Last semester I had the honor of starting a Greek organization on campus, a reactivated colony of Alpha Phi Delta. Over the course of the semester, our tight-knit group went from friends to brothers. As a sophomore, I have the opportunity to take on leadership opportunities within the organization. This semester I am pledgemaster, meaning that I’m the brother in charge of our new member education program for those who join our fraternity this semester. I’m an education major and this position is a perfect fit for me.
In fact, all of us hold positions that allow us to gain experience for our future careers. I feel like I can speak for all of us when I say that we are grateful for the leadership opportunities that being a reactivation founding father offers.
This semester, we will welcome our second class of new brothers. This pledge class, as well as the one after it, will all be considered reactivation founding fathers.

While our organization is new, there’s a lot of history here. Alpha Phi Delta was one of the first fraternities on Rowan’s campus, back in 1978 when we were Glassboro State College. The chapter went dormant in the mid-1990s. Our alumni brothers, as well as active and alumni brothers from other nearby chapters, have all been so welcoming and supportive. We truly feel like we’ve joined a family.
I am proud of all that we accomplished in our first semester. We became brothers, we elected officers, and we’re figuring out what philanthropy and campus activities are best for us as a brotherhood. I’m also proud that as a group we have the second highest GPA of all fraternities on campus. Not a bad start to a brotherhood!
It’s been a great experience to meet new people across campus. Check us out on Instagram @apd_betaphi and Facebook @APDRowan.
Story by:
Tyler Davis, Marlton, NJ
Sophomore, Elementary Education and American Studies
Photos by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor
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