In today’s dedicated feature we look into Kate Palozzola, a senior Communications Studies major with a double minor in Psychology and Women and Gender Studies from Union County, NJ. Kate is very passionate in her interests at Rowan and goes into detail of the different aspects that have made up her Rowan experience so far such as her reasoning behind her major and becoming the president of her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
What inspired you to choose your major?
I chose to be a Communication Studies major at Rowan University considering this field of study is an intersection of various social sciences, flexible in the creative process, and because of my passion for reading and writing. I came into Rowan as a Psychology major, which I also loved, but found myself taking classes in the Communication Studies department whenever I could. I have a fascination for Psychology, as well as Women and Gender Studies, so I decided to double minor in both. I found Communication Studies courses to be captivating, so I ultimately made the choice to major in this area. The academic reading, writing, and analysis is extremely rewarding in addition to the creative opportunities I am presented with in my department. My major enables me to be a much better communicator, understand those around me more deeply, apply my knowledge to real-life scenarios, and allows me to strengthen my skills while excelling both personally and professionally.
Tell us something interesting that you’ve learned in a class this semester.
In Dr. Joy Cypher’s Ethical Issues in Communication class, I learned the importance of communication ethics and how we use ethics in our daily lives. We learn about a multitude of theorists with differing perspectives and how to understand each concept and its application. While I have gained an immense amount of knowledge about ethics, ethical dilemmas, and how to apply these principles from Dr. Cypher, this experience has encouraged me to look at life and its dilemmas from more than one point of view. It is so important to take a step back and analyze each dilemma in order to stay open minded and consider various perspectives.

Take us through one typical Rowan day for you.
Monday morning, I wake up around 8 a.m., I get ready for class, check and answer emails, and make sure to have coffee (sometimes to go if I’m running late, but ALWAYS!). I walk to the Communication and Creative Arts building and at 9:30 a.m., I have Dr. Cypher’s Ethical Issues in Communication class where we engage, debate and discuss ethical dilemmas and concepts. At 11 a.m., I have Political Communication with Professor Kate Harman, and we discuss how communication is a central part of politics, its evolution, and the events shaping our current political climate.
My third class of the day is Senior Seminar in Communication Studies with Dr. Julie Haynes, where we dissect the depiction of gender in various horror films and work on our senior theses. After class, I walk home, make myself some lunch, catch up with roommates, do some homework, and check my emails. I catch up on all of my sorority responsibilities and get organized for the week. At 6 p.m., my roommate and I walk to Discovery Hall and have Professor Jon Carifo’s General Biology: Human Focus class where we learn about functions of the human body. I then go home, make dinner, attend any meetings or answer any emails I may have for my sorority or Lambda Pi Eta, or catch up on class readings. At the end of my day I usually see my roommates, watch Gilmore Girls, and get ready for bed!
Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that make you feel like Rowan is home.
My sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi, has given me a home at Rowan. Not only do I live with my sisters, but we do so many memorable things together. My class has been by my side the past four years, and each year I have the opportunity to get to know the younger sisters. I am grateful for them every single day and am lucky enough to lead them as president. It is my most rewarding role at Rowan University. These women have stuck by me making Rowan my favorite place in the world. I know I can count on their support and friendship for years to come!

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Story and photography by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
Produced by:
Lucas Taylor, senior English major
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