The “College Experience” as a Commuter

Getting the Rowan “college experience” as a commuter isn’t as difficult as stereotypes from years ago suggest. There is no need to worry, our commuters are just as much a part of this campus as anyone else! Just because you don’t live in Chestnut, Holly Pointe or Townhouses, doesn’t mean you can’t show up, have fun and create the perfect college experience for yourself.

Here is a list of 10 things you might want to try to do to give yourself the best Rowan University college experience.

• Get a Meal Plan

Having a meal plan is a super easy and convenient way to grab some food, especially when you are heading from class to Mobile Diner food truck on campusclass. There’s pizza, sandwiches, burgers, salad, mac & cheese … pretty much anything. Not only can you use your meal swipes on campus, but some restaurants near campus accept meal swipes. For example, Prime, the burger joint on Rowan Boulevard, allows students to use a meal swipe to get a burger or chicken nuggets with fries and a drink. Most of the other restaurants near campus accept RowanCard Rowan Bucks as well, if you ever get tired of the cafeteria food. Having a meal plan also makes it easy to meet up and grab a bite with a classmate or friends. Have you tried Samurai Sushi? They accept Rowan Bucks!

• Join a fun club

Have any special interests or talents? Well, there’s probably a club at Rowan for you. While you can join any club on campus, finding one that is interesting to you gives you the chance to mingle with other students with similar interests. Like puppies? Check out the Canine Companions for Independence. Want to learn sign language? Rowan’s got you covered, try the American Sign Language Club. There are over 130 student run organizations on campus, you are bound to find at least one you like.

• Join a club associated with your major

Joining a club associated with your major is a great way to get to know the people studying the same material as you. Academic clubs can help you network with other students, professors and even alumni. You may even find that you have the same class with some club members. Take advantage of this and start a study group!

student skateboarding near the library Rent out a room in the library

One thing Rowan students love about the library is study rooms. Reserving a study room in advance can help relieve any stress you may have since the rooms let you be little louder than usual and study with a group. We are all here to learn, so why not make it fun? Pick up some snacks, a few friends and play some tunes as you study away in one of 13 rooms.

• Join Greek life

Students involved in Greek Life at Rowan say it is very different from other Students of DPhiE stand in front of a purple banner with their Greek lettersuniversities. The organizations on Rowan’s campus are not nearly as big as they are at other schools, so everyone involved gets the chance to form a closer relationship. Those in Greek life routinely share that joining was the best thing they have decided to try. They have found their life long friends, remained involved on campus and always have something to do. They say that this is what has made their Rowan “college experience” so amazing. However, students not involved feel they aren’t missing out on much, and have been able to do the same things in various ways. So, when it comes to Greek life, it depends on what YOU want and what YOU like. Check it out and see if it’s for you. If it’s not you can easily make friends in other ways.

• Get a job on campus

On-campus jobs are a fun way to connect with other students, learn time management skills and add to your resume. There are many jobs available to students with and without Federal Work Study, and most jobs are willing to work around your class schedule.

• Eat lunch outside on a nice day

Simply grab some lunch and eat on the Student Center back patio on a warm, sunny day. Watch as all the skateboarders glide by, organizations chase down students to buy a cupcake when fundraising and Greek life get members “pied” while you enjoy a quick bite. Ah, the simple pleasures of people watching.

Rowan Students in the crowd of a Football gameGo to a Homecoming football game
Even if you are not the biggest fan of football, there is nothing better than being in a crowd full of brown and gold cheering fans. You may not know what first down means, but you will definitely know when Rowan Profs score a touchdown. The roar of the crowd in unison is something every Rowan student should experience.

• Keep up with ProfLink

ProfLink is definitely one of the easiest ways to learn more about events and different organizations on campus. When you attend an event and swipe in, under your ProfLink Profile all the events that you have ever attended are shown, or you can manually enter what you’ve done. You have the ability to look back see everything you’ve done during your time at Rowan. How cool is that?

All these are different ways for you to meet new people and connect as a Rowan student. There’s still plenty of things you can do not mentioned here, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try something new. In the end you, you will create memories you will cherish forever.

What are some ways you’ve gotten the “college experience” as a commuter? Share in the comments below. 

By: Katelyne Ortega