Rowan Blog guest contributor Rohama Dada shares her journey to finding the right program for her at Rowan University. Rohama, a junior transfer student from Morris County, NJ, stays active in the Arabic Culture Club, Society for Human Resource Management and Management Information Systems Club.
I started college not having a single idea how anything worked and what I really wanted to do. I had no guidance, no direction and no passion for anything specific.
I was undecided for my [first] year, took a bunch of different classes and still was very unsure of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Then sophomore year came around, and I signed up for a few criminal justice and law classes. At first I loved them. The whole idea of criminal justice and law really fascinated me, and I thought I could see myself doing this long term. But by the end of the year, the workload got a bit too much and with a bit of more research I realized that I didn’t want to be studying all my life by going to law school.
I was in a major that didn’t feel right for me, so I listened to my gut and switched from law to advertising, which was a big risk as they both are completely different. I was hesitant once again at first, but the more projects and assignments I got the more I liked it — and for the first time they didn’t feel like assignments. They were fun and easy to do.
Being an advertising major, I’ve realized that there are so many different careers you can pursue being in this field. The major in advertising can prepare you for a variety of different careers including copywriting, production coordination, art director, event planner, marketing coordinator, creative director, graphic designer, account executive, brand manager, media planner and many more.

A career I could definitely see myself in is as an event planner. Ever since I was younger I’ve had a passion for things being organized and aesthetically pleasing, and what better job to do that in other than event planning as you follow a specific theme that your customer wants and make the entire event as aesthetically pleasing as you can? Taking control of an entire event, planning and coordinating every aspect of the event, making it look aesthetically pleasing, and lastly seeing the pure joy and satisfaction on the customer’s face when everything is done and looking absolutely stunning is the best part. The idea of doing all of this really stuck out to me since as long as I can remember.
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Story by:
Rohama Dada
Photography by:
Valentina Giannattasio, first year dance and marketing double major
Produced by:
Lucas Taylor, senior secondary English education major