#PROFspective: International Student Prasheetha Radhakrishnan

Student outside at Rowan University brick sign out front of Holly Pointe

Today, we speak with Prasheetha Radhakrishnan, a freshman computer science major from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Prasheetha will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how she gets the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Prasheetha standing out front of holly pointe outside in a Mickey Mouse shirt
Name: Prasheetha Radhakrishnan
Major: Computer Science
Year: Freshman
Are you a first generation college student? I am the first person in my family to go to college outside of the country. My father is a doctor, and my mother has a bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate diploma
Hometown: Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
On-Campus Resident? Yes, I live in Holly Pointe Commons
Prasheetha sitting out front of the International House
How did you find out about Rowan and how did you decide it was the university you wanted to attend?
        As an international student, and a person who was planning to go to school away from home for the first time, I wanted to go to a school that had a diverse community, and where I wouldn’t feel out of place. When I came upon Rowan University and learned about the campus community, I was really happy to see the way they welcomed international students. Plus, the other aspects like small class sizes and the variety and scope of academic help offered were the things that made Rowan University stand out to me, and cemented the idea that I wanted to go here. 
Prasheetha holding an elephant collectible from India from her mom
What was the transition like coming to New Jersey and starting college here?
        Moving to a different country was in itself a huge challenge, but the thought of having to go to university classes was at first very intimidating. But after the initial homesickness, I realized that I was pretty comfortable at Rowan, be it with classes or with living on campus. Plus, I knew that any help I needed was just at an arm’s reach, so it really helped me ease into college life. Glassboro being a mostly quiet place (but still so perfectly located near two big cities) played a huge part in getting me accustomed to living by myself for the first time, and I couldn’t have asked for better!

How has Rowan been welcoming and encouraging to you?

Prasheetha pointing to photos from her home country hanging on her dorm wall
        The people at Rowan are the most encouraging humans I have ever met. The professors are always ready to help, and are really supportive in every way. When people learn that I am an international student, they show such an interest in learning about where I am from, how is life there different from life here, and my experience with moving to a different country. I don’t think there can be a more welcoming environment than this!
Prasheetha and three other students sitting on the bench outside of Holly Pointe
What is one favorite thing you enjoy doing at Rowan?
        One thing I love about Rowan is that I can simply take a walk around campus and stumble upon some event taking place somewhere. The Student Center almost always has something going on. Students on campus are always ready to welcome you and make new friends without any inhibitions. The campus has so many hang-out spots, and equally great study spaces! I love to just pop in the library and plop down, because everyone around me is working, and it really pushes and motivates me to work.
Prasheetha studying with her friend outside with a book and laptop

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Story and photography by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theatre major

Story and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theatre major