The Grown & Flown series features wisdom and insight from parents of current Rowan Profs, to help parents of new Rowan Profs. The transition of parenting a child at home to parenting a young adult at college is an important one, and Rowan parents are here to help our community. Read additional stories here.

What is your stance on grades – do you ask your student to show you their grades, do you log into their Canvas classroom web platform yourself for updates, or are you hands-off? Why does your approach work for you?
“Since my son is responsible for his tuition, he has only himself to answer to. When he dropped a class too late for reimbursement, he had to calculate a summer class into his budget.” ~ Beth Marchese, parent of a senior
“This is his college career, the start of making choices and decisions for future. I never once went on Canvas nor did I have access to that or his schedule, reached out to any of his teachers, etc. He managed it all. I would ask from time to time how his grades were, but that was it. He managed it all from the application process to setting schedule, navigating classes, time management, etc. I was there if he needed but it was all him.” ~ Kim Bicknell, parent of a senior
“I’m hands off. My student is considered an adult now and is paying their own way. Their grades are on them. Plus I have a really smart, responsible student and I don’t have to worry about her grades.” ~ Nicole Young, parent of a sophomore

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Story compiled by: Connor Bicknell, senior communication studies major