My Favorite Class: Introduction to Electricity & Magnetism [VIDEO]

Dr. Philip LaPorta teaching Introduction to Electricity & Magnetism.

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series. With 100+ majors and countless areas of faculty expertise across campus, dip into one of these classes to fulfill your Rowan University course requirements.

Meet sophomore Vanessa Hutchinson, a Mechanical Engineering major. She is here to share her experience in her favorite class, Introduction to Electricity & Magnetism.

Introduction to Electricity & Magnetism is the first physics class students will take after mechanics. It breaks things down all the way to the atomic level. There is a specific focus on force and magnetic field, where each week is broken down into a topic of material to learn. In the class, students will work independently and together in teams to solve simple, then progressively more difficult problems. By having class structured in this way, it enhances communication between the student and professor, while teaching teamwork skills to other students. 

Dr. Philip LaPorta is one of the professors for this course, who strives to keep his students engaged in the material. He is very animated, and you might catch him occasionally performing magic tricks for his students. He does various demonstrations for students to provide a visual experience, all while relating the material back to physics. 

“I’m always interested in how things work, and this class really does solve a lot of those problems.”

Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance & elementary education