Rowan Blog Contributor, Jordyn Dauter, a junior double majoring in dance & elementary education with a CUGS in writing studies for educators and a John H. Martinson Honors College Concentration from Quakertown, Pennsylvania (Bucks County) shares her experience with taking summer classes through Rowan University.
When I started at Rowan University in fall 2021, I was a dance & exercise science double major, but I recently switched to a dance & elementary education double major. This is my second summer taking classes through Rowan. Currently, I am taking two classes for my elementary education major, Human Exceptionality and Structures of Mathematics 1, to help fulfill my non-program requirements for the major. The previous summer, I took an online Statistics 1 class.

I started my Human Exceptionality (Course: SPED 08130) course a few days after finals ended for the spring 2023 semester, and I have loved every second of taking this course. Human Exceptionality is centered around disability within education, specifically, undoing the concept of ableism inside of the education system. Each reading, lecture video, assignment, & discussion board connects directly to the main topic of each week. We have focused on ideas such as teaching ableism to students, understanding ableism, and the history of disability and ableism. I have found this class to be very informative and important in my development of becoming a future educator.
The Structures of Mathematics 1 (Course: MATH 01201) course I am taking started during the second session of Rowan summer courses. This course is the first math course, followed by Structures of Mathematics 2 for elementary education majors. In Structures of Mathematics 1, we are learning how to solve elementary level math equations, but also developing an understanding on how to effectively teach them to school children. I have also really enjoyed this course so far, and am looking forward to continuing the course material through the end of July.

With my overall goal of teaching children in the future, where that is in a dance or academic setting, I also decided to take Level 1 of the new online certificate in Dance Studio Management. This hybrid certificate program is run by choreographer, educator, and entrepreneur Kim O’Connor-Sparks, who is also a Rowan University graduate from the BA in Speech/Theater/Dance program. This program takes place over three weeks, with each module covering the following topics: Studio Ownership, Growing the Business, and Production, Specialized Teams, Team Touring & Travel and Community Service.
What is really beneficial about the online Dance Studio Management Certificate is the hybrid meetings every Thursday. These meetings give you the opportunity to talk directly with Kim O’Connor-Sparks about any questions, comments, or the information that was presented during the modules. Kim O’Connor-Sparks is very knowledgeable in this field, as she is currently running a successful dance studio, Today’s Dance Center, located in Medford, NJ. Her first-hand experience makes her a great resource to talk to about the ins-and-outs of running a business. Not only that, these meetings give you the chance to interact with your classmates and hear about their future goals as potential business owners. It creates camaraderie within the course, and you get to bounce ideas off of each other.

When considering which summer course(s) to take, my best suggestion would be to reach out to your academic advisor and get their input. They will help guide you in the right direction to help ensure that you are successful. There are a limited number of courses available to take, so as you are creating your schedules for the fall and spring semesters, take a look and see which ones are offered during the summer session so you have an option if interested. Summer courses are a great option if you are a double major and trying to stay on top of your coursework. They are also a great way to help lessen your course load during the fall and spring semesters. If you’re considering enrolling in a summer course, take advantage of the opportunity and go for it!
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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior dance & elementary education double major
Photos by: Joseph Conte, junior community & environmental planning major