Meet Hannah Potratz, a junior Theatre Arts major with a Musical Theatre Concentration from Raleigh, North Carolina, and a member of the University Chorus (UChorus).
During my time in UChorus, I have learned that no matter what your background is with singing, or what your major is, there is a way to join an ensemble and make beautiful music.
The University Chorus (UChorus) is an ensemble composed of 40 to 50 students from many different majors who work on and sing a variety of choral music. It is run under the direction of Dr. Lorraine Lynch, alongside student leader Justin Kurbansade.

UChorus meets two times a week for an hour and fifteen minutes inside Wilson Hall room 153.
A traditional rehearsal looks like starting with a few warmups to help the singer’s voices get used to singing and blending with the ensemble again. Then, they move onto working on some of their concert pieces. The more intense pieces get worked on earlier in the semester, so there is ample time to rehearse them. In the fall semester, UChorus performs with Voces. In the spring, they perform with both Voces and Concert Choir.

We have such a great group of students in the ensemble, and it’s always so much fun to get together! We work on a variety of music, from classical to contemporary pop, and there’s always going to be new music for you to discover. It’s a space to learn together and meet new people, as well as an outlet for many students. If you’re not a music major, that’s even more of a reason to join! If you used to sing in high school or just sing recreationally and want to get back into it, University Chorus is a great place to do so.
For information on UChorus, email
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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance & elementary education
Photos by: Valentina Giannattasio