20 Minute Radius: The Deptford Mall

Gossip Girl’s Blair Waldorf said it best: “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness clearly didn’t know where to shop.” I’m admittedly a bit of a shopaholic. My study breaks consist of online shopping and searching Pinterest for outfit ideas. I’m the Director of T-Shirt Design for my sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, in part because of my obsession with apparel. Once, I even ran from Wilson Hall to the Student Center mail room on the opposite side of campus, and back, during the 15-minute break in my three hour class so I could get my package before they closed. You could say shopping is my favorite hobby.

Although we live in a time when you can buy literally anything online, sometimes you just need to go to a brick-and-mortar store. Thankfully, Glassboro is just a 15 minute drive away from the nearest mall, the Deptford Mall. This makes it the perfect location for quick trips. It’s also big enough that it can be a daylong activity if you and your roommates are bored on a Saturday. I even worked in the mall on weekends for some extra cash during my sophomore year at Rowan. The front of the H&M store at the Deptford Mall.

Recently, my roommate, Katherine, needed new business casual clothes for her internship. I did not need clothes, but wanted to blow off some steam after a long day of classes. So we decided to head to the mall after Katherine’s 6:30-7:45 p.m. class ended. Since the mall is so close, we were able to shop for about an hour and a half before they closed for the night.

Being a college student definitely changes a lot about you, and your clothes are no exception. I recently started shopping more and more at stores like H&M, Francesca’s, and Aldo. My days of wearing Aeropostale graphic tees to school are long gone. As a senior in college, I need professional clothes more than I had ever needed them before. It’s good to know that I can get to the mall on short notice if I need a wardrobe update.

My roommate, Katherine, enjoying an Auntie Anne's soft pretzel and lemonade.After browsing various stores, I left with a new sweater that I will definitely reach for during chilly fall nights on campus. Katherine found a nice, inexpensive blazer that I will absolutely borrow from her closet in the future. After shopping, we had worked up an appetite, so our next stop was the food court. Although Glassboro has a huge variety of restaurants, we wanted something that we couldn’t normally get around campus. You really just can’t beat an Auntie Anne’s soft pretzel.

Even though it was a short trip, it was a productive one. I got to hang out with my roommate, which is rare these days since we are both so busy. I fueled my shopping addiction without breaking the bank. And it’s always nice to get a change of scenery away from campus. So if you’re ever bored or just need a new outfit, try the Deptford Mall. I’ll probably be there too, soft pretzel in hand.


Story by: Kayla Arias, a senior public relations and advertising major