Music Industry Major Alyssa McAvoy Shares Her Professional Goals

Alyssa works on a sound board, her face serious.

Meet Alyssa McAvoy, a graduating senior music industry major with a minor in entrepreneurship from Shrewsbury, NJ (Monmouth County). Alyssa is here to share her short-term and long-term professional goals.

Could you describe your short-term professional goals?

I would love to get my foot in the door by doing sound for more local venues to gain more experience. Also, I am planning on hosting a music/performing arts festival here at Rowan along with other senior Music Industry students for our senior project.”

What is your long-term professional dream goal?

“My dream jobs would be a live sound engineer for big name concerts and/or being a manager of big name artist.”

Alyssa bows her head down while smiling, working on a sound board.

What internships, clubs, networking, etc. are you involved in and how do they support your goals?

“I am member of the Rowan Dance Team, and this is my fourth year on the team. This team gave me many opportunities to edit music and make more important networking connections to other Rowan departments. I served as the social chair last season where I was able to create graphics for their social media page. I am also a member Alpha Sigma Tau which is a sorority on campus. AST has given me many valuable connections that I will have the rest of my life. These girls are such an amazing support system to me and my goals.”

What Rowan professors or Rowan classes have been most helpful and enlightening to you, and how?

“I am lucky to have many amazing professors throughout my time here. My professor Barbara Adams has been so helpful to me when it comes to helping me gain more experience in live sound. She has so much knowledge and insights about what my dream job would entail.”

Alyssa smiles sitting at a sound board.

How will this degree support your dreams and goals?

“My bachelor of science degree in music industry will be very helpful in supporting my dreams and goals. This is because our music industry program is so hands-on and all of the professors have so many real world connections to help us students get out foot in the door. In the music industry career having experience is so vital and our program provides just that!”

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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance & elementary education

Photos by: Valentina Giannattasio