Resident Assistants, or RAs, are tasked with creating programs to connect residents with each other and the greater Rowan community. Each program is designed specifically and intentionally by the RA of the floor to promote a sense of belonging in the residence hall. Here are some programs that RAs loved to host for their residents.
Junior Keianna Williams, an RA in Chestnut Hall, shared her favorite program titled “Self Reflection.”
“I displayed a mirror outside of my room and then made a heart full of sticky notes. Each resident was asked to write something they loved about themselves in a sticky note displayed on the wall. I then handed out tiny pocket mirrors for them to keep. I told them that every time they opened the mirror, they should say something nice about themselves. This program helped promote self-esteem and self love. I also loved that it included Rowan Thrive, a wellness initiative on campus attributes of purpose.”

Sydney Ramos, a junior RA in Mimosa Hall, shared that her favorite program that she has done is a Black Lives Matter Brave space.
“This was a program that encouraged an open discussion on issues surrounding racial injustice in our communities. It also was a space where those who did not know much about the BLM movement could understand what it was and gain information and resources to have a better understanding as to why the BLM movement is so important. I had a decent outcome with residents, and they were happy to be able to have a discussion on issues that sometimes are hard to talk about. I was even interviewed by The Whit for a featured article about my program.”

Alyssa Salera, a senior RA in Holly Pointe Commons, described her favorite program that combined fun with important conversations about relationships.
“We had a Bachelor finale watch party. My residents all loved the show, both my male and female students, so we all got together, snacked on a bunch of food and desserts, and talked about the show and everything it encompassed. I loved seeing how excited they got about who the star chose to get engaged to, as each of my residents had a personal preference. We then talked about toxic relationships and the importance of mental health in regards to how it pertains to the show, they were all so involved in the conversation! It was the most I’ve heard some of my residents speak and be engaged in all semester, so it was great seeing them come out of their shell.”

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major