Sophomore Reflects: Monica Torres Shares Her Freshman Experience and Advice

Today we feature rising sophomore Monica A. Torres. Monica is a Computer Science major with a concentration in Software Engineering from Jersey City, NJ (Hudson County). Monica is an on-campus resident. She lived in Evergreen Hall during her freshman year, and now will be living in the Edgewood Park Apartments for her sophomore year. Monica is a first-generation college student. 

Monica poses near the Engineering Pond at Pre-College Institute.

What did you most enjoy during your freshman year at Rowan?

The thing I enjoyed the most was getting a feel for everything. There are a lot of activities set up for freshmen not only for them to have fun, but for them to get a feel for the campus. One, for example, is Welcome Week, where many students from all grades come together to enjoy each other’s company and welcome the freshman and new transfer students to campus. I enjoyed meeting new people and seeing that Rowan is very diverse. 

Could you share a happy moment you had with friends, professors, or other members of the Rowan community that made you realize Rowan felt like home?

One of my favorite memories was getting to know my roommate. We were familiar with each other through PCI (Pre-College Institute), aka EOF (Educational Opportunity Fund), over the summer, but we didn’t really talk. However, once I got to know her, we had a lot in common, and exploring campus with her was fun. I’m from Jersey City, so to have someone who is from South Jersey as a close friend is great, because we get to compare North Jersey and South Jersey.

Monica poses at move-in for Pre-College Institute.
What advice do you have for future freshmen looking at colleges right now?

My advice to future freshmen is that it isn’t about getting a good grade, it’s about understanding the material for your major. In addition, it’s okay to not know what you wanna study right off the bat because that is what advisors are for. They are there to help you explore and find a major that suits you.

Monica poses at the Pre-College Institute leadership event.

What are you most looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I can’t wait for some of my friends from home to come to Rowan. I can show them around and help them get around. Plus, it means the friend group on campus gets bigger. It will be nice to have a few familiar faces from home on campus, to be honest, because I won’t be as homesick.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major