University Programmers (SUP)

Help brainstorm campus events, help advertise and work events. Meets the first Wednesday of every month at 9:15 p.m, usually in the Student Center. There are various committees that plan certain events and help with [planning] events. Committees include special events, live events, charitable events, technical services, off-campus events, cinema and marketing. You can meet new people, make friends, and build camaraderie while volunteering and having fun. Their signature programs you can help with and enjoy are Hollybash, Movie Nights, Food Truck Festival, Battle of the Bands and more!

Student University Programmers – ProfLink (campuslabs.com)

– Rachel Rumsby, junior Communication Studies and Public Relations major

Student University Programmer.
Student University Programmers staff member

Women of Color Collective 

Held every other Tuesday of the semester, the Women of Color Collective (often abbreviated as WOCC) serves as a safe space for Rowan’s women of color to openly and honestly discuss their feelings and experiences. It’s sponsored by SJICR and is held in Hawthorn Hall.

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/123

– Bianca Gray, senior English major

Athletic Training Club

This club delves into everything related to the athletic training field. Whether you are an Athletic Training major or just simply interested in the field/major, this club teaches members about rehab, responsibilities as an athletic trainer and rehabilitation for athletes. This club is also useful for athletes looking to develop a deeper understanding of personal recovery. 

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/atc

– Natalie DePersia, junior Public Relations major

Residential Learning University Housing (RLUH) 

RLUH is an organization catered to residential life on campus. To be a part of RLUH, you can apply to be a Resident Assistant, or RA. RAs are responsible for programming to residents, helping them through their transition from high school to college and connecting students to campus resources. Some major perks of being an RA are the amazing transferable skills learned and free room and board. 

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/rluh

– Loredonna Fiore, senior Public Relations and Advertising major

Resident Assistant.
Resident Assistant


The Public Relations Students Society of America is an organization for students pursuing careers in the communication field. The club provides networking opportunities as well as special events such as virtually meeting with PR practitioners, participating in Organ Donor Day and even picnics. Meetings are held bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. 

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/rowanprssa

– Nene Diallo, senior Public Relations major

RU Puppet Artists (RUPA) 

RUPA was founded in Fall 2020 by TJ Jacobs to cultivate the art of puppetry at Rowan University and beyond through sustainable and accessible practices. We are an experiential and collaborative organization dedicated to the puppetry and artistic growth of our community using proven educational techniques. Members can expect to learn not by sitting in the classroom or in virtual meetings, but by actually creating artistic experiences for their communities.

Contact: RUPUPPETARTISTS@gmail.com

ProfLink: https://rowan.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/rupa

– Nick Flagg, senior Theatre and Advertising major

Rowan Photography Club 

Rowan Photo Club is a great place for ANYONE interested in art, photography, modeling and more. We host meetings with fun games and activities. We have photo contests and the winner gets featured on our instagram. We plan to have in person photo walks and photography meets. The club is a fun environment with cool people. 

Follow us on instagram! @RowanPhotoClub

– Stephanie Batista, junior Music Industry major

Student holds a DSLR camera in front of Wilson Hall.

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Rowan RAs Share Tips for Creating a Positive Environment while Living with a Roommate

two people sitting in apartment.

For most people, college is the first time students live with a roommate. Resident Assistants (RAs), who are trained with mediation tactics, share some tips on how students can create and maintain a positive environment in their spaces. 

Senior RA in Townhouse Apartments Alyssa Putiri thinks the key to a positive roommate relationship is “all about being open to communication. Discussing boundaries and personal preferences are crucial to making sure both you and your roommate are comfortable with each other. Remember, you don’t need to be best friends with your roommate, but it’s important to create a comfortable environment for the both of you to live in.” 

Alyssa Putiri leans against an outdoor railing on campus.
Alyssa Putiri

Alex Jackson, a senior RA in 230 Victoria Nexus Apartments, says to “pick your battles. There’s always going to be disagreements, as people in general have different living styles. But if you and your roommate can learn to compromise on things that aren’t too important, you will both be sure to take important issues much more seriously.”

Alex standing outside

Whitney Center RA senior Mathew Mcgrath says “first and foremost, it is essential that roommates maintain respect for one another. Roommate agreements provide a framework for what roommates want and expect from one another. Having respect for each other will make developing personal bonds both a less complicated and less intimidating venture.”

Mathew McGrath

Sam Eloy, a junior RA in Rowan Boulevard Apartments, challenges students to “make sure they are as transparent as possible. Address any issues immediately rather than letting them simmer. Drawing lines of respect and understanding is important to make sure no one is ever offended or gets hurt.” 

Selfie of Sam Eloy.
Sam Eloy

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

3 Rowan RAs Share Their Favorite Programs

Resident Assistants, or RAs, are tasked with creating programs to connect residents with each other and the greater Rowan community. Each program is designed specifically and intentionally by the RA of the floor to promote a sense of belonging in the residence hall. Here are some programs that RAs loved to host for their residents. 

Junior Keianna Williams, an RA in Chestnut Hall, shared her favorite program titled “Self Reflection.”

“I displayed a mirror outside of my room and then made a heart full of sticky notes. Each resident was asked to write something they loved about themselves in a sticky note displayed on the wall. I then handed out tiny pocket mirrors for them to keep. I told them that every time they opened the mirror, they should say something nice about themselves. This program helped promote self-esteem and self love. I also loved that it included Rowan Thrive, a wellness initiative on campus attributes of purpose.” 

Keianna Williams
Keianna Williams

Sydney Ramos, a junior RA in Mimosa Hall, shared that her favorite program that she has done is a Black Lives Matter Brave space.

“This was a program that encouraged an open discussion on issues surrounding racial injustice in our communities. It also was a space where those who did not know much about the BLM movement could understand what it was and gain information and resources to have a better understanding as to why the BLM movement is so important. I had a decent outcome with residents, and they were happy to be able to have a discussion on issues that sometimes are hard to talk about. I was even interviewed by The Whit for a featured article about my program.”

Sydney Ramos
Sydney Ramos

Alyssa Salera, a senior RA in Holly Pointe Commons, described her favorite program that combined fun with important conversations about relationships.

“We had a Bachelor finale watch party. My residents all loved the show, both my male and female students, so we all got together, snacked on a bunch of food and desserts, and talked about the show and everything it encompassed. I loved seeing how excited they got about who the star chose to get engaged to, as each of my residents had a personal preference. We then talked about toxic relationships and the importance of mental health in regards to how it pertains to the show, they were all so involved in the conversation! It was the most I’ve heard some of my residents speak and be engaged in all semester, so it was great seeing them come out of their shell.”

Alyssa holding goat
Alyssa Salera

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Roommates Reflect | Anthony and Nasir | Holly Pointe Commons [VIDEO]

Exterior shot of Holly Pointe Commons.

Roommates Reflect is a series highlighting campus living, how new students bond together and the stories they share.

“The reason I like it here is because it’s very close to home,” says sophomore Civil Engineering major Nasir Brown. “It’s good to get the experience of living on your own and having the real college experience despite all the difficulties.” 

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Video By:
Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major

#PROFPRIDE: Leah Boyle, RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community

Leah smiles in front of Bunce Hall while wearing a gray Rowan shirt and glasses.

Today we speak with Leah Boyle, who graduated this May with a degree in Psychology. Leah comes from Haddonfield, NJ in Camden County and is a first-generation college student. She has been an on-campus resident all four years and worked as an RA (Resident Assistant) for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community in Holly Pointe for the last two years.

What has it been like being an RA?

It’s been so good. I love everything about it. I’ve gotten so many opportunities through it. I am the RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community. I make programs and oversee all of our students as they transition into Rowan. 

Is there a moment that stands out to you as particularly meaningful being the RA of this pod? 

Making programs [focused] on helping people introduce themselves and finding footing in a completely safe space for the first time has been the most impactful to me. Just having people refer friends to me if they have questions. Knowing that I myself am a resource has been my favorite thing about it. 

Do you get a lot of first years? 

Yes, it’s only first-years. I’m so happy I was able to do it. It’s been the happiest job I’ve had. It’s been so positive and a great environment.

Can you tell me more about the programming that you’ve offered? 

Because of Covid, it’s a little bit different. This semester I taught American Sign Language every month on Zoom. Last year I did Coming Out parties and LGBTQIA+ History Trivia Nights (showing the names and faces of people who are really important to our history). We have certain events for people who were celebrating their one-year anniversary since transitioning. It was so great, we had so much fun.

It’s a little different with Covid. I had a Diversity Movie Club, where everyone would watch the movie on their own time and then we would get together later on and discuss whether it was reflective of our experiences. It’s more flexible, but last year I had a lot more [spontaneous yet purposeful] events.

Leah puts a hand on her hip while standing under the Rowan arch.

What feedback have you gotten from residents in comparing this community to where they originally come from? 

I’ve had people tell me that this is the first time that they have had people refer to them by the name that they always wanted to be referred to by. [I’ve been told], “You’re the first person to ask me what my pronouns are and if I’m comfortable” or “I was nervous about my roommate but because I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community, we’ve had the same experiences and I feel validated.” It’s so important that we have this space for people to meet other people. They all go off and join clubs together and lead together through Rowan. Having people show up to events that don’t even live in my pod and knowing more people around campus is so great. This has been great too. If people are happy within the community, it will continue to grow and grow. 

When you talk about your job with people who are not directly part of the campus community, such as parents or relatives, do they embrace it or do you find yourself having to explain its importance? 

One of my favorite things about coming to college has been that everyone comes from a different understanding of the community. It’s a bit confusing for people who are older than me or don’t really understand [why] I work specifically with this community. [It] also means that sometimes my job is more difficult than the people who live in neighboring pods because it comes with more difficult conversations. Sometimes I have to explain that, “Yeah, I have fun programs but sometimes it can be really intense.” 

It’s a bit different from a typical resident assistant but a lot of times my friends would always want to show up to these events, meet people, and get people involved. I think it’s important to talk about it and learning communities at Rowan are so important. They’re really, really successful. I hope that the more we talk about it, maybe we could have learning communities in one or two other buildings. I like to spread the good word and let people know it’s a really great space.

Leah and Kevin stand under the arch together.

Have you ever encountered any hate towards you as being the RA or towards people who live in your pod?

I think with having a diverse community living in a space, people can make the decision to come through and be judgmental or defacing property. In those situations, we have a lot of things in place to make sure that students are feeling supported. It’s not very common. I’ve been in this position for two years and very few times have I had to sit down with someone and say “Let’s talk about why you’ve done this thing.” 

It doesn’t really happen that often. A lot of the time we get people who didn’t sign up for it but they’re really just happy at the end of the experience because they were able to learn. I’ve had a lot of people grow and learn more. It helps not only our community but the people around us. Yes, we’ve had situations where people have not been accepting, but Rowan has a very strict policy for any of that behavior. It’s always been taken care of. 

For people coming into the university, do they have to share who they are to be able to qualify for this pod in terms of identifiers? 

We don’t want anyone to feel like they have to out themselves to their family or friends when they’re coming to Rowan. So, what they can do is when they sign up for housing there will be boxes of all of our learning communities. You can select that you want to be with first-gen people or social justice people. Then you can have information sent to your personal email about the LGBTQIA+ community and find out if you were able to be placed. 

I don’t get a list of [how] people identify. You can join if you’d like to and it’s not shared with a lot of different people. So I go into my job [thinking] that maybe this person signed up or maybe they didn’t. It’s more of an educational experience. A lot of people will come in letting me know that they’re so excited and share their past experiences. This year is different because we have different numbers than usual. I have people who don’t identify as LGBTQIA+. They have the complete same housing experience as everybody else. They just get more resources. It’s a win-win.

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Story by: 
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

Advice From a Rowan RA on the Residence Hall Experience

Exterior shot of Chestnut Hall Building

Today we speak with Alex Brown, a senior Music Industry major and first-time resident assistant (RA) at Chestnut Hall.

What advice do you have for incoming first years or transfers living in residence halls?

Definitely do not be afraid to try something out. If there is something that peaks your interest even a little bit and you feel like you can manage that with your course load, or even if you think you can’t, at least give it a shot. One, you’ll meet the people who run it; two, learn more about it; and three, you can say that you gave it your best shot.

There are people who leave after four years regretting not joining a club or being more involved on campus. 

What advice do you have for students who choose to live in a residence hall?

It’s a great experience, but it’s also something where you get what you put in. I highly recommend talking to as many new people as you can. You never know who is going to be your next best friend or resource for the rest of your college career.

Alex stands on the steps of Bunce Hall.

Do you have any advice for students dealing with homesickness?

You’ll definitely feel homesick the first few weeks, but Rowan does a lot of welcome week events where you can start immersing yourself with all the opportunities Rowan has to offer. Put yourself out there, go to events, go to Rowan After Hours (RAH) events every weekend, walk around, learn more about the campus and you’ll start to fit in to the environment. If you put in the effort to be a part of the community, the community will welcome you with open arms. 

Can you tell us about some of the best parts of Chestnut Hall?

Chestnut Hall is huge. It’s on the bigger end of the first-year dorms. Because of that, there are a lot of people you see on a daily basis. The space allows for more connections and friendships to be made without having to go too far.

Alex sits on the steps of Bunce Hall.

How would you describe the proximity to the academic buildings?

The way Chestnut is placed, you have a lot of different things that can help you. Chestnut has a parking lot for first-year students with access to a car. It’s a reasonable walk to Rowan Boulevard where there are a lot of restaurants. It’s also just a great hangout area for Rowan students and close to other first-year buildings.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

First Year Dorm Survival Kit

Exterior shot of Holly Pointe Commons.

Don’t know what to pack for your dorm? We’ve got you covered. Take a look at this list we’ve compiled to help you prepare for your first year. 

Interior shot of a Holly Pointe Commons dorm room.
  1. Storage. Whether it’s bins or under-the-bed trays, it’s always a good idea to make sure everything has its own place. Storage containers will also help to keep your dorm clean and leave more room for yourself. 

  2. Desk Lamp. Keep your workspace bright for maximum productivity. 

  3. Power Strips. Since Rowan’s dorms don’t allow extension cords, it’s important to pack power strips so you’ll never run out of outlets and can keep all your electronics charged. 

  4. Aspirin or other pain relievers. It’s always good to be prepared, you never know when a headache could occur.

  5. Posters/Art. Keep your dorm totally you. Express yourself!

  6. Fan. Remember to stay cool. Research shows a cool room helps you maintain sleep throughout the night. 

  7. Laundry Basket. It keeps your clothes off the floor and it’s easy to carry your laundry. 

  8. All-purpose Cleaner and Paper Towels. Don’t let dust collect, a clean space is a comfortable space. 

  9. Umbrella. Don’t get stuck walking to class wet in the rain. 

  10. Calendar/Planner. Stay up to date with your assignments and schedule. With all this new freedom, it’s easy to fall behind. 

Start your Rowan career off on the right foot. If you still don’t feel prepared, there are plenty of great resources online (like this post) to help you out. See you soon, Profs!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations major

Related posts:

Freshmen, Don’t Freak! It’s Easy to Eat

Inside Look: Holly Pointe Commons

Advice for Incoming Freshmen from Upperclassmen

6 Tips To Live More Sustainably in College

Want to do your part in helping the environment? Here are some things that can help you be a more sustainable college resident!

  1. Recycle

    This is the most obvious and easiest way to do your part in helping the environment! Make sure to separate (and clean) your recyclables from your usual trash waste.

  2. Try Meatless Mondays (or any day!)

    By not eating any meat or meat by product once a week, “The U.S would save 100 billion gallons of water, and we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide” (Huffington Post). Going meatless every Monday is a quick and easy way to make a big difference.

  3. Swap Disposable with Reusable Coffee Cups 

    As college students, we love our coffee. That being said, invest in a reusable coffee cup (and straw)! It helps save the planet and saves you some cash as many coffee places will offer you a discount for bringing in your own cup.

    A Rowan student sips coffee at a local coffee shop.

  4. Turn Off and Unplug 

    Make sure to unplug any appliances you’re not using and remember to turn off your lights when you leave the room! One of the leading factors of climate change is carbon emissions caused by electrical production. By turning off your light, you’ll be helping to do your part.

  5. Reduce Paper Waste 

    Instead of using paper towels to clean with, try switching to biodegradable and reusable wash cloths or kitchen towels! Try reading your textbooks as e-books instead of paperback. You’ll save money and the planet at the same time!

  6. Get Involved

    There are many ways to get involved just by yourself, outside organizations or even in a club on campus such as the Rowan Environmental Action League

There are plenty of small ways to make a big difference when living in college. Try some of these out and recommend them to a friend or roommate in order to live a more sustainable college lifestyle!

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior, music industry major



6 Residents Share Why They Like Mimosa Hall

an upward pan view of the broad side of Mimosa Hall.

Mimosa Hall is a traditional residence hall for predominantly freshmen, located in the center of campus, closest to the Student Center, Recreation Center, intramural fields, the library and academic buildings. Six residents have shared why they like living here.  Nickvens Delva, a freshman Psychology major from Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County) says he likes how Mimosa […]

7 Students Share Why They Like Magnolia and Chestnut

Exterior shot of Chestnut Hall.

Two of Rowan’s on-campus residence halls, Magnolia and Chestnut, have a lot to offer. We spoke to a few of the residents to see what they like about living there. 

Leena Nesby, a freshman resident at Chestnut, says: “I like Chestnut because the lake is just outside my window, so I like my view. I like that it is really close to Holly [Pointe Commons], which is where my friends and I go to eat a lot of the time. I do like the courtyard, the benches and all the bike racks night there.” Leena is a Nutrition major from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County).

A selfie of Leena.

Griffin Roughgarden, a freshman Entrepreneurship major from Caldwell, NJ (Essex County), says that Chestnut is a quiet place to sleep, study and live.

Griffin poses in front of Chestnut.

Christopher Maestoso, a freshman Exploratory Studies major from Fairfield, NJ (Essex County), says that Chestnut is the perfect temperature once the heat of summer passes.  

Christopher poses in front of Chestnut.

Amanda Holzlein, a junior Human Resource Management major from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County) and a Resident Assistant at Chestnut, says that it feels like home. 

Amanda poses in front of Chestnut.

Bryce McMaster, a freshman Explorartory Studies major from Southampton, NJ (Burlington County) and a resident of Magnolia, says that he likes that he only has to share his bathroom with three other residents and that he has his own room, which he really likes. 

Bryce poses in front of Magnolia.

Andrew Mercurio, a freshman Music Education – Instrumental from Kendall Park, NJ (Middlesex County) and a resident at Magnolia Hall, says he likes that it sits right in the middle of where all his classes are and Rowan Boulevard. He likes that convenience.

Andrew poses in front of Magnolia Hall.

Samuel Poku, a freshman Music Industry major from Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County), says: “The main reasons why I do like living at Chestnut are because it is a very cozy environment and quiet. Even though it is an older dorm it still has a great the environment with the people in and around it. I like the location, too, because it is between everything and easy to find everything. The Resident Assistants also do a very good job and make sure students are safe.”

Like what you see? 


Story and photography by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major and Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

First student photo courtesy of Lena Nesby

7 First Years Share What They Like About Living On Campus

People walk in front of a residence hall.

What’s it like to live on campus? Freshmen from four Rowan residence halls tell us what they like most about their home away from home.  

1. The freedom. Matt Gandy, a resident of Holly Pointe, likes the freedom of being away from home and living on campus. 

Matt Gandy poses at Rowan.

2. The community in her dorm. Nya Ritch, another resident of Holly Pointe, says that whenever anyone has a problem, everyone wants to pitch in and help. She says it is a very loving environment.

Nya Ritch and Julianne Ferraro pose for a photo together.
Nya Ritch, left, and Julianne Ferraro, right, pose for a photo together.

3. The atmosphere. Julianne Ferraro, another resident of Holly Pointe, says that she loves the atmosphere of the school. She says that she feels that she can walk up to anyone in the student center and talk to them.

4. The food. Tamir Reed, also from Holly Pointe, loves that there is always food around, whether you use your meal plan or you go to Pizza Hut or 7-Eleven or somewhere else on Rowan Boulevard. 

Tamir Reed poses for a photo.

5. Exploring. Iliana Pineda, a resident of Evergreen Hall, says she loves getting the chance to meet new people and explore the campus. 

Illiana poses in front of Evergreen.

6. Having roommates. Rachel Rheinhardt, another resident of Mimosa Hall, says that likes having roommates so she has people to talk to during this time. 

Rachel poses in front of Willow Hall.

7. The college experience. Kevin Duffy, a resident of Chestnut Hall, says that you get the real college feel when you live on campus. 

Kevin poses by a tree outside of Chestnut Hall.

Like what you see? 


Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Five Reasons the Rowan Boulevard Apartments are Great

View of the Rowan Boulevard Apartments from the courtyard.

The Rowan Boulevard Apartments (RoBo) are upperclassmen dorms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors can live there. Here are five reasons why students love living there.

1. The rooms. Quintin Stinney says he was pleasantly surprised by the size of the rooms. He is a transfer student, and he says the rooms in RoBo are larger than those at his previous college.

Erwin Lopez, another resident, loves that he, and everyone else in RoBo, is able to have their own rooms while still having the “college experience.”

Quintin poses outside of RoBo.
Quintin Stinney

2. The community. Jasmin Jones, an RA at RoBo, says the community in RoBo, especially the staff, is great. She says that RoBo probably has the most diverse group of students living on campus. Everyone always says “Hi” and holds the door for each other.

Jasmin Jones poses outside of RoBo.
Jasmin Jones

3. Living in an apartment. Jasmin also says she likes being able to live in an apartment instead of a dorm room. Jon Colon, another RA in RoBo, speaks about this further.

“I like living at RoBo because it really does encapsulate what being an adult is. Getting up in the morning, making my own breakfast, and leaving my apartment in the morning to just go outside and live my life feels so surreal,” Jon says.

Apartment living definitely feels more like being an adult rather than living in a dorm. 

Jon Colon poses outside of RoBo.
Jon Colon

4. The windows. Leeranie Vazquez loves that the window screens open up all the way. She says that this is great, especially because she lives on the first floor.

Leeranie Vazquez poses outside of RoBo.
Leeranie Vazquez

5. The proximity to Rowan Boulevard. Erwin Lopez likes that RoBo is so close to Rowan Boulevard. Jon Colon also likes that RoBo is so close to the restaurants, stores and common areas on Rowan Boulevard.

Erwin Lopez poses outside of RoBo
Erwin Lopez

Check out the Rowan Boulevard Apartments here:

Like what you see? 


Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Related posts:

What is Rowan Boulevard?

20 Minute Radius: 7 Delicious Coffee Stops

What I Love About Rowan Boulevard!

My First Apartment: Rachel Rumsby in Rowan Boulevard Apartments

Exterior shot of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

Today we feature sophomore Communication Studies and Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby from River Edge, NJ (Bergen County). Rachel is an on-campus resident currently living in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Here, she shares with us her experience living in an apartment for the first time.

Rachel in her kitchen in her apartment.
Author Rachel in her Rowan Boulevard Apartments kitchen.

Before I lived in an apartment at Rowan, I visited my friends at theirs. I got to see what it was like to have a kitchen and living room on campus, and not just a dorm room. This taste of life with a common area made me excited to live in one of my own. This year, I was finally able to live in my first apartment. 

Even though I picked housing in the sophomore housing round, I was still able to get a room in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. I love the set up of the kitchen and living room, and I especially love having my own room. It is great to have my own space, even though I am living with three other girls. The residences are set up with four single rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. 

Rachel sits in her bed at the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

Living in Mimosa Hall last year, I did not have my own kitchen or living room areas. It is really nice to be able to cook whenever I want since I have the 10 meals a week meal plan! I also love having the extra space in the living room to hang out with my roommates, do homework or just chill. Having air conditioning and a thermostat in my apartment is also a welcome amenity. 

Moving into my first apartment, there were a lot of things I needed that I did not need in my dorm room in Mimosa. I needed pots and pans, utensils, plates and cups, and more kitchen supplies. My roommates brought a toaster oven and a microwave, and I brought a blender. Since I am in upperclassmen housing now, I am allowed to have kitchen appliances! 

Before moving into my accommodation, I was worried about whether or not my roommates and I would get along. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about! I randomly selected two of my roommates and my third roommate is my friend that I met last year in the Crew Club Team. We all get along great, and we communicate well with each other. Everyone is very easy going, and we feel comfortable discussing household conditions.

Our RA met with us to establish a roommate agreement, and the process was very smooth. Each of us having our own rooms made the process a lot easier. We all agreed that we should keep our common area clean and do our part in cleaning. 

Exterior shot of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

All in all, living in my first apartment has been great so far! I have been able to cook, and I have my own room! My roommates are awesome, and I feel like I have more independence than I did while living in Mimosa. I love living in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments! 

Like what you see? 


Story and interior photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Exterior photos by:
Anthony Raisley, senior history major

Physically Distant but Socially Strong: Luis and Nick

Luis and Nick posing in an inviting way.

Assistant resident director Luis Acevedo and resident assistant Nick Petrole share how they continue to social distance during the pandemic. Luis a senior, first-generation college student from Camden, NJ (Camden County), majors in Biological Sciences with a minor in Psychology. Nick is also a senior and a first-generation college student from Flemington, NJ (Hunterdon County), […]

5 Ways I’ve Gotten Involved on Campus

Loredonna on bridge.

College isn’t complete without getting involved to make campus feel like home. Here are 5 ways Loredonna Fiore, a junior Public Relations and Advertising major, did it.

1. Joining Residential Learning and University Housing (RLUH).

As a commuter during my freshman year, I didn’t know how to feel more connected to campus. A friend of mine who was an RA asked me to go to an information session to look further into the position. I applied, interviewed and thankfully got the RA position. As a sophomore, I found where I belonged on campus. I got to work with amazing student leaders, supportive professional staff and got to connect with wonderful freshman residents (shoutout to Chestnut Hall Class of 2023). I am now the Assistant Resident Director of Mimosa Hall, and I am learning and growing in this new role alongside my awesome team. RLUH has taught me the power of impact and how each of us can make a difference, big or small. 

Loredonna stands outside on campus.

2. Being an admissions ambassador. 

When I applied to be an admissions ambassador, I learned so many things about Rowan that made me love it even more. Getting to learn about Rowan’s history, all of the resources we offer and working with the professional staff was an awesome experience. I loved helping prospective students and giving them a glimpse of Rowan.  

3. Becoming an Orientation Leader. 

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, I wasn’t able to put all that I learned in PROS training to the test. I am looking forward to doing so next summer (hopefully). From what I did get to experience, I know that I am excited to go back to it. During training, I enjoyed learning about my staff and how we would operate as a team. I can’t wait to get to work with and help freshmen students. 

4. Interning with Rowan Blog. 

I was able to apply for my internship because of my Introduction to Public Relations professor. Professor Farney would always talk about real-life examples from her work with Rowan Admissions. I reached out to her in the summer to see if there were spaces available on her team, and she welcomed me with open arms. This is an awesome way to get involved on campus — using the connections you form in your classes and seeing them through to opportunities. Now, I get to meet so many great students and faculty members and expand my portfolio every week. Take advantage of these opportunities. 

5. Attending Events. 

Throughout my college experience so far, I have been able to attend events that make Rown feel like home. I love watching Rowan men’s soccer games and attending the live shows at the Bunce Black Box theatre. I also love going to the events put on by Rowan After Hours and the Student University Programmers. Some of my favorites are the Tuesday movie nights, $10,000 bingo and the food truck festival. You can meet people and have fun with your friend at these free Rowan events.

Loredonna stands outside on campus.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

RA and Psychology Major Jeremiah Garcia Reflects on His Experience as a Rowan Freshman

Exterior shot of Evergreen Hall

Today we feature third-year Psychology major and Urban Studies minor Jeremiah Garcia. Jeremiah is a first-generation college student from Camden, NJ (Camden County). Jeremiah is also a Residence Assistant (RA) in Evergreen Hall

Psychology major Jeremiah poses outside with trees in the background.

How does being involved on campus impact your college experience?

I am an RA and I am involved in the Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS), and the Residence Hall Association (RHA). I was able to step outside of my comfort zone, learn leadership and confidence, and feel like I have my voice heard. As an RA I help incoming freshmen with things I had a hard time with. This has made me a better person and made me not afraid to use my voice.

How were you able to make friends on campus?

I made friends by going to the Rec Center. I was able to get my mind right at the Rec Center when things got hard and I met people there. I also met people at events, Rowan After Hours (RAH) and classes. Freshman year was competitive, but you have to be a leader in class and make study groups or say that you should get lunch together. It depends on the class, though. Some are more group-oriented than others.

Psychology major Jeremiah poses at a Rowan After Hours event.

How were you able to adjust to campus life?

I was able to adjust by getting help and using Rowan’s resources. Putting myself out there was the best way to adjust. It gave me confidence and a push to succeed. 

What does inclusivity mean to you?

Some people are different, and it is important to have inclusivity so that people can make new friends and have the same opportunities as everyone else regardless of race, gender and appearance.

Psychology major Jeremiah poses with Rowan friends.

Do you think that Rowan is inclusive?

Yes. Everyone has the opportunity to be in leadership positions, they just need to do well academically and have the confidence to earn the positions. Rowan is inclusive. 

What are you looking forward to next year?

Being on campus. I miss campus. I am also excited to get into new opportunities. I would like to try out for the baseball team and to get into an honors society.  It will be my second year as an RA and I am looking forward to the experience. I am also looking forward to taking new classes, doing well in my major and getting better grades.

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Advice From An RA

Exterior drone photo of Chestnut Hall.

Meet Loredonna Fiore, junior Public Relations and Advertising double major with a minor in Communication Studies from Elk Township, NJ (Gloucester County). Loredonna was a Resident Assistant (RA) for Chestnut Hall this past year until COVID-19 shut down campus. She looks forward to being the Assistant Resident Director (ARD) of Mimosa Hall in the fall and shares how RA’s help students comfortably transition into college life.

Loredonna poses with a Rowan RA.
Loredonna (left) with a fellow Rowan RA.

New room, new roommate, new classes, new life! These are the paramount changes that people living on Rowan’s campus undergo when transitioning through college.

To help with life in a residence hall, your resident assistant can be a major resource for you.

To begin, resident assistants are required to host at least 5 events that residents can attend on various campus locations. The first event type is a community builder. Community building programs happen within the residence hall and are meant to unify the members of a floor/residence hall as a whole. Whether it is a gaming tournament, a self-care night, or a DIY craft party, community builders are designed to be social and fun for members of the hall.

The other event type is the Campus Community Connection programs. These programs are made in an effort to unify the students with the greater Rowan community by exposing them to Rowan-run activities or resources around campus. These include meditation classes, career fairs or even a 10,000 bingo night. 

Loredonna with other Rowan RA's.Along with programming, resident assistants are available for the students they serve on a deeper level. Once a semester, resident assistants conduct a one-on-one meeting with students. During these meetings, students will be able to discuss academics, involvement, the environment in the residence halls, overall emotional/mental health, and any other concerns the student may have. Resident assistants have a list of resources available to help direct students not only during one-on-one meetings, but at any point throughout the semester as well. 

Community meetings will also be hosted throughout the year to stimulate an ongoing conversation among residents to ensure their health, happiness, and safety. During these meetings, there will be discussions about residence hall policy, fun happenings around Rowan (programs, athletic events, live shows), and different suggestions about how students can live in harmony in a residence hall. 

Your resident assistant is basically a built-in support system and friend that Rowan gives each student. They are trained for weeks in the summer to effectively handle all different situations and to advocate for the needs of all residents. During move-in week, stop by to see your RA and begin to develop a relationship with them. As an RA, I can promise they will be delighted to meet you and get to know you throughout the school year. 

Like what you see?


Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising double major

#PROFspective: Biological Sciences Major Olivia Smithson

Olivia stands in a blue tank top next to a poster during a presentation.

Olivia in a garden.

Meet Olivia Smithson, a senior biological science major from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) who is minoring in German, neuroscience and psychology.

How have you gotten involved on campus?

I work as an Assistant Resident Director (ARD) in Chestnut Hall on campus, and have been involved as an undergraduate research assistant since my freshman year. I also participated in ultimate frisbee, the pre-allied health club, and GetFIT

Describe your typical day on campus at Rowan.

My typical day at Rowan would start at 6:30 AM when I would wake up, eat a banana with peanut butter, and head to the gym by 7:00 AM. I would typically come back around 8:30 AM to shower and work on homework before class. I always have to eat before class too because I get extremely hungry super quickly! After my afternoon classes, I have office hours for my ARD position followed by dinner with friends, and then one night class. After I get back, I typically try to work on homework or fit in some volunteering as a Crisis Counselor for the Crisis Text Line. Before bed, I would give myself 30 minutes to relax and do my skin care routine and watch some funny YouTube videos (lately I’ve been into the TryGuys). I usually fall asleep around 12:00 AM, depending on how much homework I have. 

Olivia and a friend stand side by side on Bunce Green wearing matching RLUH t-shirts.
Olivia with a friend from RLUH.

What inspired you to choose your major?

I chose to major in Biological Science because my eyes are different colors, and I’ve been intrigued by genetics since I was a kid because of that. I feel that genetics is one of the most unexplored areas of science, and I knew I wanted to contribute to that field as an adult. Seeing that my older brother switched majors in college though, I wanted to keep an open mind instead of jumping into a purely pre-med concentration. I really enjoyed doing research on honey bees as an undergrad, but I definitely prefer more human-focused interactions every day! After shadowing this past summer at a few hospitals, my new goal is to attend medical school and specialize in pediatric genetics. 

Describe for us one of your favorite things you’ve learned in your major.

One of the most interesting things I learned this year was in my Data Science for Biologists class, and it was that so many researchers and advertising companies filter or alter their data to convey the message they choose. We’re used to seeing scammers employ these techniques, but huge companies like Apple have even been guilty of manipulative data visualization. The thing I love the most about this class is that we can apply data analysis techniques to any industry, not just biology. 

Describe for us a moment when you felt that Rowan was a good fit for you.bunce green at sunset.

One moment where I felt Rowan was a good fit for me was when I sat on Bunce Green to do homework for the first time in the spring of my freshman year. I always wanted to go to school somewhere beautiful, and I didn’t always think that Rowan could fit that description. I grew up nearby, and got to witness a lot of Rowan’s expansion, so I never officially toured the campus. But when I sat on Bunce Green and started getting some assignments done that day, I looked up and realized how gorgeous Rowan really is. I felt at peace, and I knew I was going to be okay for the rest of my time here. Now I routinely go to Bunce when the weather is nice, and I get to experience that feeling all over again every time I go.

Like what you see?


Story by: Olivia Smithson, senior biological sciences major

#PROFspective: Computing & Informatics Major Robert Brown

Robert Brown poses with Freshens rice bowl on campus.

Today’s #PROFspective features Robert Brown, a junior computing and informatics major from Bridgeton, NJ (Cumberland County), who lived in the Triad apartments until COVID-19 shut down the campus. He’s looking forward to being a resident assistant in Magnolia Hall when returning in the fall.

Robert Brown smiles for a portrait on campus.Why did you choose a university close to home? I actually commuted my first two years, which was best when it came down to cost. But now being on campus, I have the opportunity and flexibility to go home on weekends.

How do you get that “away” feeling while still being close to home? My involvement on campus has me more involved and focused on what’s going on here, so being close to home isn’t a factor when I’m busy. I make sure I’m out and exploring and discovering new things on campus when I’m here.

Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus? It’s hard to choose because everything in the Student Center is great but Freshens is always a go-to.

Robert Brown poses with a Freshens rice bowl on campus.What advice do you have for incoming freshmen or transfers? Talk to your resident assistant (RA), even if it seems intimidating. It’s their job to let you know what’s going on and how you can get involved on campus.I’d also encourage them to check out all of the Rowan After Hours events. I didn’t take advantage of them until sophomore year and wish I went from the beginning. The midnight hot bar is worth the trip. For transfers, I would suggest to reconnect with people you know already know to get a better understanding of the ins and outs of campus.

What’s the best decision you’ve made since you got to college? I don’t think I have just one. There hasn’t been just one decision that I thought was “it.” That changed everything. So many decisions have equal value that made me who I am and brought me to where I am now. They’re all important, even if it doesn’t seem that way. 

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Junior Major Moments: Professional Development Opportunities on Campus

Group photo of Chase (center) receiving a scholarship.

Today we feature Chase Campbell, an advertising major with minors in communication studies and strategic communication. Chase is a transfer student from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County). Before COVID-19 shut down campus he lived in Magnolia Hall, where he was also a resident assistant.

What is your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? Headshot of Chase.

My favorite moment with a faculty member was when Professor Rodolico had me visit his office to discuss a scholarship opportunity. He kept pushing me to apply and I doubted that I’d even get considered. I applied for the scholarship, got the interview, and ended up being the first-ever recipient of the Philly Ad Club’s “George Beach Trailblazer Scholarship Award,” which recognizes African American students who are blazing their own trails and upholding the legacy of advertising legend, George Beach. I’ll always be grateful for the support he has given me and for helping me realize my true potential. He has made such a positive impact on my experience at Rowan University.

What is the most amazing or interesting ​thing you’ve learned in your major this year?Group Advertising Club photo.

The most interesting thing I’ve learned is how fun putting together an integrated marketing communication plan can be. Professor Schoenstein not only teaches us the fundamentals, but incorporates creativity in all of the stages. She also emphasizes the importance of detail when it comes to presenting. Small details like those are interesting to learn because once you’ve mastered the art of persuasion, it’s easy to sell an audience.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?

I am currently the president of the Advertising Club, vice president and co-founder of the Men of Color Alliance (MOCA), and I am also a resident Group photo of the Men Of Color Alliance Club. assistant. I do have an advertising internship and I am a part of the final talent pool for the T. Howard Foundation. This organization gives college students professional work experience with major media, technology and advertising companies.

I continue to read up on how to enhance my knowledge on the field and attend career advancement events when I can. Getting involved with organizations and events like these, you have the opportunity to network, plan events, improve existing skills and learn new ones in the process.

Like what you see? 

Senior Reflects: PR Grad Jasmine Dennis Shares Her Favorite Rowan Memories

Exterior shot of Holly Pointe Commons, where Jasmine Dennis was a resident assistant

Today we feature Jasmine Dennis, a 2020 graduate who earned her degree in Public Relations with minors in Communication Studies and Strategic Communication. Jasmine is from Sayreville, NJ (Middlesex County), and lived on campus all four years.

The experiences and memories I’ve made at Rowan will last a lifetime. To begin a new life in an unknown place felt overwhelming at first, but looking back now I’m truly grateful I attended an amazing university that helped me to evolve as a person. Rowan became my home away from home.

I want to thank my parents and sister because they’ve been an incredible support through this whole process. Next, thank you to all of my friends for the endless support and memories. Lastly, thank you to everyone else who’s supported me along the way, it means the world.

Exterior shot of public relations major Jasmine Dennis

I’m proud to say I have achieved many of my goals in a such a short period of time here. To name a few, my junior year I was selected for the Resident Assistant position at Holly Pointe Commons. Later in my junior year, I was awarded the Silver Certification Leadership award. My favorite part about being in a leadership position was serving as a role model and helping others.

Next, the fall of my senior year, I attended the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) National Conference trip to San Diego, California with the Rowan PRSSA chapter. This was my first real business trip, and I made great connections, gaining helpful insight about the real world. By the end of the fall of my senior year I was sworn into Rowan’s PRSSA chapter. Finally, in the fall of my senior year, I landed two on-campus jobs and completed an internship at a PR firm located in Marlton, NJ.

Exterior shot of Jasmine Dennis at home.

I loved being active at Rowan, and it was truly the best thing I could have done. Each opportunity built on and prepared me for the next one. Rowan helped me to step outside my comfort zone and gain exposure to a large variety of rewarding experiences.

One of my favorite things about Rowan was its ability to provide what feels like an endless number of social events. Rowan goes above and beyond to offer a variety of opportunities and engaging, hands-on activities.

Thank you, Rowan, for an incredible journey. I’m looking forward to the next chapter that awaits. Congrats to all of the class of 2020, and best of luck to everyone! The world is yours.

Group photo of Jasmine Dennis with her family.

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Senior #PROFspective: Serving Others & Finding Self

Justin posing on campus.Today we feature Justin Roldan, a graduating biochemistry major from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County), who is a first generation college student. Justin lived on campus, as a resident assistant at Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

On-campus Clubs: Alpha Phi Omega (APO) and Rowan University Philippine American Coalition (RUPAC)

Could you share with one happy moment you had with friends, professors or other members of the Rowan community that made you realize Rowan felt like “home”? Alpha Phi Omega is one organization that helped me turn Rowan into a house from a home. As a co-ed service fraternity, I joined for the service, but I stayed for the people. I became a brother in Spring ’17, and I can truly say every experience through the organization has been transformative. Every brother I met became a friendly face that I had the pleasure of getting to know, and these same brothers I met inspired me to hold two Vice President positions, and eventually become President. Completing service projects and being selfless for others releases all those feel-good hormones in your body, but completing them with people you care about truly spikes your serotonin levels.

Justin posing with pumpkins.Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? As transformative as APO has been for me, it was RUPAC that first showed me how welcoming the Rowan community can be. Just like any freshman looking to get involved, I reflected on interests and hobbies I hold close to my identity. Luckily, I came across a flyer in Science Hall advertising RUPAC’s first general body meeting; as a Filipino-American that hasn’t ventured too deep into his Filipino identity, this was a perfect opportunity to do just that.

When I arrived at the meeting, I was met with a room full of people that looked just like me, exuding bundles of energy and warm welcomings. They had just met me, but they showed genuine interest in getting to know me almost instantly. Thanks to them, I found a pamilya (family) that I can rely on for just about anything.

What is your favorite thing to do on a typical Thursday? Before the pandemic ensued, my absolute favorite thing to do on my typical Thursday was volunteering through Rowan’s Get FIT program. As a pre-Occupational Therapy student, this program helped get my feet wet for the profession. This program brings in young adults with cognitive and physical disabilities seeking to enhance their physical well-being through exercise. The young adults can even work out with their family members as well. During my short time in the program, I had the pleasure of being paired with a nonverbal client that brought joy to my face whenever we met. Seeing him smile from exercises I taught him brought me happiness, and helped reassure me that I was making the right career choice for future.

What is one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you? Coming to Rowan, one happy surprise was realizing how close the campus is to Philly. It was an even better surprise when I learned that Rowan has a free shuttle to Philly every Friday. This allowed me to venture into the city just about every other weekend, learning about different neighborhoods and people of the city. Through different networking opportunities offered by RUPAC, I met incredible people from the Filipino clubs of Philly schools. Ultimately, it was these networking opportunities that helped me decide on attending University of the Sciences in Philadelphia to earn my master’s in Occupational Therapy this upcoming May.

Justin in the city.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor or staff member in which you felt like they truly cared about your wellbeing. In my third and final year on staff with ResLife, my Resident Director, Bri Vogel, made me feel as though someone truly cared about my wellbeing. As RAs, we have biweekly one-on-one meetings with our Resident Director. These meetings turned into free therapy sessions between Bri and I; she fostered an environment in which we were comfortable sharing personal details about our lives both in and outside of ResLife. Bri was an integral part of my journey in coming to terms with my suffering mental health, and I can’t thank her enough for encouraging me to start counseling through the Wellness Center. When people say that some of the biggest lessons you learn from college come from outside of the classroom, I feel like this small snippet of my four years at Rowan is a true testament to that.

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

First Year Voices: Football & Friendship

A candid photo of four male freshmen laughing together.

“We’ve been playing football together since we were 6,” says freshman Jared Armitage, a business management major from Estell Manor, NJ (Atlantic County) of his Magnolia Hall roommate, Chris Doughty of Buena, NJ (Atlantic County). 

Four freshmen males goofing off, with one trying to get the others to pick him up.
From left: Jeron “Smooth”, Pavneet, Chris and Jared.

“We both played for Rowan this year,” Jared continues. It was fun living with someone he’s known since childhood, he says. “It was never boring. We just goof around with everyone in the dorm, playing poker. My favorite memory from this year is goofing off in the dorms. Our whole floor in Magnolia – and someone brought water guns. We started spraying each other, and getting water bottles and throwing them at each other. (We cleaned it up, of course.)”

At orientation, Jared’s randomly assigned roommate was Pavneet Singh, a freshman entrepreneurship major  from Carteret, NJ (Middlesex County.) 

Jared shares, “We didn’t really talk much to each other at first. But, then we were both sitting there bored at 1:00 in the morning and said, ‘Hey, do you want to do something funny?’ and we ran around the hallways.”

Along the way, the friends met Jeron, known as Smooth (on left). Jared says, “Chris met him here, but he lives close to us at home. Pretty sure we played football against him in school, but we didn’t know it. “

Next year Jared and Chris will commute from home, instead of living on campus. “I’m going to carpool with Chris,” says Jared, “because I’ll drive past Chris to get to school.”

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Pandemic Profs: Isolating On Campus

Marko looks to the horizon.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from international student Marko Minic, a senior sports communication and media major isolating while living on campus. Photos included in this story were taken before COVID-19.

Marko crouches in front of tall grass, holding a basketball.

My name is Marko Minic and I am an international student from Belgrade, Serbia. During these unpredicted times, I was unable to travel back home and I am actually one of the few students staying on campus during this pandemic crisis.

The whole Rowan campus is currently a ghost town. I live in Mimosa Hall which is in the center of campus, and apart from seeing someone pass by every now and then, it has pretty much been empty to its last inch. Serving as a Resident Assistant (RA) in Mimosa, I have personally seen every last soul move out of the building, with just me and my Resident Director remaining.

The good news which I was very happy to hear was that the food services, although limited, remained open for the few of us still here. I am able to go to the Student Center (SC) and choose from our Breakfast & Co. Freshens, and Pizza Crust stations as well as get some additional food and supplies from The SHOP. With the rotation of these stations in the SC, I am able to have three well-balanced meals a day while getting some snacks in between from The SHOP. Overall, while the things are not ideal right now, I am very grateful for the resources and support that I have from the Rowan community and having them be there for me during these rough times.

Marko stands behind the Business Hall.Although my spring break (and the rest of the semester) is not what I have expected, I am trying my best to stay productive and not fall into a routine of slacking back. I have made a promise to myself that I will come out of this better, stronger (both mentally and physically), and more improved. Because I am normally jammed with three on-campus jobs and taking 18 credits in school during the academic year, my usual week is pretty hectic and my days can be overwhelming.

I am taking advantage of this unique situation by having more “me time” and focusing on improving myself in as many areas as I can. With more free time on my hands, I am also on the phone with my family and friends back home more often. Being a first generation student in my family who came to study in America certainly comes with its challenges and benefits. While it is hard being on my own and far away from home, the constant support and love I get from my closest ones keeps me going. As a first gen. here, I am trying to pave the way for the rest of my family to succeed and give them a better life they deserve. 

Marko stands holding a basketball, looking to the horizon.As I will be graduating in about a month or so and will soon be out in the real world, I am using this time to prepare myself for a life after college; devoting my time to work on improving certain hard skills that employees look for, and searching for jobs that will help me get settled for a life in the U.S. upon the end of my college career.

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Thrift Store Dorm Room Makeover Under $50 [VIDEO]

dorm room with gray comforter on bed and wooden desk and drawers.


Bianca Torres, a junior Music Industry major from Morristown, NJ (Morris County), shows us how she transformed her room in the Whitney Center apartments, using items she had and items she purchased from a Glassboro thrift store and the shops near campus.

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Video edited by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Music by:
Bianca Torres, junior music industry major

Jeff, President of Chestnut Hall Council, Shares What He Loves About Chestnut Hall

Jeff is sitting in the Chestnut lounge.

Meet Jeff Wheeler, a freshman double major in Radio, Television and Film within the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Jeff sits on a chair in a lounge.Arts, and Computing and Informatics within the College of Science & Mathematics – School of Health Professions. He has minors in Computer Science, Math, and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Jeff is a first-generation college student from Matawan, New Jersey (Monmouth County). He feels that Chestnut Hall is his home away from home. Today, he will share with us two things he loves about about living in Chestnut Hall, as well as his experience being President of Chestnut Hall’s Hall Council through the Residence Hall Association (RHA)

A drone view of Chestnut Hall which shows the capital C shape.
Chestnut Hall

His floor community within Chestnut.  Jeff thinks that Chestnut has a great community, especially within each floor. “Moving into Chestnut was scary for me, I didn’t know anyone. However, my RA brought our floor together as a family and they turned into my major friend group. “His floor has become his best friends, and he thinks that being in the Computer Science Living-Learning Community helped group him with people that think similarly to him. He has been coding websites since 7th grade and became a freelancer in 9th grade, so computer science is his passion. 

A row of baby geese follow their mother outside the gazebo.
The gazebo is right outside of Chestnut, near Chestnut pond.

The Chestnut Community as a whole. “Talking to the presidents of the other halls made me realize how lucky Chestnut is with our close community. I feel like everyone knows everyone and they’re always looking out for each other.” Every time he walks around, he sees someone he knows and he is greeted with a smile. It makes him happy to know there is such a great Chestnut community. He says that everyone is respectful and kind towards the Resident Assistants and their fellow residents. 

“Being President of Chestnut was a big game changer for me.” Jeff says that programming events has been a lot of fun. He had the opportunity to network with a ton of great people involved in housing and created some mentor relationships that made his freshman year memorable. His role as Hall Council President of Chestnut involves event programming and discussing issues around the hall that the council can fix, such as social issues or study issues.

Like what you see? Learn more about housing!


Story and photography by:
Rachel Rumsby, freshman communication studies and public relations double major

Jalen Shares 3 Things He Likes about Living in Mimosa Hall

mimosa hall outside in spring.

students at mimosa lounge

Meet Jalen Rushton, a freshman Music Industry major from the College of Performing Arts. Jalen grew up in Columbus, Ohio but moved to Middletown, Delaware (New Castle County). He may be far from home, but Mimosa Hall has made his experience at Rowan University much more comforting. Today, he will share with us his three favorite things about living in Mimosa Hall.

jalen in front of his dorm room1. The Community in Mimosa

“I love how everyone is really accepting of each other, it’s like a small community. I’ve gotten used to the people here.”

Jalen has made many friends throughout his freshman year while staying at Mimosa. He mentioned that everyone on his floor knows each other and that they all help each other when the help is needed.   

 2. The Lounge AreaJalen playing piano

The lounge area in Mimosa has become one of Jalen’s favorite spots to hang around with his friends.

“Sometimes I do homework, sometimes we play ping pong and sometimes I play the broken piano.”

 3. The Location

“Mimosa is in the middle of campus, so if you don’t want to be at Mimosa you can go to the Rec Center or the Student Center or the Campbell Library, they are all literally next to us. The courts, the fields are right there too, I think Mimosa has the best location.”

Like what you see? Learn more about housing!


Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major 
Rachel Rumsby, freshman public relations major

Rowan PROS Share Their Six Favorite Things at Rowan [VIDEO]

Matt Ortiz being interviewed about his experience working for the Rowan PROS

The Rowan PROS (Peer Referral and Orientation Staff) share their favorite things about our campus and tips for starting out at Rowan. From socializing tips to where to eat on campus, the PROS have it all.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Prof on the Run: Upperclassmen Housing [VIDEO]

Take a peek inside Rowan’s upperclassmen housing while our favorite furry prof has some fun with his friends.

Know exactly where you’re looking for? Click the time stamp to your future home.
Rowan Boulevard @ 0:05

Whitney Center @ 0:40

Townhouses @ 1:15

Edgewood @ 1:50


Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.


Filmed by: Alexander Belli, senior pubic relations and advertising dual major; Dean Powers, freshman radio, tv, and film major
Edited by: Dean Powers, freshman radio, tv, and film major
Music by: Joseph Murphy, junior music industry major

How To: Dorm Desserts

If you live in a dorm room and you have a sweet tooth like me, this chocolate mug cake is for you. It is really easy to make and clean up, and all you need to bake it is a microwave. You might not have all the ingredients laying around, but they are all cheap and once you have them, you can make a ton of mug cakes! Grab your favorite oversized mug, and get ready to enjoy a single serve chocolate cake!

Katelyn holding up her dessert

Ingredients:a fork with nutella on it above a mug
¼ cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
⅛ teaspoon salt
¼ cup milk
2 tablespoons oil (I like olive, but vegetable works too!)
Optional: tablespoon of Nutella, peanut butter, or chocolate chips

1. Use a fork to whisk the dry ingredients together in a bowl
(flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar, and salt)
2. Whisk in the milk and oil, make sure there are no clumps
3. Pour the batter into your mug (about 12 oz) make sure
there is enough room so it won’t overflow
4. Optional step! Mix in the tablespoon of chocolate chips in
the middle of the batter. If you use Nutella or peanut butter
don’t worry about pushing it down, it will do that on its own
5. Place a paper towel under the mug and place it in the
6. Cook it for 70-90 seconds (this will depend on the
wattage of your microwave)
7. Take out your cake and enjoy!

the finished dessert - chocolate and whip cream poking out of the mug
You can also throw vanilla ice cream on top if you really want to treat yourself!

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Story and photography by:
Katelyn Rapp, Pennsville, NJ (Salem County)
junior public relations major

Roommates Reflect: Enzo Ronchi & Adam Goskowsky [VIDEO]

two roommates inside playing chess

Meet roommates Enzo Ronchi, junior public relations major from Ventnor, NJ (Atlantic County) and Adam Goskowsky, sophomore advertising major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County.) Get a look into the Rowan Boulevard Apartments …


Video by: Bianca Torres, sophomore music industry major & Edris Forde, junior radio, TV, film major
Music by: Bianca Torres, sophomore music industry major

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Roommates Reflect: Margot, Maddie & Kira in Whitney Center [VIDEO]

roommates on the bed playing uno cards in friends dorm bedroom in Whitney Center

Roommates Margot Clarke, Maddie Brock and Kira Rose talk about living together in the Whitney Center Apartments. Check out their room and hear what it’s like living with your best friends. 

Kira is a civil engineering major from Princeton Junction, NJ (Mercer County), Maddie is a psychology major from Delran, NJ, (Burlington County) and Margot is a biomedical engineering major from Delran, NJ (Burlington County).


Video by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theater major
Bianca Torres, sophomore music industry major
Music by: Bianca Torres

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Roommates Reflect: Seth, Kerry & Nicole in 230 Victoria [VIDEO]

Kerry Seth and Nicole sitting in 230 Victoria st.

Classmates, roommates and now best friends … Get a glimpse of what it’s like living in 230 Victoria St. with Seth Jackson, Kerry Jules and Nicole Cummings.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Video by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and advertising major &
Dean Powers, freshmen radio/TV/film major
Music by: Joseph Murphy, junior music industry major 

First Year Voices: Zenon Yanez

a student stands in front of chestnut pond
a student stands with his longboard in front of Chestnut Pond.

“Living in Holly Pointe is really nice because it’s like living in a suite your first year. Everyone is so close in the buildings there’s always chances to meet new friends.”

Zenon Yanez, freshman electrical and computer engineering major from South Amboy, NJ (Middlesex County) who lives in Holly Pointe Commons

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Photography by:
Jelani James, senior journalism major

#PROFspective: International Student Gatha Adhikari

Today, we speak with Gatha Adhikari, a sophomore biomedical engineering major from Begnas Tal, Pokhara (Nepal), who lives at Holly Pointe Commons as a Resident Assistant. Gatha will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be an international Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

How is Rowan welcoming to you? During the Flying First Symposium by Rowan’s Flying First Task Force for first generation college students, I was invited to speak on the panel to Gatha Adhikari posing in front of her Resident Assistant sign in Holly Pointe Commons.share my journey. To see the first generation alums and get their support made me feel welcomed and a sense of belonging.

Could you tell us a little bit about being a first generation college student? My family is back home in a small village in Nepal and were supportive to let me come here for my studies. Being first-gen is a point of pride in itself, but is also a big struggle. As a first-gen student, I am able to accomplish the dreams of my parents and inspire my community. I affirm for the young ones that they can live their dreams and achieve immense opportunities. Gatha Adhikari mixing a solution in the Science Hall.

Tell us a little bit about the sacrifice that you and your family has made in order to make college a reality for you.  My family and community have made a big emotional sacrifice to let me come to this foreign land and study while my other friends got married without finishing their education. While my family could have kept me home to assist them with their agriculture, they decided to let me fly away and be independent, which means a lot to me. I have left behind my friends and family who are very close to my heart, my traditions and festivities behind and work days and nights to make college a reality.

How do you feel your family will feel when they watch you walkGatha Adhikari posing in the first floor in Engineering Hall. across that graduation stage? I can imagine the tears of joy in the eyes of both my parents and brother when I finish my degree and graduate. They have dedicated their love and sacrificed so much to make it happen. My parents’ goal in life will be fulfilled when they see my accomplishments. My graduation ceremony will mean a lot.

What organization is most meaningful to you on campus? I work as a Resident Assistant (RA) for the Residential Learning and University Housing which means a lot to me. As a team, we strive to build communities within Rowan’s campus to provide the best possible residential life experience to Rowan students so they can find a home away from home here. The residents I lead are a part of an engineering learning community in Holly Pointe Commons

Gatha Adhikari handing a beaker to her professor in Science Hall.

Tell us about your transition into college and how you pushed through any challenges. Leaving everyone I knew and my home country behind when coming to Rowan has been a challenging journey. I have faced numerous obstacles along the way including financial difficulty, as I don’t get any financial aid for being an international student and it is hard to find scholarships I am eligible to apply for. I still have this problem, but I work hard, work on-campus and apply to every scholarship I can.

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

Hajah’s Home Away From Home: Willow Hall [VIDEO]

Hajah and four friends stand in the underpass at Willow Hall.

Hajah Carpenter, a freshman biology major from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County), feels most at home with her “Willow Squad” friends in Willow Hall.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 

Video by: Nicole Cier, junior writing arts major and Edris Forde, junior radio/TV/film major
Music by: Louis Testa, sophomore music composition major

Long-Time Friends Talk Rooming Together in Holly Pointe Commons

Meet freshmen Carli Poeta, public relations major, and Alayna Inman, sports communication and media major, both from Pennsville, NJ (Salem County), who live together in Holly Pointe Commons.

Carli and Alayna posing in their dorm in Holly Pointe Commons.
Alayna (left) and Carli (right) have known each other since second grade

How’d you guys meet? “We met in our second grade class.” – Alayna

What’s your favorite memory of living together? “Just moving in and decorating together and deciding how to rearrange everything.” – Alayna. Carli adds, “Her mom is into interior design, so she guided our room decor.”

What’s a ritual you guys have? “Everything. We do everything together.” Carli adds that they’re basically, “Siamese twins, it’s scary. We usually stay up really late doing homework.”

What is the most annoying habit as a roommate? “We have the same bad habits. We both leave drinks out and throw clothes on the floor.” – Carli

Carli and Alayna applying face masks in the Holly Pointe Commons bathroom.
Carli and Alayna love relaxing with face masks.

What do you like the most about living together? “Comfort. I don’t feel uncomfortable with open communication.” – Alayna

What did you expect living together would to be like? “Everyone was saying that we’re going to hate each other, but it’s  completely fine.” – Alayna. Carli adds, “It feels like a sleepover every night.”

What was the biggest challenge of living together? “The only challenge Carli and Alayna posing outside of Holly Pointe Commons.we experienced was guest policies, specifically people staying the night. But we talked through it immediately.” – Alayna 

What is the funniest thing that’s happened to you guys? “Definitely when Alayna’s curtain kept falling on her.” – Carli

What will you miss the most about living together? “Rooming with someone new is like starting a new long term relationship.” – Carli

What advice would you give a future Rowan student about choosing a roommate? Both encourage future students to not be afraid of rooming with someone you know. 

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

Living in Willow Hall

girls outside willow hall at rowan university

Meet the freshmen of the Willow lounge and see how they spend their time living on campus! Video featuring: Jordan Simhony, nursing major, Cherry Hill, N.J. (Camden County) Melanie Quido, exploratory studies major, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. (Bergen County) Mike Rodolico, computer science major, Cinnaminson, N.J. (Burlington County) Maycon Pinto, international studies major, Delran, N.J. (Burlington […]

Roommates Reflect: Mimosa Hall’s Brittany and Julianne

brown sign for Mimosa Hall, in front of building with blooming green trees

What will they say? Freshmen Brittany and Julianne reflect on their experience as roommates in Mimosa Hall. Like what you see? Join us for a tour or open house! VISIT CAMPUS​ Video created by: Nicole Cier, sophomore writing arts major Courtney Hopper, senior marketing major Alexander Belli, junior double major, public relations and advertising

Compare/Contrast Freshman Housing

Scott Timko is a resident assistant in Mullica Hall, wearing a yellow sweatshirt that says Glassboro State

Chatting with Rowan University on campus residents on a frigid, hectic morning just before finals (seriously, is it really spring yet?!), one thing was clear: the sense of community within their residence halls is what they love most. However, what “community” means in each residence hall is different. I learned that Evergreen is known for […]

Roommates Reflect: Living with your Best Friend from High School

orange gray and white Holly Pointe Commons at Rowan University with Glassboro water tower in view

Sophomore engineering majors Nick Cooper and Mark Hausman reflect on their experience as roommates in Holly Pointe Commons during their freshman year at Rowan. They were best friends throughout high school and took the risk living together in college, and made some great memories! They now live down the hall from each other at the […]

Roommates Reflect: Freshmen in Holly Pointe [VIDEO]

Curving outside architecture of Holly Pointe Commons

What will they say? High school best friends and former Holly Pointe roommates Nick Cooper (chemical engineering) and Mark Hausman (mechanical engineering) reflect on what it was really like to live together. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Carlo’s Day at Rowan University [Video] College Essay Advice [Video] […]

5 Things I Wish My Residents Knew: An RA Perspective

As I continue to move through my senior year at Rowan, I find myself reflecting on my experience as a resident assistant on campus. Working in the position for three years, I’ve seen how residents’ concerns and problems evolve throughout the year. In the beginning, most express concern over their living environments. But as the […]

Inside Look, Chestnut Hall: Door Decs and Good Friends

brick exterior and white columns of Chestnut, with brown and yellow flags

One of the first images that probably comes to mind when students think of Rowan is the scenic outside of Chestnut Hall. With its elegant columns and vibrant brick walls, it is definitely a place on campus to admire. But what makes it even more special are the residents that live there. Sophomore Laura Colandrea, […]

Inside Look: Friendly Faces in Evergreen Hall

When envisioning the ideal place to live on campus freshman year, most Rowan students immediately picture a lifestyle in Holly Pointe Commons, but forget about all the other great, affordable options there are for first year students to live. Located conveniently across the street from the Chamberlain Student Center within the heart of campus, Evergreen Hall […]

Inside Look: 5 Reasons Brinsley Loves Living in Magnolia Hall

Living at Rowan University is something incoming resident students look forward to. It’s  an exciting time to grow and learn about living away from home. For many, this is the first opportunity to live independently without any family close by. It’s the first stepping stone into adulthood. Brinsley Granatella, freshman chemistry education major from Egg […]

Inside Look: Triad Apartments an “Upgrade” from Residence Halls

Going into sophomore year, residents are posed with the daunting task of picking a new residence hall or apartment to live in. Many hear about the enjoyable experiences of living in Rowan Boulevard apartments or in the Townhouse complex. But few understand the rare gem to this campus, Triad Apartments. While some believe it to […]

Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to Live With You, Triad [VIDEO]

two roomates

What will they say?  Triad roommates Annie Busarello (junior advertising and public relations double major) and Melissa Banuelos (junior psychology major) dish on what it’s really like to live with roommates at Rowan University. By: Jen Green, senior public relations major Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Sophomores Give Advice: What It’s […]

Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to Live With You, Mullica Hall [VIDEO]

brick facade of Mullica Hall

What will they say? Mullica Hall roommates Davon Dickson (freshman finance major) and James Falcone (freshman accounting major) dish on what it’s really like to live with roommates at Rowan University. By: Natalia Panfilova, senior public relations major Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Sophomores Give Advice: What It’s Like to Live […]

Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like To Live With You, Holly Pointe Commons [VIDEO]

holly pointe outside look

What will they say?  Sophomores Amanda Palma (public relations and journalism double major) and Kate Twilley (radio, TV, film major) give the scoop on what it’s really like to live with a roommate at Rowan University. By: Jen Green, senior public relations major Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: […]