Today we feature incoming first year students Samantha Szumloz, Kyle Sheridan, Morgan Van Holtz and Donato Bazemore (he/him). Samantha is from Hamilton Township, NJ (Mercer County) and will be living on campus as a Writing Arts major. Kyle is from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County) and will be living on campus as a Sports Communication and […]
graphic design
#PROFspective: Noor Baig and Her Journey in Graphic Design

In our conversation with Noor Baig, a junior commuter from Cherry Hill (Camden County), we learn of her own career path in graphic design. Noor shares insights on her Studio Art major and details some of the expectations in the various classes offered.
Why did you pick Rowan?
For the most part, I had picked Rowan because it was nearby and commuting is really important for me since I have an older parent. Besides that, as an art major, I had gone through their website and viewed student work which was definitely super interesting for me, along with the fact that Jan, the (now retired) head of Rowan’s Graphic Design department was emailing me through high school during my application and interview process and was incredibly helpful, friendly and personable. I had really felt that Rowan would give me the best chance to become a better student and artist.
What aspects here at Rowan made you know that this was the place you wanted to be?
Rowan was super welcoming from the start as I had met and communicated with multiple professors before my acceptance. The professors really accepted me and believed in my potential to become a better artist. I was able to build a really great rapport with a lot of my professors as well which makes the learning environment super friendly and helps to build a great community within the studio.
When I started attending classes, which usually for any studio courses are relatively small with 10-20 people maximum, I noticed how the professors are really open to learning about your artistic processes. The professors don’t just talk at you and expect you to just work, they really pull the best out of you and try to inspire you.
What have been your favorite moments so far on campus?
There are so many cool things to go and explore on campus. You’re coming out of high school, you’re a kid who was probably driven around everywhere and everything is really close by. With coming to Rowan and everything being so big you kind of realize you’re on your own now. I think that having that realization was cool but I think a lot of my favorite moments were the smaller ones. When you build up such a rapport with your professors and peers the class becomes more personable. You look forward to going to these different classes every week.
Seeing people of similar interests and working together with them builds inspiration within the class. The camaraderie that I had with my classmates is something that I always look back fondly on. It’s really nice to have such a community and have it reinforced with everyone involved.
What drew you to Studio Art?
Since I was young, most likely 11 or 12, I’ve been infatuated with art. Even now at home I have art in every room in my house, it’s kind of like an impromptu art gallery from the art that I’ve collected over the years. When I was in high school around my junior or senior year I had some friends who were also getting into the art scene, probably because they had a couple other art friends and we were all influencing one another. I had a couple of friends ask me if I would be interested in buying some of my art or set up commissions for creating art. I started to get into it. I’ve always been passionate about little details like fonts or calligraphy so I started getting routine commissions that dealt with painting or cards. I would advertise locally to my friends and teachers. Selling art was definitely a big thing for me.
Before, I hadn’t even thought I was going to go to college because of finances and other reasons. But selling art and seeing how art brings people together and its impact was a huge game changer for myself. I started to realize how much I liked it; the entire process of creating something with other people. It just made me want to continue doing more and more. I had found out more about graphic design and what Rowan had to offer. I started to realize that this possibility was within my reach and it inspired me to keep going.
However, art is always a hard thing. There’s always anxiety with job security but with graphic design, an applied art, it relieves that tension. Finding out about the opportunities that graphic design could give me and my own personal passions with the process of creating and discussing art pushed me forward to major in Studio Arts. The major is so welcoming. I knew that if I went to art school and had professors that were experienced enough, I would learn more efficiently than I would if I tried to manage it all by myself. Getting my degree would diversify my own abilities and make me better prepared to meet the goals I set out for myself.
Since the beginning, I always had my foot in every door that I could. I never really stuck directly to one thing. As cool as that was to experience, it prevents you from sticking onto one path. You have half-finished and half-learned skills. By going to college, it gave me the goal that I could run without having to stray from that path. Even that goal, the way that Rowan structures studio art, it’s very generalized, it forces you to try a little bit of everything. I feel a lot more confident in different things in comparison to before.

How do you view your major making a difference for others?
I think that art is so critical to culture, especially across time. People left different marks thousands of years ago that let us know so much now. I think that art is a hallmark of specific cultures, communities and people. The art that you make as an artist ultimately defines you. Your own art allows for others to try and peer into the type of vision that you have, what you see or are attempting to see, it marks you and defines you. By being an artist, specifically a graphic designer, I’ve always had this desire to help people out the best way I can. With graphic design, a lot of it has to do with solving problems. We solve visual problems and we help to express different ideas. We push ideas forward and help to conceptualize it and bring people together. Art as a whole is very communal, it bridges different gaps and illustrates solutions.
What classes have left the biggest impression on you?
There’s one class that comes to mind. There’s an Expressive Drawing class with Dr. Appelson, we affectionately call him Doc, it’s like an art bootcamp. Usually, you take it in the spring semester of your freshman year and it’s quite a class. Dr. Appleson has you do a lot of work every single week and he’s teaching you so much as well. It’s stressful in the moment but you realize that it’s never just busy work. Everything that is assigned has you trying or learning something new. Dr. Appleson expects you to put your best foot forward.
It’s tough, but you learn so much in the class. I really came into myself surrounding my style and everything. Funny enough, Doc has this saying where it’s one thing to see what’s on the paper or canvas, but it’s another when trying to figure out what’s going on in an artist’s head while you’re making the drawing. Doc is helping us to connect the art with the artist. While he’s tough in the class, he’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. He’s the unofficial mascot for Westby Hall. He always gave me so much great advice in the class and I made a lot of great work for my portfolio. It’s hard, but it’s so worth it for developing your skill set.
What are some of the different expectations in your classes?
Graphic design especially is really big on expectations. Specifically, the way that the curriculum is structured and organized. Eventually the last thing that you do in Graphic Design is called Portfolio. This is a class where you work together with students and plan the group exhibit. Every senior who is in the Art major has to have their own exhibit but in graphic design it’s more of a collective.
Everything that you do in graphic design is about organizing yourself and building up your final portfolio. The portfolio is super important for artists because it shows exactly what you’re bringing to the table. You’re showing yourself to your employer. Everything that is in it shows how diverse you’ve become since you’ve started, it shows packaging, typography, infographics, publications and things of that matter. It’s super organized and every little thing almost builds off of one another.
Out of all the classes you’ve taken so far with your major, what’s worked the best for you in learning the material?
I take a lot of studio classes, it’s more of a work time to try and explore everything. I love a good studio class; it’s super relaxing. I get into a very specific type of energy and just start powering through. It’s very liberating. Of course, professors are around for guidance if you ever need anything but I like to just keep going. Because of my own work ethic, I do have that sense of responsibility when it comes to assignments. So just being able to be on my own and knowing I have someone in my corner is super reassuring. I’m also a big fan of group critiques because of how everyone gets to voice their opinions. You get a lot of different perspectives that you may have not seen. There’s different ways of conducting critiquing but I think that working in a group and getting that extra feedback helps even my own outlook.
Are there any professors that you’ve had that stood out to you? Why?
I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to build such a rapport with a lot of my professors that it’s kind of hard to pick just one out. They all have their own unique outlook which reflects in the class. I really appreciate a lot of my professors who create such a cohesive work environment. Everyone is so respectful of one another and keeps it all so casual. For example, I had a class called Color Theory with Professor Alicia Finger and everybody was in such deep contact with each other. Prof. Finger is a great communicator and it resonated with the class. It’s casual, but such a friendly work environment. As for teaching style, again Prof. Finger was great. We were able to talk out some of the different theories in class. Being in college, there’s a lot of freedom to come into yourself and discover one’s own interests. The professors understand this in the art sector and allow us to try and explore our own self. With my professors’ help I was able to commit to myself and find my own style.
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Lucas Taylor, Graduate Education Major
What Rowan Offers: Accepted Students Day

From this past Accepted Students Day, Rowan University welcomed hundreds of future students to experience what the campus has to offer with a vast array of different events, information on clubs and student life, and opportunities to meet other potential students. In our interviews with these prospective students, we uncovered their reasons for why Rowan could be their future four-year university and what college means for them.
The next generation of Rowan students brings an exciting perspective eager to take on new challenges. Whether they are freshly graduated high school students or transfers, many of these students are still pondering their own choices as to where to head for their higher education; but in our conversations, we learned of their own dreams and aspirations.
For some of the students when asked “Why Rowan?” or “Why college?,” they had an immediate response in regards to their future careers. In the case of future international transfer student, Sophie O., she was drawn to Rowan’s Psychology program. Transferring from Delaware County and originally from Nigeria, Sophie is fueled to help others and future teenagers who do not have the resources to cope with their own mental health issues.

Already, students are preparing their own core values for their future career and are motivated by empathy in creating a better environment for all.
In another conversation with Vivianne N., an accepted student who was drawn to the university due to her family’s own heritage with the school, we learned of Vivianne being unsure as to what to expect for the future. But as she says in her own advice to students, she believes that “students should make a stable plan and live accordingly to it.” Vivianne is a future Rowan student who is entering the Graphic Design program.

Outside of thinking of their careers, many students are ready to embrace the college lifestyle and eagerly awaiting the different opportunities that can be found in extracurriculars. For accepted students Stephen L. of Collingswood, NJ (Camden County) and Skyler G. of Wayne, NJ (Passaic County), both are anticipating exploring the different intramural and club sports that the campus offers such as tennis and field hockey.
In our conversation with future Engineering student Colvin A. and and Physics major Victor A., we learned of their shared excitement in finding out about the different activities that Rowan has. Specifically, Colvin and Victor are especially looking forward to seeing the Robotics Club and possibly joining an intramural sport.

Outside of these factors, many students are also paying close attention to the financial portion of college. Many students are choosing Rowan due to it being close to home as well as the price of tuition. These components bring out difficult conversations, but many students are ecstatic over the various opportunities that Rowan has to ease the financial burden that comes with college such as in grants and scholarships.
For Dylan S. of Pittsgrove, NJ (Salem County), our interview with the future Education major with a concentration in Mathematics provided insight as to his own viewpoint on what scholarships mean for himself. We learned of his welcoming of these different chances of scholarships and treating more as challenges for himself.
During the Accepted Students Day fair, there was a reoccurring sense of pride in all of the students and parents attending. Even if Rowan won’t be their home for university, students and parents were enjoying themselves, happily checking out all of the different booths and venues at Bunce Hall. Students and parents were, and are, welcomed with open arms by Rowan University, allowing them all to enjoy an afternoon on campus and experience Rowan even for only one day.
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Lucas Taylor, Graduate Education Student
Loredonna Fiore, public relations graduate
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Lucas Taylor, Graduate Education Student
How I Found My Path at Rowan University

I started college not having a single idea how anything worked and what I really wanted to do. I had no guidance, no direction and no passion for anything specific. I was undecided for my [first] year, took a bunch of different classes and still was very unsure of what I wanted to do for […]
A Q&A with Terry Nguyen, Co-President of Rowan’s Neurodiversity Club

What brought you to the Biomedical Art and Visualization program? A little background information about myself would be that I always loved art. But I also really valued the importance of scientific endeavors, and just general scientific literacy. I wanted something that could combine the two of them. But … I didn’t want to fully […]
Alumni Success: Photography Studio Owner Gabi Previtera

Gabi Previtera, alumna and current photographer and business owner, shares her experience at Rowan and her journey starting her own business from the ground up. Gabi graduated from Rowan in winter of 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, but her story only starts there.
“I actually started out shooting portraits in a mere 200-square-foot space in my parents’ dining studio!” Gabi reminisces, who now works as a full-time photographer. “As my business started to grow, I knew I’d need to move into a larger studio and now I’m excited to have a much bigger space.”
Not sure what she wanted to pursue at first, Gabi changed her major while at Rowan. “I originally wanted to be a marine biologist, but I was doodling too much in biology classes and not paying attention at all. I realized I probably shouldn’t pursue this route anymore and maybe go into the art field since I’ve always been an artsy person. I tried that, and of course my parents told me that I need to go into a degree that makes money, so that’s where the graphic design part came in.”
Gabi started her business, Endless Smiles Photography LLC, after she realized that she wanted to do more than graphic design and expand into working as her own boss.
“Being a business owner is tough, but is great. You never stop working!” Gabi explains. “I’m a perfectionist so I really like to be able to do what I want, how I want, and on my own schedule.” Some months she has more than 100 shoots while other months are dedicated solely to newborn sessions.
“My proudest moment actually happened early today. I finally reached a big financial goal I thought I’d never make. I did this all on my own. I paid my own bills, got my own clients, built up referrals through word of mouth because of how I treat my clients and the service I offer,” says Gabi.
Gabi believes in investing in education each year because you never stop learning in the field. Whether it be art classes, finding a strong mentor, or getting your first camera and watching videos to learn, education is important.
“For anyone starting out, please don’t go into debt for this. You don’t have to have the best equipment, don’t let others fool you. Pay whatever you can to learn through workshops and practice. Learn what you can, replicate your favorites, and never stop growing.”
Looking back at her time at Rowan, Gabi reminisces about the lifelong friendships she’s made. “I absolutely love my friends that I made at Rowan. We would all hangout in the art areas together and just make stuff. I keep in touch with them still.”
The biggest advice Gabi shares with creatives is, “Charge your worth, figure out what you want to do and make it happen. Art is a field with careers, so choose the major you want. Don’t just give out photoshoots or give your work out for free — know your worth.”
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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising double major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Graphic Designer Jessica Potash

Today we speak to Jessica Potash, a senior transfer student from Kean University majoring in Studio Art with a concentration in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History from Cranford, NJ (Union County).
What are your professional goals? And how is Rowan helping to support you in those goals?
My goal is to become a graphic designer in New York, and one day I want to become an art director. The faculty in the Rowan Art Department have always been supportive of my goals and they are always ready to help. They have pushed me to develop my creative voice, gain confidence in my work, and experience leadership positions.
The professors at Westby have infinite amounts of industry experience and they give us so many resources in order to succeed. Because of them and the program they created, I feel confident that I will excel after graduation.
How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field?
Design is everywhere. It is the logo on your hoodie, the poster of your favorite movie, it is the website you’re reading this on, and so much more! Graphic design doesn’t just make things pretty, it tells a story and gives visual meaning to abstract ideas. I think the greatest impact I could have in my field would be to have my work directly inspire another person to create.
What inspired you to choose your major?
In high school, I took an intro to graphic design class and I thought it was amazing. I’ve always gravitated towards the arts, but before that, I never knew I could make a career out of it. After I explored some of the endless possibilities a person could do in graphic design, I knew that that was what I wanted to do.
As a student from North Jersey, how did you become aware of Rowan University?
When I was a junior in high school and still college hunting, I visited the Rowan with a family friend who is an alumnus. I ended up going to a different school my first year of college, but I never forgot the vibe of Rowan’s campus. I found myself always comparing that school to the feeling that Rowan had given me on that tour, and I realized it was time to transfer. It was the best decision I could have ever made.
How long is your trip/drive “home” to North Jersey?
My hometown is an hour and a half drive from campus.
What are some of the benefits for you, living this distance from home?
The distance from home gives me so much freedom. This will seem cliché, but the distance gave me the freedom to learn more about myself. I was forced out of my comfort zone and I was given the opportunity to try new things like sign up for clubs and leadership roles that I might not have tried if I were in my same hometown environment.
What are a few interesting or new things about Rowan’s South Jersey area that you would share with future students that are not from the area?
I’ve lived in New Jersey, more specifically North Jersey, for my entire life. When I moved to South Jersey for school, I didn’t realize how windy it could get! The first winter I spent at Rowan was the first time I experienced a wind that actually took my breath away. Also, I didn’t realize how many amazing start-up bands are around the Rowan area. There are a lot of opportunities to go to house shows, listen to new music, and meet new people.
What off-campus, local fun places do you recommend students check out?
There is an axe throwing place called Primitive Axe on Delsea Drive and that is so fun! It’s super close to campus so you don’t need to worry if you don’t have a car. Axe throwing is a great Friday night activity to do with a few friends. It’s also great because Samurai sushi is in the same lot so you can get dinner too!
Why did you choose to transfer to Rowan University?
Rowan is one of two universities in the state that offers an accredited BFA program for graphic design. When I met with the department chair of the graphic design program, Jan Conradi, and she talked to me about the program, I was sold. From my first portfolio review, I immediately felt like I had a place here and that the staff cared about my success — I still find this to be true.
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Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
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Jessica Potash, senior studio art major
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We are #RowanPROUD to be included on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2021 Transfer Honor Roll, which recognizes select nationwide colleges and universities that foster dynamic pathways for transfer students.
11 Art Majors Share Artists Who Inspire Them

Some are famous; others, just under the radar. Today, 11 Art majors from Rowan’s Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts reveal artists whom they admire — perhaps they will inspire you!

Marysa Naiduk is a senior, first-generation college student with a specialization in Graphic Design who transferred from Ocean County Community College. She appreciates the graphic design and modern unique style of artist Lotta Nieminen. “Through her work, Nieminen does an exceptional job of bringing visual identities to life. If you have any interest in art, Nieminen’s work is certainly worth checking out!”

Artist Paul Rand is a favorite of Micah Husk, a senior with a specialization in Graphic Design and transfer from Camden County College. “As a chief of design, he made a difference to convert the publicizing industry by emphasizing the significance of realistic plans and visuals over composing. He created logos for huge companies, now recognizable ones, such as ABC, IBM and UPS. Paul Rand succeeded in changing the American commerce scene through his work. When it comes to style and vision, Paul Rand is certainly a master at it.”

Joe Gentempo, a senior from Monmouth County, NJ, Brookdale Community College transfer and first-generation college student, values the work of artist Justin “Fvller” Fuller. “He’s one of the most hardworking artists I’ve seen, always making stuff all around the clock. I have a few of the pieces of clothing he’s made and it’s all hand painted. I think a lot more people need to know about him and see what he’s creating,” Joe explains.

Jessica Hedum (featured in this video), a Cape May County, NJ senior and Atlantic Cape Community College transfer, recognizes artist Maya Barton. “Maya is a truly talented person. She does everything from screen printing her own etchings, lino cuts and t-shirts for the Women of Westby to any graphic design work. She has created business cards, websites, flyers and more! Maya is a wonderful artist that produces beautiful work in a timely manner with flawless digital layouts and designs.”

Giovanna Eley, a senior, Law and Justice Studies minor and Rutgers transfer from Union County, NJ, shares her own work. “The artist is me and this is part of the work I’ve done at Rowan University and my art and talent have grown so much since studying here. So, I want to share my art with others.”

Senior Jana Jackstis, a Rowan College of South Jersey transfer student from Gloucester County, NJ, admires artist Paula Scher. “Paula Scher is one of the most influential graphic designers alive. She’s created so much recognizable stuff, like the Microsoft Windows 8 logo and the Citi logo, for example. She was also one of the first female principals at Pentagram, one of the biggest design firms in the world.”

Senior Abigail MacNeill of Cumberland County, NJ, who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey, and also majors in French, values artist Alphonse Mucha. “He had a revolutionary treatment of subject matter and style that defined art nouveau as a movement and ushered Paris into the golden age of poster art.”

Melissa Powell, a senior, from Mt. Laurel, NJ (Burlington County), Camden County Community College transfer and first-generation college student, respects artist Meg Lemieur. “Meg Lemieur creates beautiful illustrations that carry powerful messages. I always look forward to what she will represent next.”

Kaitlyn Davis, a Gloucester County, NJ senior and transfer student from Winthrop University who specializes in graphic design, admires artist Frida Kahlo. “I believe Kahlo to be the definition of perseverance. She is an inspiration and through her pain she created many beautiful paintings.”

Senior Chelsea Herrmann, of Gloucester County, NJ appreciates artist Hayao Miyazaki. “He is a mastermind of storytelling through his art of these movies. He incorporates traditional art with animated art and his stories are so beautiful.”

Charlotte Steinman, junior, Art major, Washington Township/Gloucester County, Rowan College South Jersey transfer, admires artist Keith Haring. She explains: “Keith Haring was an influential pop artist in the 80’s that started out drawing graffiti in New York City subways and grew in popularity until he became an influential public figure. His work commented on relevant social and political themes like homosexuality and AIDS. Not only is his art beautiful and striking, it also conveys important messages.”
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Max M. Morgan, senior radio/television/film major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Studio Art Major Christine Stewart

Today we welcome Christine Stewart, a transfer student from Cumberland County College. They are a junior majoring in Studio Art with a specialization in Graphic Design from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County). They are also involved in Prism, Queer People of Color (QPOC), and Women of Westby. What wakes you up in the morning? Being able […]
Meet #Rowan2024: Graphic Design Major Emma Stanley

Meet incoming freshman Emma Stanley! Emma is a Graphic Design major from Woolwich, NJ (Gloucester County) and is going to be an on-campus resident. Today, she tells us a little bit about herself and why she chose Rowan University.

What is something you’re looking forward to at Rowan?
I’m looking forward to joining clubs, meeting new people and getting to enjoy the college life!
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I will definitely be continuing to draw, but I hope to get into new clubs such as the D&D club! Other hobbies I also love is to play games like Minecraft or JackBox. I hope to join any game nights.
How or why did you choose your major?
I chose to major in Graphic Design because I have always been passionate about creating; I have already done jobs in graphic design and know that it is the career for me!
How did you get to know campus?
I have gone on a few Rowan University tours in the past year and have attended the Accepted Students Day.
What music do you like?
I love music of most kinds! I listen to artists varying from Foo Fighters and Green Day to Twenty One Pilots, AJR or Taylor Swift.
Night owl or morning person?
I am more of a night owl.
Why Rowan?
Rowan had amazing opportunities for my career, had a strong sense of community, and lots of club options and ways to get involved!
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
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Emma Stanley, freshman graphic design major
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Meet #Rowan2024: Environmental & Sustainability Studies Major Aarushi Gupta

Today we feature incoming freshman Aarushi Gupta, an Environmental & Sustainability Studies major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) who plans to live on campus.
What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I’m looking forward to decorating my dorm room the most! I’m also very excited to meet new people and make some friends!
How or why did you choose your major?
I chose Environmental & Sustainability Studies because I have always loved nature and I am concerned for what the future holds. I am also interested in the 4+1 program that allows me to complete an MBA. I believe that understanding the finances of businesses and industry is integral to getting them to follow the proper environmental policies and regulations.
What is one activity that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I’ve played the violin since third grade and although I’m not a music major, I’d like to continue to practice and perform music. I’m also looking forward to seeing which art or graphic design clubs I want to join.
Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because it seems like a small community that offers a host of new opportunities for me. It also seems to be a solid, affordable education that will allow me to pursue my dreams in the future. But the main reason is because I don’t think I could stay away from my dog, Rancho, for too long! He’s a border collie mutt and he’ll be two years old this July!
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Faculty PROFile: Art Department’s Dr. Robert Whyte

Meet Dr. Robert Whyte, Assistant Professor of Web and User Experience (UX) Design and Graphic Design & Digital Media within the College of Communication & Creative Arts.
What is your area of expertise?
Web and User Experience (UX) Design and Graphic Design & Digital Media
Share an “aha!” moment that you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field.
I have been hooked on the immediacy and sheer scope of the internet since the late 90s when I went back to school. Early on I had no idea how many seriously sharp folks were working in the background trying to connect with people in contextual communication.
Describe for us an experience you’ve had with a student that made you feel excited about educating the next generation in your field.
After a crash course in learning new XD software in web class and the usual OMGs from all the students, one student returned next class with a full blown series of user-experience designs, along with task analysis and customer journey maps. It made cohesive sense and all the right questions were asked and answered. Something kicked in, I was blown away.
What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus?
How important it is to make things that are useful, meaningful and impactful for our fellow humans, not just look good. This requires human research and iterations.
What’s your favorite thing about being on campus on a typical Thursday?
I love the smell of Westby Hall on Thursdays. Students have been working on art and design for days — bad ideas in the trash cans and good ideas on the board for further critique. Art is a process.
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Chad Wittmann, rising senior journalism major
What Profs are Listening To: Ashley So

Ashley So, a Graphic Design and Art major from Winslow, N.J. (Camden County), listens to Roy Blair’s album “Cat Heaven” while taking a study break outside. Like what you see? Come visit us! VISIT CAMPUS Enter for a chance to win a Rowan t-shirt! Email RowanBlog [at] with the date and time of your upcoming […]
Something Fun for Everyone at the Student Organization Fair at Rowan University

Student Government Association (SGA) hosts its annual welcome-back-to-school organization fair in early September in the center of campus, behind the Student Center. With over 200 student clubs, intramural sports and club sports on campus, this is always an afternoon of excitement for students of all years and majors. We suggest expanding your horizons and remembering […]