Meet #Rowan2026: Incoming Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts Students

College of Communication & Creative Arts.

Today we feature incoming first year students Samantha Szumloz, Kyle Sheridan, Morgan Van Holtz and Donato Bazemore (he/him). Samantha is from Hamilton Township, NJ (Mercer County) and will be living on campus as a Writing Arts major. Kyle is from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County) and will be living on campus as a Sports Communication and Media major. Morgan is from Elbridge, NY (Onondaga County) and will be attending campus as a Studio Art major with a focus in Graphic Design. Donato is from Aston, PA (Delaware County) and will be living on campus as a Sports Communication and Media major. 

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward to in college? 

Samantha: One thing I am academically looking forward to in college is the Writing Arts program. Creative and journalistic writings have always been keen interests of mine, and now that I can actually pursue them in an educational setting, I am ecstatic. Unfortunately, I did not get many opportunities to express my writing in high school. 

Kyle: Pursuing my major and having it help me pursue a career. 

Morgan: Looking forward to pursuing a higher education in my area of interest.

Donato: I am looking forward to making potentially life-long friends and growing into an adult through the added responsibility and independence that college brings.

Samantha Szumloz.
Samantha Szumloz (above)

What clubs, intramural sports, student activities, etc. are you most looking forward to at Rowan?

Samantha: I am most looking forward to getting involved in “The Whit” and drama clubs at Rowan. I hope to be a reporter for the university newspaper as well as a thespian in one of the theater organizations. 

Kyle: Esports.

Morgan: Looking forward to a different change of scenery, since I’ve lived in New York looking forward to change.

Donato: I am looking forward to getting plugged into the Christian organizations at Rowan and building a community that way. I am also going to most likely participate in every intramural sport there is, so be ready to compete! 

Kyle Sheridan sitting on a truckbed.
Kyle Sheridan (above)

Please share a few likes or interests that you have!

Samantha: I enjoy poetry/non-fiction/fiction writing, reading historical fiction/romance books, choral singing, and musical theater. 

Kyle: Hanging with friends, my dogs, and playing sports.

Morgan: Some interests are gaming, painting, my pets, and growing skills.

Donato: I enjoy being active through sports, gaming, whether that is video games or board games, singing, playing piano, and watching movies! 

Morgan Van Holtz sitting on a bench.
Morgan Van Holtz (above)

Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Samantha: The advice I would give for high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet is take your time. Do not feel pressured to do what your peers are doing. Everyone moves at different paces and there is no right or wrong educational decision. If you want to go to community college for a year or two or transfer to a different college, do that. If you even find that college is not the best fit for you, that is totally okay. There are always options. Some of us are fit for college, some of us are not. As long as you apply yourself, make healthy decisions, and contribute to your community in some way, you are going to be fine in the world. We will all make it. 

Kyle: Do what’s best for your future and set yourself up with a good path for wealth and happiness.

Morgan: Take time, don’t be pressured to start early. Find what you truly want to do in life.

Donato: My advice for a high school senior that has not committed to a school yet is to not put too much pressure on yourself and do not allow others to put pressure on you. This is the time in your life where so many people are going to come to you and ask “any plans for after high school?” or “so what are you looking to do with your life?” But please hear me loud and clear when I say it is ok not to know. It is ok to not have everything mapped out, take your time and really dig for what is best for you.

Donato Bazemore singing.
Donato Bazemore (above)

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked that encouraged you to enroll?

Samantha: One thing that I liked about Rowan is how down-to-earth everyone is. I also really liked the look of the campus. The biggest thing that encouraged me to enroll is the Writing Arts program. It offers an array of opportunities for me I never had in my younger school years. 

Kyle: The Sports Communication and Media program really interested me and brought me here. 

Donato: I like the size of Rowan. It is not a huge school but at the same time it is not super small. It is a comfortable size that I really think fits me well. Where I will easily be able to make meaningful connections with my peers and professors. 

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Story by:

Skyla Everwine, English and writing arts major