First Year Voices: Football & Friendship

A candid photo of four male freshmen laughing together.

“We’ve been playing football together since we were 6,” says freshman Jared Armitage, a business management major from Estell Manor, NJ (Atlantic County) of his Magnolia Hall roommate, Chris Doughty of Buena, NJ (Atlantic County). 

Four freshmen males goofing off, with one trying to get the others to pick him up.
From left: Jeron “Smooth”, Pavneet, Chris and Jared.

“We both played for Rowan this year,” Jared continues. It was fun living with someone he’s known since childhood, he says. “It was never boring. We just goof around with everyone in the dorm, playing poker. My favorite memory from this year is goofing off in the dorms. Our whole floor in Magnolia – and someone brought water guns. We started spraying each other, and getting water bottles and throwing them at each other. (We cleaned it up, of course.)”

At orientation, Jared’s randomly assigned roommate was Pavneet Singh, a freshman entrepreneurship major  from Carteret, NJ (Middlesex County.) 

Jared shares, “We didn’t really talk much to each other at first. But, then we were both sitting there bored at 1:00 in the morning and said, ‘Hey, do you want to do something funny?’ and we ran around the hallways.”

Along the way, the friends met Jeron, known as Smooth (on left). Jared says, “Chris met him here, but he lives close to us at home. Pretty sure we played football against him in school, but we didn’t know it. “

Next year Jared and Chris will commute from home, instead of living on campus. “I’m going to carpool with Chris,” says Jared, “because I’ll drive past Chris to get to school.”

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