Inside Look: Triad Apartments an “Upgrade” from Residence Halls

portrait of Anthony, wearing a white tshirt and black rimmed eyeglasses
Anthony Detello, sophomore Triad Apartments resident

Going into sophomore year, residents are posed with the daunting task of picking a new residence hall or apartment to live in. Many hear about the enjoyable experiences of living in Rowan Boulevard apartments or in the Townhouse complex. But few understand the rare gem to this campus, Triad Apartments. While some believe it to be a last resort, Anthony Detello and his suitemates couldn’t be happier to live here.

two person bedroom in Triad with desks, beds and TVEach of them wanted to continue their time on campus and with limited options for apartment housing, Triad quickly became the light at the end of the tunnel for this group of students. Anthony, in particular, loves the amount of space Triad offers residents. “Compared to the amount of living space I had in Magnolia last year, Triad was certainly an upgrade. I love having a living room with space to enjoy my apartment.”

Originally from Ocean County, New Jersey, Anthony found a home at Rowan as a computer science major and wrestling club member. When he isn’t facing off on the mats or in the computer lab, he can be found in his apartment hanging out and playing video games with his suitemates. “Living in Triad gives you a whole different perspective of living on campus. I lived in Magnolia last year and it was great. I loved it for my freshman year, but I knew I wanted more space. Living in Triad is roomy and is better than I ever expected.”

He continues, “My favorite place to be is the kitchen or living room. It really makes a difference. Compared to other apartment options on campus, the price-to-quality ratio isn’t that different. Triad is a more affordable option and there’s nothing bad about living here,” shared Anthony when we asked if he would have preferred to live in a different apartment option for housing.

Anthony dries a pot in his kitchen

Looking toward the future, he and his suitemates want to see what it would be like living in other on campus housing options. But, this year Anthony if happy to live in Triad and enjoying all it has to offer, including a great location for walking to his classes. All of the housing options, including pricing and accommodations offered, can be found on the Residential Learning & University Housing website.

By: Hope Holroyd
Senior triple major: Public Relations, Advertising, American Studies

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