Humans of Rowan: Finding Her Place in Wrestling, Volunteerism & Student Leadership

Sapjah can be seen at Bunce Hall throwing a fist into the air.

With a sneak peek originally on @HumansofRowan on Instagram, today we learn more about Psychology major Sapjah Zapotitla of Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County). Sapjah is involved on campus as the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club and a member of intramural wrestling on campus.

What’s your Rowan experience been like as the first woman to join the Wrestling Club? 

It was a bit intimidating at first because of how there was no other females there. There’s men there, but it’s very different from how it was in high school. From my experience in high school, there was a lot more variety in the people that would come to practices in terms of size. 

But with the club, it’s like stepping into a jungle. I was really excited when I first started. I was exhilarated to just try my best and show all of the members that I can prove myself and show that I’m a lot stronger than people expect; because, I am pretty small. It’s been so far so good. In high school, it was a bit more of a hostile environment because I was a girl, but with here at the club, I felt welcomed and accepted. They knew that I wanted to come to the Wrestling Club to have fun. 

Sapjah is wearing a red dress standing next to a tree with her hands on her hips outside of Bunce Hal..

What’s your history with wrestling? 

This is a funny story. I used to be very shy and didn’t really think much of myself. But going into high school my freshman year, I knew I wanted to try something new. So I asked people what sports were available at Cherry Hill East. My peers would go on to say all of the generic different sports that might be offered, but they had also mentioned wrestling.

When I had asked about the sport they went on and said, “Yeah, but that’s only for boys.” At that moment I realized I wanted to go out and try out for that sport. 

I was still really shy for the first few months, but after a while I started to speak up and converse with more people. During my time in high school I had even tried to start the girls’ wrestling team. I knew that even if I didn’t have a place I was ready to go out and make one for myself and others who might be interested in similar things. I want to be the change. I want people to know that they’re being welcomed, especially females in a male-dominated sport. It’s been a really fun experience, to say the least. 

How was that transition like going from high school to Rowan? 

At first, I was just so grateful. It’s an environment that I didn’t know existed. That kind of environment where they’re like “you belong.” It has been amazing to find that here. 

Sapjah is standing in front of Bunce flexing her arms.

How’s your experience been so far here at Rowan? 

I was super nervous getting into Rowan because of financial issues. I’m a first-generation student, and I didn’t have role models to follow suit. I had to figure everything out by myself and I’ll be honest, I felt that pressure.

But, I was determined. If I was going to go to college, I was going to do it the way that I wanted to do it.

I’m currently taking 18 credits, which is six courses. My first two weeks into Rowan I became the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club. I’ve even gone on to get interviews for future positions as well as getting a job here on campus at the Student Success Center as a secretary. It’s been pretty enthralling! 

What’s it like being the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club? 

For myself, I’ve always been the type of person who likes to jump in and seize opportunities. For example, like being the first girl wrestler. I just want to be there and participate and do what I can to better myself.

With the Rowan Sociology and Anthropology Club, it was in the process of being rebuilt. When I first got there, no one was showing up. I came up with solutions, working with social media to attempt to recruit new members. I’m all for trying. 

Sapjah is standing in front of Bunce and staring into the distance.

Are there any other clubs that you’re involved in? 

I’m also a part of “Get Fit” here at Rowan. I’m a volunteer there. Last semester I volunteered around 20 hours, and I absolutely loved it. I felt like I belonged there, just helping people with disabilities work out helps me just as much as it helps them. I’m now technically a session manager for Get Fit. 

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Story by:
Lucas Taylor, English education graduate student

Beyond the Classroom: How Dawn Lombardi Gave a Senior Cat a Forever Home

Close up shot of Reginald the cat wearing a bowtie.

Dawn Lombardi, a double major in Nutrition and Business Management, shares her experience of working with Rowan’s Office of Accessibility Services to give her new cat his forever home. 

Dawn was juggling her responsibilities as a resident assistant and student all by herself. This year, she decided she was ready for a companion that she could take care of. “I felt like I had a lot of love to give and wanted to direct my energy into something good,” she says. “That’s why I adopted Reggie.”

Dawn and cat
Dawn with Reginald

Reginald, Dawn’s cat, is a 12-year-old senior adoptee from Homeward Bound Animal shelter.

“I wanted to adopt a senior cat because they are often overlooked by other families,” Dawn explains. “Usually, people who adopt want a young animal, so senior pets have trouble finding their forever home. I wanted an older cat so I could make its older years the best it’s ever had.” 

Before adopting Reginald, Dawn had to go through a thorough ESA (emotional support animal) approval process.

“I looked up the Rowan ESA policy, saw that I qualified, filled out the necessary paperwork, and turned it into the Academic Success Center [now called the Office of Accessibility Services]. The people were very helpful. I worked closely with [staff members] during my process, and [they were] awesome.” 

John Woodruff, director of the Office of Accessibility Services, talks about this process in a bit more detail.

“There is an online registration form on our website that students must complete. They are then responsible for working with their healthcare provider to fill out a three-page application form to request an accommodation for an ESA. A dog, cat, lizard, or rabbit are all animals that can be an ESA. After the application is complete, our office shares a link with the student that connects them to a portal where they can upload any documentation necessary (a formal diagnosis, an emergency contact for the desired animal, the breed/name of the animal, etc.),” he says. 

Now that he is approved, Reginald is living lavishly in Dawn’s Rowan Boulevard Apartment. “I think the Rowan Boulevard Apartments are really suitable for an ESA. My apartment is a great size and has multiple rooms that he can walk around in.”

Reggie- Dawn's cat

Aside from being adorable, Reginald has helped Dawn become a better student. “Reggie wakes me up for breakfast in the morning, so it helps me to get out of bed and get my day started nice and early. With him, I have a reason to get up and be productive,” she says.

Reginald has helped Dawn in more ways than one.

“When I feel overwhelmed with school or anything really, he comes and sits next to me. Just having him there gives me so much comfort. I joke and say that he is an ESA to everyone, too. My friends or residents that come and pay him a visit love him. He makes everyone’s day better.” 

Reginald relaxes at his new home.

“I am really grateful Rowan gives us the option to have an ESA. It makes me feel very supported and valued as a student who is juggling a lot.”

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos courtesy of:
Dawn Lombardi 

A Q&A with Terry Nguyen, Co-President of Rowan’s Neurodiversity Club

Terry stands outside near the Wilson Hall amphitheatre.

What brought you to the Biomedical Art and Visualization program? A little background information about myself would be that I always loved art. But I also really valued the importance of scientific endeavors, and just general scientific literacy. I wanted something that could combine the two of them. But … I didn’t want to fully […]

Removing Deficit from Disability: Rowan Minds Reframe College Success for Autistic Students in New Book

John Woodruff and Dr. Amy Accardo seated together with a copy of their book.

The steady increase of autistic students entering higher education coincides with schools creating programs and services to meet this growing need. But are these supports working? Autism researchers at Rowan University set out to learn more, and they’ve published their findings in a new book. Read more about their research, recommendations for college success and […]

Ms. Wheelchair New Jersey Lea Donaghy on Advocacy and Education [VIDEO]

Lea sits with her partner at a table in her wheelchair.

Congratulations to Lea Donaghy, named Ms. Wheelchair New Jersey 2022 by the nonprofit Ms. Wheelchair America. “It allows me to advocate for my state, talk about my experience and things that I think we need to really improve upon in the disabled community,” says Lea. Her platform will be to provide better resources for college students coming into college with a disability.

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Meet #Rowan2025: Inclusive Elementary Education Major Brooke Neilio

Today we feature Brooke Neilio from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County), who attends Clearview Regional High School. Brooke will be studying Inclusive Elementary Education on campus. Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? I am looking forward to meeting new people and exploring all of the […]

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Senior Computing and Informatics Major Abraham Reyes

Abraham poses in front of Science Hall.

Today we speak to Abraham Reyes, a senior, first-generation college student who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. Abraham majors in Computing and Informatics, minors in Business Administration and has a CUGS in Management Information Systems Certification. He is a commuter student from Camden, NJ (Camden County).

Abraham sits on a wall by the Student Center.

What is a typical Rowan day for you?

My typical Rowan day, since classes became primarily virtual, starts with breakfast and checking emails and the early news. I sign into my classes, which are all on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and start my day. After morning classes are through, I usually drive to the Rowan campus to grab lunch.

Being on campus is like a second home for me and I miss the environment, so I treat myself twice a week by driving to campus for lunch. I was fortunate enough to have my 2020 summer internship at Lockheed Martin extended through the entire fall semester, so I work virtually from my home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

At Rowan, I decided to major in Computing & Informatics, as well as minor in Business Administration. When I took Applied Database Technologies with Professor Arafat Qureshi during my first semester at Rowan, I immediately wanted to know more about coding, the organization and analysis of large quantities of data, and how it all applied to the business world. As I continued to take additional classes in my major, I felt confident that Computing & Informatics was the right major for me, and it definitely opened the door for me to my internship.

Abraham poses in front of Science Hall.

Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

I began my college career at Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC). I knew I wanted to transfer to Rowan University because I wanted to explore a larger campus environment and join the Rowan University community. RCBC has a wonderful partnership with Rowan University, with many opportunities, and the transition from RCBC to Rowan was pretty smooth. I was really nervous and excited to transition from community college to a four-year college. It took me a while to get used to the larger campus, but now I’m very comfortable there and the Glassboro campus is like a second home to me.

What are your professional goals?

My professional goal is to land a full-time position at Lockheed Martin since I’ve been so happy with my ongoing internship, and I now better understand all the opportunities available for someone with a Computing & Informatics degree. I hope to work in the future with good, talented people to solve complex real-world problems.

How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

Rowan University has helped me so much with almost everything. My advisors were very supportive and gave me the best recommendations for choosing classes. All my professors have challenged me and helped prepare me for the unexpected in the workforce.

The Office of Career Advancement at Rowan has also helped me so much with networking, mock interviews and tips on nailing an interview. I feel like I made the best decision to attend Rowan University and call this school a second home. I’m currently working at Lockheed Martin as a Data Analysis/Project Management intern supporting the Global Supply Chain Competitive Intelligence Team. My internship has been extended four times, and I will now be transitioning to new tasks that will assist in developing additional skillsets. I would not be where I am today without the education and support I have received from Rowan University and many members of the faculty and staff.

I have enjoyed so many of my classes, such as Management Information Systems with Dr. Berrin Guner, and Organizational Behavior with Dr. Richard Jonsen. I would like to give a special “thank you” to Professor Bridget Temme-Soifer for helping me with Statistical Analysis and giving me the tools to see how data works in the real world. 

I also want to give a special “thank you” to Chiara, my Academic Success Advisor from the Academic Success Center, for helping me so much throughout my college experience. Finally, I’d like to thank my mother for always believing in me and for all the sacrifices she made over the years to help me become the person I am today. Overall, I feel that I made the best decision in choosing my major and minor, so now I feel confident about my future.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio, television and film major

We are #RowanPROUD to be included on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2021 Transfer Honor Roll, which recognizes select nationwide colleges and universities that foster dynamic pathways for transfer students.

Passing the Torch: Psychology Major, Academic Coach Shares Her Parting Tips for Success

Chelsey Fitton stands in her cap and gown outside of Bunce Hall

“Take advantage of every opportunity in the Psychology department. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed, too,” says Chelsey Fitton from Woodstown, NJ (Salem County), who recently earned her Psychology degree. 

“I found the faculty and staff to be super helpful within the (Psychology) department. And it’s a family. The professors don’t really see you as a number, they know you by name. When I’d go in, they’d say, ‘Hi, Chelsey, how are you doing?’ That’s important, too,” she explains.  

Chelsey holds up her decorated sunflower cap in front of Bunce Hall

Chelsey, who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey and commuted to campus, says to “stay involved as much as possible.” She was part of the honors society Delta Alpha Pi, for individuals with learning disabilities, and worked on campus as an academic coach with the Academic Success Center. Chelsey knows her future path will involve helping others.

“I really enjoy working with people,” she says. “And even during this COVID situation, I’m finding I’m not a fan of isolating. I have to be around people.”

Ready to move forward, Chelsey couldn’t forget a few people who helped her along the way. 

Chelsey stands with her parents in front of Bunce Hall

“I’d like to thank my professors and my family for all their support because I definitely wouldn’t be where I am with a degree without them.” 

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Full-Circle Moment: Communications Alumna Finds New Role at Rowan as Parent Advocate

Wilson Hall, on the campus of Rowan University

Two generations of #RowanPROUD alumni live in the Wilner household. 

Lisa, from West Deptford (Gloucester County), earned her degree from Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) in Communications — with a minor in Advertising and concentration in Marketing — in 1986. Her son, Ben, graduated with a Music degree in 2018 and is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Higher Education at the College of Education

Bunce Hall at Rowan University
Lisa Ann Wilner graduated from Glassboro State College, now Rowan University, in 1986.

Lisa’s seasoned career included high-level management roles among nonprofits such as the Children’s Miracle Network and the Arthritis Foundation and production credits for Warner Brothers and Suburban Cable (now Comcast). 

“I had access to things because Rowan was on my résumé,” Lisa said. “At that point I was competing with students from Syracuse and other [top-tier communication] schools.”

When it came time for her son to choose a college, Lisa’s alma mater was one of a few on Ben’s radar. He was also accepted to nearby Temple and received scholarship money from several other universities. But it was a chance meeting with John Woodruff, director of the Academic Success Center, that changed everything for Ben and soon, for Lisa, too.

“When [Ben] came to the Accepted Students Reception, and he sat down with John, he said, ‘They have the support systems here that I need to be successful.’ And obviously there are because he graduated magna cum laude,” Lisa proudly shared. 

As a student with disabilities, Ben required individualized help for his specific needs, and the Academic Success Center was there to guide him. He utilized extra test-taking time in the Testing Center and sought the help of an academic coach. The Academic Success Center coordinated with the the Music department, which took great care in pairing Ben with an appropriate advisor. Lisa also noted that although Ben ultimately opted to commute, the Center had matched him with a roommate.

“These are steps above and beyond that Rowan does. What I have seen here through the Academic Success Center has just been outstanding,” she said.  

Lisa is a featured speaker for the Academic Success Center’s College Prep Transition Conference and a parent network member with Rowan’s Autism PATH program, which aims to strengthen employment outcomes and networking opportunities for neurodiverse students. 

Lisa and Ben Wilner, both Rowan alumni, at their home
Ben Wilner ’18 (left) and Lisa Ann Wilner at home. Ben is pursuing his master’s degree at the College of Education. Lisa speaks at parents’ groups and conferences for Rowan’s Academic Success Center.

“What I’ve seen [at Rowan] in the last four years, as a parent who sat through IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings for 14 years … I have never seen services like exist here. They may exist at other places, but it’s done right here. I talk to parents’ groups. Ben talks to high school students for New Jersey’s Dare to Dream conferences every year. He talks to students and says ‘You can go to college, this is the route to get there.’”

Lisa shared that, through his own academic advisor experience, Ben enrolled in the Higher Education advising track program so he could help fellow students down the road. In addition to his coursework, he’s now working as a part-time academic advisor at an area community college. She said there is “no doubt in [her] mind” Ben will find employment after earning his graduate degree this spring. Lisa also hopes Ben will eventually complete his doctorate in music theory after his successful undergraduate work in Rowan’s “incredible” music program.

“Rowan’s growth and support of all students make me incredibly proud to be an [alumna],” she said.

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Higher Education Master’s Program Sounds Like Sweet Success For Rowan Music Alum Ben Wilner

Ben Wilner stands outside James Hall

Future college students will be fortunate to have Ben Wilner as their academic advisor. 

The Gloucester County native and aspiring academic counselor, who will complete his master’s degree in the College of Education’s Higher Education track this spring, didn’t initially set his sights on the program until his own interaction with an advisor. 

“He’s been nothing but a huge help during the undergraduate process,” Ben says. “I want to give back because of my experiences in the undergraduate setting.” 

Ben Wilner on the first floor of James HallBen graduated magna cum laude from Rowan’s highly competitive Music program after what he revealed was a difficult transition to college life as a student with disabilities. He’s now empowered to “inspire students with disabilities to stay in college, so they can break obstacles to get where they need to go in the college setting because I’ve broken every obstacle up until this point,” Ben explains. 

Ben says he wouldn’t be in college without a love of music, for which he’s a triple threat in voice, guitar and piano. He had just graduated from high school to pursue music at Rowan when the overwhelm set in. 

“I overcame it that first semester, and my entire undergraduate years I got help when I needed it and asked for assistance for the resources I need to obtain, like the Disability Resources office [also called the Academic Success Center] or academic coaching or my professors,” Ben says. “I always say to have connections with your professors. I feel like this transition showed me that it’s a lot different.”

After his first semester, Ben, working with the Academic Success Center, met regularly with his academic coach, who he says honed his writing, editing and organizational skills. 

He also registered with the Testing Center, which he says helped him with both test-taking and studying. The Testing Center was “welcoming and allowed me to do my tests and quizzes in a quieter space,” Ben adds. 

Ben Wilner standing on the third floor of James HallBen’s academic career flourished after that first semester. He joined the Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society and Sigma Alpha Lambda, a national leadership honor society. He presented at Rowan’s College Prep Transition Conference, which offers workshops and tools to support students with disabilities and their families as they head toward college life. 

His own advising experience, along with the guidance he received through the Academic Success Center, pivoted Ben’s career path from music to counseling. He’s applying his graduate coursework to an internship this year with the Academic Success Center, working with students who may be struggling as he once was — which speaks to why he’s so passionate about his future career: 

“I really was inspired by how much I have learned in the college setting, the resources I used to succeed in the college environment,” Ben says. He hopes to “help students advocate for themselves, making sure they do what they need to do to succeed. It’s not easy, but they’ve got to take one day at a time to break those obstacles. 

“I’d like to help those students to keep going and never give up. Every student, no matter their differences are.”

Wide shot of Ben Wilner on the first floor of James Hall

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Psychology Major “Breaks Labels” with Academic Success Center

Rowan Psychology major Matt Corsi outside Esby Gym

Spend just five minutes with Matt Corsi, and it’s impossible not to smile — this Psychology major’s positivity and enthusiasm are infectious. 

Rowan Psychology major Matt Corsi stands outside Esby Gym
The transfer student from Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County) arrived on campus one week early this semester as part of College Compass, a program that provides students with disabilities with a transition into college life through early housing, workshops and campus tours. 

Matt has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, but for him, helping others plays a far more important role than his own disabilities. 

“I’m here to rip the label off, break the label. We’re more than that with hard work, with a heart, with passion,” he says. 

A new student himself, Matt actually served on College Compass as a peer mentor. He received accommodations as a student at Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ), which referred him to Rowan’s Academic Success Center (ASC, also known as the Disabilities Resource Center) when he enrolled at the university.

When he arrived at Rowan, he met with ASC Director John Woodruff, who said, “‘I want to have you on our peer mentoring team,’” Matt recalls. 

In this role, Matt guided freshmen and fellow transfer students starting out at Rowan. He reveals he didn’t have to know everything on campus to be a good mentor; it was counseling students in areas where they struggled and helping them grow where he felt he could be most useful. Matt says he left the group with this quote: “Maximizing your potential will lead to your success.” He sees himself reflected in this message.

“If I can implement that to them, and they can see that I’ve done it, then I hope they’re more willing to do it, because they can, if they’ve really put everything into it,” Matt says.

Matt looks forward to joining Unified Sports, an inclusive, competive sports club that partners with the Special Olympics.
Matt looks forward to joining Unified Sports, an inclusive club where both Rowan and Special Olympics athletes compete and play soccer and basketball.

Matt hopes to grow his leadership skills through Unified Sports, which he was part of at RCSJ for multiple years and for one as president. 

“Unified Sports. That is my heart. I know Rowan has a championship school. It grows them socially and in so many aspects than in just sports. I have seen students who had anger issues who are now helping other students out,” Matt says. 

Matt wants to be a mental health counselor post-grad, working with those with issues who he says “can [still] contribute” despite a social “stigma.” 

So how does Matt stay so positive? He draws strength not only from helping others, but from defying the odds. 

Rowan Psychology major Matt Corsi stands outside Esby Gym

“Doctors told me my whole life I wouldn’t make it through college, and if I did, I would barely make it,” he shares. “And I graduated RCSJ and represented the whole class when I graduated.

“A lot of times we don’t know how much we can do. But when we say we’re going to give it our best and we do it — it doesn’t matter, that’s a victory.”

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Success For All: Support Systems at Rowan and Where to Find Them

If your student has a documented disability, sending them to college without an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may feel downright scary. 

Lisa Wilner, parent of a College of Education graduate student in the Higher Education program, wants to flip the script. 

“[Parents] need to understand that universities are not abandoning the IEP resources that your child had,” she said. “Your job is to teach your child to use the resources that exist and to find the proper university for your major that has the resources. Rowan has them.” 

Lisa is a featured speaker for the Academic Success Center’s College Prep Transition Conference and a parent network member with Rowan’s Autism PATH program, which aims to strengthen employment outcomes and networking opportunities for neurodiverse students and alumni. 

Lisa’s tips, gleaned from five years at Rowan with her son, Ben — who also earned his undergraduate degree in Music from the College of Performing Arts — offer a parent’s take into the university’s academic and wellness resources.

  • “If you have a student with a disability, you should register them with the Academic Success Center, even if you don’t think they’ll need it. If they think they can get extra test-taking time at the Testing Center, and they didn’t register and they ask the professor, they’re still going to have to take that test. It’s not like they can change it instantly. To register with the Academic Success Center, they need their senior year or [most recent] documentation of disability.” 

  • “I highly recommend the College Compass [transition to college] program. Students come in early, before the rest of freshmen students, and they get familiar with the school. They get comfortable, before everything starts to happen. And whether your student is on the [autism] spectrum, has ADD, has emotional issues, no matter what challenges, it gives them a comfort zone within the school.”

  • “Register with Academic Success Center to work with an academic coach. I look at it as an insurance policy. If they never use it, that’s wonderful. But if they need it and you didn’t register them, you’re going to have issues because you can’t go backwards.”

  • “This is for all students — drop-in and math tutoring and writing labs, all students have [access to] those. We just have to teach our children to utilize the services.” 

  • “[Students] have to build relationship with professors. Meet your professors. They have to know who you are by name. They have to go to their office hours. Get their email. When your student gets their accommodation letter, give it to the professor on day one, trust your student to do that.”

  • “Your student needs to utilize Blackboard and check their email. I get more calls from parents saying my son’s crashing because he never checked his email. Some students are really good about that, others aren’t. A lot of professors [also] communicate through smartphones.” 

  • “The first two weeks of the semester and right before finals, your student will be freaking out. They will be a stress mess. So whatever their stress relief is, tell them to do it … it could be the gym or to just breathe. Rowan has something that is very unique — they have one counselor [at the Wellness Center] who specializes with working with students on the [autism] spectrum, ADD and such.”
Lisa Ann Wilner with son Ben Wilner at home
Lisa Ann Wilner with son Ben (left) at home.

Lisa’s final tips: “Your student knows more than you think they know. You just have to get them to advocate for themselves. At this point, we’re letting the student go. We’re their emotional support and their encouragement. Rowan is their scholastic support.”

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#DearRowan: a storytelling event

Two students sit at a table speaking to each other about the event.

Nationally recognized Dear World, a portrait and storytelling organization, came to Rowan. Featured on USA Today, NBC, CNN, and Buzzfeed, Dear World focuses on uniqueness and individualization. The event was split into two different parts. The first was an informational session that provoked students to think about the story they’d like to tell. Each participant was […]

RISE: Helping Financially or Academically Disadvantaged Students with Dawn Singleton

Rowan Students Walking on Campus

Today Director of the Achieving Success through Collaboration, ENgagement, and Determination (ASCEND) program Dawn S. Singleton, Ed.D., talks with us about one of the ACSEND’s components – the RISE scholarship program. RISE provides financial and academic support to students as they transition from high school to college. RISE and the Education Opportunity Fund (EOF) are the […]

#PROFspective: Communications Studies Major
Hamish James Silva

students in True Color club meeting

Today we speak with Hamish James Silva, a junior communications studies major from Hammonton, Atlantic County, who lives off campus with friends. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Hamish James Silva Major: […]