First Year Voices: Chemical Engineering Major Dylan Snyder

Chemical Engineering major Dylan Snyder outside Rowan Hall

Today, we talk to Dylan Snyder, a freshman Chemical Engineering major from Wilmington, Delaware.

How has your freshman year at Rowan been so far?

“Freshman year has been great! It is so much more interesting than high school. I’ve gotten so many new phone numbers and made so many new friends. If you get yourself out there, you can create the best experience at college.

Have you joined any clubs yet?  

“Yes! I am currently a part of five clubs: The Rowan Alternative Music Club, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, MMA Club, Karate and Self-Defense Club and Student University Programmers (SUP). In that club, we plan a lot of the campus and charity events.”

How have you been adjusting to college life?

“I’ve adjusted pretty quickly. It’s a different rhythm, living on your own, for sure. If you’ve ever held a job, it’s similar to that. You just need to be responsible and manage your time well. As an engineering student, I’m constantly complaining about your lack of time; but as long as you know how much time to put aside for yourself and what you need to get done, it’s really smooth sailing. All that matters is that you’re interested in what you’re doing.”

Chemical Engineering major Dylan Snyder outside of Rowan Hall

What are some of your favorite spots on campus?

“Favorite spots on campus? Honestly, the beautiful pond out back behind Rowan Hall. The Market Place in the Student Center is really nice too. The Student Center is where all of college life happens at. Most of the clubs will meet around there. Mariachi Grill and Dawn to Dusk on Rowan Boulevard are also some of my favorite spots.” 

What is one piece of advice you can give to incoming freshman?

“Don’t be afraid of anything. Go do everything and whatever you’re interested in. I signed up for emails for at least 50 clubs my first day! It’s funny, as soon as you get yourself out there you start making so many new friends. Don’t be afraid to be friendly, get out there, meet new people. Just go for it!”

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

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unified sports club

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